Marsia's Diary

Brrr on the white glove people but I agree that's probably what will sell a slightly formal house best.

Taking cooling breaks between the mowing was a sensible thing to do: see those breaks as an investment in your health and ability to get the most amount done in the time you have, rather than crashing when things are only half done. Festina lente!
Best of luck with the staging! Hope you got some good sleep--sounds like a big day ahead!
White glove people, staging....EEK!
Sending you all of the patience, all of the luck & lots of strength & love!
I lucked out. The owner of the staging company sounds like a stickler, but the lady she sent was fun to work with and really nice. The realtor is nice once I got to know her more, too. I think a lot of women here are a little distant until you talk with them and then they warm up. I had a good day strategizing with them and talking about repairs and then a woman from a nature conservancy came over to look at the yard because the original owners put in really cool plants and she was identifying them for the realtor, and they had a nice time trekking around the yard for a long time. She liked all the native plants, which are my favorites. Thanks for the strength and luck and love! They helped me get into the right mood before the meeting. I was actually so stressed about it I cried this morning, but it was one of those cries which makes you feel better and refreshed. I think that one was a long time coming!
Brrr on the white glove people but I agree that's probably what will sell a slightly formal house best.

Taking cooling breaks between the mowing was a sensible thing to do: see those breaks as an investment in your health and ability to get the most amount done in the time you have, rather than crashing when things are only half done. Festina lente!
I can take off the white gloves! They are using my furnishings, and I am glad because a lot of the ones they like are animal themed, so the house will look slightly formal, slightly playful, so I think this will be really good. I looked up "Festina lente!" That is going to be my new motto for the next few months, because next after I hopefully pull this off, there is finding a new house! And I absolutely can not just power through this like a 20 or 30 year old anymore. So unfair the young get the strength and stamina!! The cooling breaks were so needed. I was doing the panting thing where you would have trouble having a conversation - Tru would be happy. The humidity here is like some weird curse that gets cast upon you!
Best of luck with the staging! Hope you got some good sleep--sounds like a big day ahead!
Thanks! I also lucked out that it was dumping rain all morning, so I didn't wear myself out mowing, and could meet with the painter and then the stager and realtor and have my wits about me. I really like coordinating house remodels, so I had such a nice day.
Genuinely sounds like a nightmare. I hope it goes well! If they're idiots, just make fun of them in your head. ;)
Oh, Em, I really dodged a bullet getting the happy assistant instead of the prickly owner. Thanks for the fun advice though! Also I have 2 friends here who are house cleaners, and both of them are the happiest people. I may hire them if I get horribly behind. They will be so fun to work with.

So today went really well, and the realtor is very good at getting J to engage and be cooperative in a really diplomatic way. I am so tired now. Tomorrow is an organizing the basement day in anticipation of moving a lot of the possessions down there in the next few days, so I have to visit diaries another time, though I did peak at everyone's. Food was ok except for a quarter of a donut thing K brought home. Happy weekend!
Oh, M. I loved all of your last post & feel much relieved for you. I just looked up Festina Lente too- "Make haste slowly". I love it @Llama I often think Llama is very much like my sister, H. They are the only 2 people I know who quote Latin & their birthdays are 1 day apart (& 27 years :) )
Don't worry about any of our diaries, M xoxo
So today went really well, and the realtor is very good at getting J to engage and be cooperative in a really diplomatic way. I am so tired now. Tomorrow is an organizing the basement day in anticipation of moving a lot of the possessions down there in the next few days, so I have to visit diaries another time, though I did peak at everyone's. Food was ok except for a quarter of a donut thing K brought home. Happy weekend!
Oh that is so good to hear about things going well and J being cooperative as well.
Yes, absolutely no worries about maybe not making it around to the diaries through this busy time. I appreciate you posting about your progress through all of this.
a woman from a nature conservancy came over to look at the yard because the original owners put in really cool plants and she was identifying them for the realtor, and they had a nice time trekking around the yard for a long time. She liked all the native plants, which are my favorites.
I love that the plants are getting good attention in this...Nice to think of people's efforts in putting in a nice yard full of cool plants is not going unnoticed. It takes years to establish stuff like that and is such a win to inherit that sort of work. I know I would feel the same way about the yard that my landlords took the time to establish here.
Good luck with the house thing, sounds like you are putting a lot into it and that should pay off. I have sold several houses but never had any professional staging advice. My rule of thumb was always to take about half of my stuff out so things did not look crowded, paint what needed painting, and keep it clean. I am sure it will go well for you, but it will mean another upheaval when you sell.
So glad to hear things went well! That's wonderful that you found yet more great women to work with.
It's amazing how almost every single referral I've gotten here has been some amazing, intelligent woman who is the most professional but warm person ever. It really seems like more than serendipity, for sure!
Oh, M. I loved all of your last post & feel much relieved for you. I just looked up Festina Lente too- "Make haste slowly". I love it @Llama I often think Llama is very much like my sister, H. They are the only 2 people I know who quote Latin & their birthdays are 1 day apart (& 27 years :) )
Don't worry about any of our diaries, M xoxo
Thanks Cate! The "Make Haste Slowly" motto is really working. I really was dreading getting the basement organized. It's full of boxes of treasures from my mom and her furniture randomly placed by the movers, in a tangled mess from the movers dumping everything randomly in there. I got half of it cleaned, boxes stacked, swept out, and organized. The other half I'll do today, and that half is not heavy boxes, so my back gets a break. I had trouble going back into the basement after each break because I really don't like dust and have been avoiding the basement so long. But Llama's motto so helped. I also decided to take pics of the progress for the realtor as a way to motivate myself to get a lot done each day. That helps making myself accountable, for sure. That's so fun that your sister and Llama nearly share a birthday and quote Latin! I like reading diaries on my breaks. It helps a lot for feeling connected to the world outside my packing bubble! But thanks for saying that I don't need to keep up replying, because it may get to the point where I really can't.
Oh that is so good to hear about things going well and J being cooperative as well.
Yes, absolutely no worries about maybe not making it around to the diaries through this busy time. I appreciate you posting about your progress through all of this.

