Marsia's Diary

I can live with the paint needing a freshen up. There is a lot of info in the MCS forum, but I think most of them choose to leave painting well alone. It's usually when a landlord insists on painting that the discussion regarding low VOC paints happens. I'll investigate further when we plan on selling I think as I try not to risk anything that would tip me over the edge with my chemical sensitivities. I did once think I would never be able to leave our home after that major reaction at the doctor's. That was scary. I think it took me 3 months to get over it.
I love your daddy-long leg convention photo--I wonder what they were all discussing! What a place you live for wildlife. I hope that you're feeling better quickly whether it be a cold or a reaction to the fumes.
I did once think I would never be able to leave our home after that major reaction at the doctor's. That was scary. I think it took me 3 months to get over it.
That's awful Cate. Yes seems better to leave the painting alone rather risk your house becoming unsafe for you.
I don't think I could cope with all those bugs. Still, you're very immersed in nature, which is quite nice.

Great news that you maintaining the low weight, well done.
Turbo chook make me chuckle: I'll have to look them up. I wouldn't trust what a builder had to say about the fumes caused by paint unless they had chemical sensitivities themselves. Not even because of the possibility of lying for sales but because people just don't get it. Didn't you mention your sister was on a forum for folks with the same issue? That would probably be the best place to ask
I love turbo chook, too! I told K when I showed her our window vulture visitor surveillance video, and she was so happy. I agree about paint fumes.
I can live with the paint needing a freshen up. There is a lot of info in the MCS forum, but I think most of them choose to leave painting well alone. It's usually when a landlord insists on painting that the discussion regarding low VOC paints happens. I'll investigate further when we plan on selling I think as I try not to risk anything that would tip me over the edge with my chemical sensitivities. I did once think I would never be able to leave our home after that major reaction at the doctor's. That was scary. I think it took me 3 months to get over it.
We have a product here called magic eraser sponges which are great at getting scuffs out of paint. I used them when we sold the CA house, and they really work great. Maybe you can find them there, too. That's horrible it took 3 months to get over a reaction! I agree, please don't risk it.
I love your daddy-long leg convention photo--I wonder what they were all discussing! What a place you live for wildlife. I hope that you're feeling better quickly whether it be a cold or a reaction to the fumes.

That's awful Cate. Yes seems better to leave the painting alone rather risk your house becoming unsafe for you.
I wish I could have posted the video of them - there are about 6 branches full of the daddy long legs all dancing together. I'm still a little under the weather, so we just went food shopping today and got lovely groceries including a big jug of kim chi, which was wonderful for helping us feel better.
Great, about you maintaining at a low weight!

Do you guys also have those Joro spiders?
Thanks MsBubbles! I haven't seen Joro spiders, but we have these huge double jointed ones that like weaving immensely strong webs in the gate opening. I am always getting tangled in them and worrying that the huge spider might fall onto me!
I don't think I could cope with all those bugs. Still, you're very immersed in nature, which is quite nice.

Great news that you maintaining the low weight, well done.
I am really amazed by the bugs here. There are several amazing iridescent ones, too! Thanks about the weight. I think it's the sauna painting conditions helping out a lot, but I bought better food today so even if I am not painting in the heat anymore, I will still be ok.

