Marsia's Diary

That was a hugely efficient day: no need for any kind of additional jogging. I hope you sleep the sleep of the righteous and wake up refreshed and proud of all your work.
Thanks Cate and Llama! I shampooed some rugs and was done for the night. I am feeling pretty good about things, but need to make a big to-do list because though I have 3 weeks, there are projects that I don't know how long they take, like washing the interior side of all the windows. If my arm was at full strength, I would feel more confident. I do feel good that this is getting me back in shape.

I think my hybrid car battery needs replacing soon, which is a huge chunk of change. I hope it holds out until I sell the RV. I am a little sad about needing to pay for massive amounts of landscaping the realtor wants, buying a bunch of stuff for staging for the house, and getting some lighting and mirrors. I have to remember that it will help sell the house, and in the bigger scheme of things, it's not that much money. It's more fun fixing up a house if I get to do the things I am capable of doing so I save that money for the stuff I can't do myself. But it is going to get the house on the market at a way better time, and I can move on with my life and do fun things on my own house next.

I am having trouble staying motivated and realized that it's because I am so tense it's making me drained and deeply sleepy all the time. Having to talk with J on the phone multiple times a week is so hard, especially when I am tired and have to watch what I say. So I stayed in bed this morning and relaxed my muscles, and feel a bit better now. I'll keep doing that now that I see why I am so wiped out (on top of it being from all the extra exercise packing and moving stuff). Anyway, 3 weeks of this is not so bad, and I will figure out a way to keep motivated and see if I can challenge myself to finish early. I am down another half a pound, which is nice because I never lose when stressed.
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I do hope you will continue to find those times of rest and relaxation over these next few weeks Marsia--it all sounds like a lot!
I think my hybrid car battery needs replacing soon, which is a huge chunk of change.
That is, sometimes it costs more than the car is worth. Could you trade it in?
I am a little sad about needing to pay for massive amounts of landscaping the realtor wants, buying a bunch of stuff for staging for the house, and getting some lighting and mirrors. I have to remember that it will help sell the house, and in the bigger scheme of things, it's not that much money.
I am sure you know what is and is not worth it when selling. Somethings pay off well, others not so much.
Having to talk with J on the phone multiple times a week is so hard, especially when I am tired and have to watch what I say.
Sorry you have to do this, but it will soon pass. I think you are nearing the end game, you are doin so well, keep it up!
I am down another half a pound, which is nice because I never lose when stressed.
That's good news, maybe the stress isn't so much as you think. Not sure that makes sense, if you think you are stressed... well you probably are. You have some good reasons to be, but they are temporary, better days are coming.
Oh, M. I think anyone would have trouble staying focused & keeping motivated. Having to deal with J on top of everything else sounds like a nightmare! Take good care of yourself & don't let anyone bully you into doing things you can't afford either financially, physically or mentally xoxo
I'm glad you gave yourself a little lie-in this morning and you're down another half pound! Keep tipping away at it. 3 weeks will fly by and this will all be over.
I'm sorry if this is ignorant, useless or insensitive - I don't know who J is - but would it be possible to limit your interaction with J to less phone calls right now?
With all you're doing you'd be rightfully tense and exhausted no matter what. Yay for a bit of extra rest though.
I do hope you will continue to find those times of rest and relaxation over these next few weeks Marsia--it all sounds like a lot!
Thanks! I am doing a lot better and taking a nice rest now. I have the painters coming tomorrow and am ready for the hoard to descend.
That is, sometimes it costs more than the car is worth. Could you trade it in?

I am sure you know what is and is not worth it when selling. Somethings pay off well, others not so much.

Sorry you have to do this, but it will soon pass. I think you are nearing the end game, you are doin so well, keep it up!

That's good news, maybe the stress isn't so much as you think. Not sure that makes sense, if you think you are stressed... well you probably are. You have some good reasons to be, but they are temporary, better days are coming.
Thanks Rob, I think I will try getting a refurbished battery. I really do not have the money for a reliable car right now, and love how reliable this one is. But you are right about sinking a lot of money into an older car. With the house, the market here is softening and there are lots of new build houses in the area, so I am super glad the realtor knows what to do in this instance. Thanks about J - I am trying to view this as a last test to make sure I've learned my lesson. Not fun, but you are right - this should be over soon and I can go be less guarded and way more happy! I am still doing the muscle relaxation and it helps incredibly. Otherwise I feel drained and like I got no sleep.
Oh, M. I think anyone would have trouble staying focused & keeping motivated. Having to deal with J on top of everything else sounds like a nightmare! Take good care of yourself & don't let anyone bully you into doing things you can't afford either financially, physically or mentally xoxo
Thanks so much for saying this, Cate! It really helps remembering to stay on top of what I want and figuring out how to get it despite what he is doing. I passed a few tests this week in challenging him without looking confrontational, so I am feeling pretty good overall.
I'm glad you gave yourself a little lie-in this morning and you're down another half pound! Keep tipping away at it. 3 weeks will fly by and this will all be over.
I think you're right Em. The days are really going fast and I am getting so in shape, staying organized, and bulldozing through!
I'm sorry if this is ignorant, useless or insensitive - I don't know who J is - but would it be possible to limit your interaction with J to less phone calls right now?
Hi Bubbles! J is my soon to be ex-husband, and we are trying to sell a house together and transfer car titles and a bunch of stuff. I do think you are right - less phone calls, more texts and emails. It's just too hard when I am exhausted catching all the sneaky things he is trying to get me to agree to. Thanks!