I love that the plants are getting good attention in this...Nice to think of people's efforts in putting in a nice yard full of cool plants is not going unnoticed. It takes years to establish stuff like that and is such a win to inherit that sort of work. I know I would feel the same way about the yard that my landlords took the time to establish here.
Thanks Liza - the nature conservancy person seems really happy about our place and I can't wait to hear what she says about all our plantings. I love the vegetation here, like Llama mentioned, too. It would be incredible to study if we were staying. You have a really good point about the mature vegetation and plantings. They really are a huge part of what makes this property special.
Happy weekend Marsia! I'm so glad it all went well and you have a back-up plan with the cleaners if needed.
Thanks Em! I am really lucky that one of my friends here knows everyone and is one of those people who organizes outings so everyone gets together all the time. She's the kind of extrovert I dream of being!
Good luck with the house thing, sounds like you are putting a lot into it and that should pay off. I have sold several houses but never had any professional staging advice. My rule of thumb was always to take about half of my stuff out so things did not look crowded, paint what needed painting, and keep it clean. I am sure it will go well for you, but it will mean another upheaval when you sell.
Thanks Rob. I think I may be going a bit overboard because I studied interior design casually in order to remodel our houses, so I know what I would like the house to look like, but I need to chill out about that because I don't quite have the funds to pull it off. We just have inordinate amounts of stuff, so this is hard. But you are right - keep it simple! Thanks!!

Yesterday went well. I got so much packed and got this great bid from our painter who can also do some outdoor repair work. There is just a lot of little stuff that needs to be fixed, and it goes over the amount I borrowed from J to get the house on the market, so I have to negotiate with him for what else we fix now, but it's not too bad of a list of stuff, and our realtor is really good at figuring out this sort of thing. I need to help get K's room all packed up now so the painters can get in there. I ran out of time, and the stager wants almost all the remaining rooms to get paint.
Thanks everyone! Between packing and organizing notes for the contractors coming over so the realtor, J, and I are on the same page, the day went zipping by. It's always a lot slower packing than it is organizing the stuff that's already packed. We packed up a lot of K's room because her ceiling gets painted in a few days. I keep forgetting to leave stuff out for staging, but I think I know where some things are that I can use, hopefully. I find packing boxes a bit stressful, so I worked off the stress by jogging up the stairs all day. That felt really good. I have never staged anything before. I think this is going to be fun. I just wish I hadn't packed up all the nick knacks already. I bet there was a lot of good stuff in there I could have used. I think my staging will be minimal, which is probably good really.
Moving does use a lot of physical energy! And packing can be an art. This is my new 'career', which I found by accident, but love it. I have a whole new respect for how (many) things fit into boxes, how to maximize that and have it all be safe!
I think this is going to be fun. I just wish I hadn't packed up all the nick knacks already. I bet there was a lot of good stuff in there I could have used. I think my staging will be minimal, which is probably good really.
I love your attitude, M! 😘
Moving does use a lot of physical energy! And packing can be an art. This is my new 'career', which I found by accident, but love it. I have a whole new respect for how (many) things fit into boxes, how to maximize that and have it all be safe!
Are you professional mover? I am always amazed at how long it takes to pack a box so nothing shifts or gets broken!
I love your attitude, M! 😘
Thanks Cate!
Sounds like you are making great progress Marsia! Nice work on jogging up the stairs--that's a good workout!
Thanks! I wish I still had jogging energy today. I am so tired everyday. I think I need to turn in early and get a really good night's sleep so I have a chance to wake up refreshed tomorrow. I got a lot done though. Went to dr. for K tonsils yesterday - they need to come out and she is relieved. Also did an epic phone call with J and realtor and packed most of K's room up. Today took all her misc boxes of stirred around stuff from K's room and tried to get them all packed, met with contractor and landscaper is coming, more phone call with realtor and J, more organizing and scheduling workers to come out. And friend came and picked up nice things I saved out of my mom's to give her and we picked her some figs. It will soon be an ant hill here and I hope I have all my boxes out of the way and a nice organized space for them to work. Even though it's lots of workers, things will be reasonably inexpensive and this should add a lot to the house so it sells quickly - I hope and hope and hope so!!! I want to read diaries, but I need to make myself finish packing awful stirred around boxes of kid stuff that I really don't know what to do with. My reward is going to be reading diaries this evening with a great big tea!