It was such a perfect gardening day, but I really still felt drained, so I hope tomorrow is cooler, too so I can get out there and make things look nice again. It was so nice having a relaxing morning talking with K and a nice day out food shopping. I've been meditating again, and feeling happy again.
It sounds like it's a good idea to take it easy, M. I hope the weather cools a little for you, but more importantly, I hope you feel better soon. Sending you lots of love from chilly Tasmania xoxo
t was such a perfect gardening day, but I really still felt drained, so I hope tomorrow is cooler, too so I can get out there and make things look nice again. It was so nice having a relaxing morning talking with K and a nice day out food shopping. I've been meditating again, and feeling happy again.
Heat and humidity is so exhausting. Glad you are feeling happy and back to meditating :)
Thanks everyone! I am feeling better now and just moving lots and lots of boxes out of the open-space room above the entry. It's such a good workout getting all those boxes of books down the spiral staircase. I have to go carefully which makes it a nice mindfulness activity, too. Just talked with my lawyer, and if the mediation succeeds, things move at lightening speed after that, so I really have to get the painting done on the entry this week and everything that is not capable of being tucked into cabinets moved down into the basement, which itself is a mess. I don't think I have a lot of time, so this will be a sprint in anticipation that things go well. If not, I just got most of the work of packing done and can concentrate on slowly making little improvements to the house. Either way is ok, both are stressful for different reasons, so I won't think about it too much and just charge ahead for now. Things are out of my hands at this point, which is its own relief. So I think I'll be practicing nice little sprints of near breathlessness like Tru recommended over the next few weeks. Meditated twice today because AAAAHHH I didn't expect things to maybe move at breakneck speed in the next few weeks. I will embrace the spirit of the turbo chook!
Go go Turbo Marsia! I admire your ability to find silver linings. Hauling heavy boxes IS great exercise and mindfulness practice. I honestly don't expect J to be cooperative in mediation but you've all that could reasonably be expected of you - and more.
Go go Turbo Marsia! I admire your ability to find silver linings. Hauling heavy boxes IS great exercise and mindfulness practice. I honestly don't expect J to be cooperative in mediation but you've all that could reasonably be expected of you - and more.
Thanks Llama! He faces heavy fines, possible jail time, and maybe even federal fines if he doesn't cooperate in mediation, so I am hoping he just cooperates and sees reason. If not, we just keep chugging along here with the long term stuff packed already, so I think this is good to do anyway. I am really hoping he cooperates, because he is not going to see those fines and everything as something he did to himself, even if he left me no choice. I read that this sort of person needs chaos in their lives to distract themselves from their feelings. If that's so, he's doing a great job of that!
So I think I'll be practicing nice little sprints of near breathlessness like Tru recommended over the next few weeks.
I don't imagine near-breathlessness would be all that hard to achieve when it's hot and humid! Don't go too hard!
Sounds like you are making really great progress on the house!
I don't imagine near-breathlessness would be all that hard to achieve when it's hot and humid! Don't go too hard!
Sounds like you are making really great progress on the house!
You're right Liza. We sweat even working in the house because of the humidity even though it's a nice temperature in the house if you aren't working on things. I finally ordered some of Cate's electrolyte powder because we're both getting tired pretty fast when working. Today we hauled the lighter furniture downstairs from the room above the entry and put the rest on cardboard and pushed it all to the center of the room. We got the room ready for me to prep for painting tomorrow, and retouched some baseboard, too. The top room looks so dingy when you look down the stairway and see how fresh the bottom level looks.
This is how I see you over the next week:
View attachment 56731
That Wile E. Coyote won't catch you!!
Thanks Em! I feel like that when I start, but have to take things in shifts. I carried about 30 boxes of books downstairs and about another 15 of stuff for K to sort and pack and also cleaned yesterday, so today with the furniture moving, my arms are complaining. It feels really good getting some strength back though. Hopefully by the end of the month will speed across the house Roadrunner style!

It's been so nice having fresh spinach salads with garbanzos and good healthy food like buckwheat noodles with kim chee. We did make some brownies tonight with whipped cream, but I ate a small portion, and the rest of the pan is Ks. It feels good to do some lifting again. I'm sore, but also feel good from it.
it's a nice temperature in the house if you aren't working on things.
I am glad that the house is comfortable when not working. My place is terrible in heat, but it doesn't get too hot too often (though we are coming up to a heat wave that I am dreading!)
so today with the furniture moving, my arms are complaining. It feels really good getting some strength back though.
Such a great way to get into shape while getting stuff done at the same time!
It's been so nice having fresh spinach salads with garbanzos and good healthy food like buckwheat noodles with kim chee. We did make some brownies tonight with whipped cream, but I ate a small portion, and the rest of the pan is Ks.
That all sounds delicious. Good for you only having a small portion of the brownies--definitely stronger than I am!
Hey Marsia, I won't comment much on your J thing, except to say I am impressed with your strong and logical approach to dealing with it. And agree that turkey vultures are a much better option! One day it will all be in your long past, and you seem to be doing the right things to make that day happen.
I am really amazed by the bugs here. There are several amazing iridescent ones, too!
I have always been interested in insects, really fascinating creatures. And I appreciate your daddy long legs picture, I like spiders. However:
huge flying cockroaches
I could do without. When I was a kid we did not spray for bugs and I got used to seeing lots and lots of roaches, Florida and Louisiana have no shortage. But never did like the big flying ones, we called them palmetto bugs.
Thanks Em! I feel like that when I start, but have to take things in shifts.
Even Roadrunner takes a break every so often, haha!

Great work on all the lifting and getting stronger arms. 💪