I had such a productive day, and some rooms are empty and nice. I am going to take a nap and then get another few hours in before bed. I really like the idea of aiming for being way ahead. Realistically there is probably way more to do that I am thinking, but it's nice to feel optimistic about it all.
Oh, M. You are getting stronger & stronger, managing to deal with J at the moment & still staying optimistic. I love that. If I had a hat on I would take it off to you! You are so close to having a wonderful new life where you make almost all of the choices. It's good to see that you are taking naps in between all of this work xoxo
Being ready for the horde to descend sounds good! Fingers crossed they'll do their jobs thoroughly and efficiently and clean up as they go. Having your interactions with J be mostly in writing would have the added advantage of having proof if he tries to trick you - and I'm sure he knows and prefers the phone in part because of that.
Sounds like you are doing a great job in keeping up with all this! I do agree that there always seems to be more to do in a move than expected so staying ahead of things sounds like a good idea, but yes, with plenty of rest time thrown in for sure!
Oh, M. You are getting stronger & stronger, managing to deal with J at the moment & still staying optimistic. I love that. If I had a hat on I would take it off to you! You are so close to having a wonderful new life where you make almost all of the choices. It's good to see that you are taking naps in between all of this work xoxo
Thanks Cate!!! You do not know how incredibly much it helps coming on the forum and getting encouragement! Hugs!
Being ready for the horde to descend sounds good! Fingers crossed they'll do their jobs thoroughly and efficiently and clean up as they go. Having your interactions with J be mostly in writing would have the added advantage of having proof if he tries to trick you - and I'm sure he knows and prefers the phone in part because of that.
Thanks Llama! I forgot that they would be working in the kitchen, so got up at 5am and cleared the kitchen for them labeled paint cans in Spanish, and things like that, so I am really sleepy and tired already, but happy because these are the painters who have already done work on our house when we moved in, and I really like the main guy a lot. I really try to have most interactions in writing with J, but he started not answering my texts and emails for days, and the house needs to be on the market in 3 weeks, so I called and broke radio silence. Once he saw that he can't pull weird stuff over on me, he went back to answering my emails and is behaving again. I do forget and answer his calls when I am exhausted though, so it was good to get a reminder from Bubbles. I am not good at keeping my guard up.
Sounds like you are doing a great job in keeping up with all this! I do agree that there always seems to be more to do in a move than expected so staying ahead of things sounds like a good idea, but yes, with plenty of rest time thrown in for sure!
Thanks Liza! I am really happy about the staying ahead thing, especially because I forgot to prep for some stuff already, so being organized and having nice empty rooms to plunk things in is really helping. I can't wait for the painters to go home so I can conk out!!
I'm sure the painter crew is happy to work with someone who does proper prep and makes sure their work is as easy as possible. I hope you get some proper sleep: you deserve it!
I'm sure the painters would not be used to working for someone as thoughtful as you, M. I hope they fly through & you get to conk sooner. It sounds exhausting but you just have to go with it. You'll look back on all of this & be proud of how well you did. You are amazing, Marsia!
I'm sure the painter crew is happy to work with someone who does proper prep and makes sure their work is as easy as possible. I hope you get some proper sleep: you deserve it!
Thanks Llama! It's such a nice group of people working on the house. I gave the guy who was pressure washing the outside of the house a rain coat, which he appreciated, and the younger brother and sister inside I shared Haggan Das ice cream bars with. It was really nice working around them today, and even though I was exhausted, I managed to get a decent day's worth of stuff done. I mostly packed and brought down a few heavy boxes and then when they left, it was dusk and raining, so I weeded the beds in the screen house and took a nice shower, because even in the rain in the near dark, it's still hot enough to make me sweat profusely. Now I am in bed and it's officially conking out time!
You're doing amazing, Marsia. Proud of you girl!
Thanks Em! I am feeling good about the progress and think I really can do this by the ridiculous deadline!!
I'm sure the painters would not be used to working for someone as thoughtful as you, M. I hope they fly through & you get to conk sooner. It sounds exhausting but you just have to go with it. You'll look back on all of this & be proud of how well you did. You are amazing, Marsia!
Thanks Cate, I am often surprised that contractors think I'm nice to work for and like coming to our house. You'd think people would treat the workers who are fixing up their house well just for selfish self preservation reasons alone. I like the energy of people working around me and have always liked fixing up our houses. I really hope I look back at this and am proud, because otherwise it means I didn't meet the deadline. I so don't want to deal with asking what to do if I don't meet It, so I have a fire under my bum and it's really motivating me! Thank you for all the compliments!😊!

It was so nice getting out into the garden a little this evening. I really missed it a lot. I feel so pleasantly tired and glowy now. Good night!
Oh well done on still getting so much work in after getting up so early (for even more work!) and being so tired. You really are going above and beyond.