Marsia's Diary

Your therapist sounds so good, M.
Finding a good farmers' market would be excellent. We have a small fruit & veggie store, run by Mennonites, & they grow a lot of their own stuff & that's always good. Everything is so much more expensive at the moment. Yay for rain forecast & some relief from the hot weather. Tomorrow is our winter solstice & I am looking forward to thinking we'll be moving towards longer days xo
Fruit&veggies at the grocery store are rarely fresh and because of that they're never picked/harvested ripe either. Which is understandable but still a shame. Good to hear your therapist is on the ball and you can really unload there!
Your therapist sounds so good, M.
Finding a good farmers' market would be excellent. We have a small fruit & veggie store, run by Mennonites, & they grow a lot of their own stuff & that's always good. Everything is so much more expensive at the moment. Yay for rain forecast & some relief from the hot weather. Tomorrow is our winter solstice & I am looking forward to thinking we'll be moving towards longer days xo
I'm so glad you'll be getting more sun and warmth! It's our summer solstice tomorrow, and I always think of when I lived in Santa Barbara and helped work on a summer solstice float of Godzilla for the Summer Solstice Parade of floats through downtown. Happy memory! I think I will find a nice farmer's market. There is a really good farm stand down the road, but it's so expensive. It's where I got the amazing tomatoes that provided the seeds for the ones in the garden now. Thank goodness for my therapist. She has me tell her all the weird stuff and strategizes with me, but also has me focus on what's good here and on my plans and dreams, and she helps me focus on K's well being and how to help her through everything. I feel like there is a lot of craziness and confrontation in society at the moment (the US just implemented a mandatory military draft, for instance) and in the world at large now (and Llama, I do know it's been the case in a lot of other periods, too! 🫶) but that we are stronger than all of that because we want truth and love and reality to prevail. I feel good that I was nice to J's sister who probably does not know that she is being used, but I also am not going to allow her to keep pestering K, who panics when she has to answer the sister's texts.
Fruit&veggies at the grocery store are rarely fresh and because of that they're never picked/harvested ripe either. Which is understandable but still a shame. Good to hear your therapist is on the ball and you can really unload there!
Thanks Llama, I'm so lucky to have someone who really gets J's illness. I have been thinking of buying less but better quality food. There is an expensive store with much better produce, and I think I'll go there for on-sale produce and also try farmer's markets. I also need to get protein powder and more tofu and just buy good meat but not as often. I just got a lot of tofu and froze half. I like the texture of tofu after it's frozen and thawed, and it takes marinades well when in that state.

I have been feeling pangs of loneliness now that K has a bunch of friends and activities she does on her own. I decided to view this as totally separate from the J thing, and just learn to adjust to being single and more on my own again. I am really wanting to travel in Mexico, so will get a nice book on that to read to me and K, and I loved the trial version of Rosetta Stone, so will do that every day. I really want to live overseas when I retire, and the Latin American countries are very budget friendly and intriguing, so I am going to learn Spanish as well as possible. I meditated badly twice last night and listened to a prerecorded broadcast from my old Buddhist teacher who is retired now. He is very hard to follow because he is very intellectual, and I am more emotional, but I see that what he describes in very abstract terms, I feel as states of solidarity and oneness with humanity generally. He is talking about agape (brotherly love) and feeling common humanity, but he describes it in these tricky terms like non-duality (meaning we are not just separate selves wandering the planet alone and isolated, but nor are we just universal consciousness devoid of individuality). Anyway, I am feeling in solidarity this morning, and I hope everyone has a great day and good relationship with their food and bodies!!
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I can imagine it would be a little lonely as K starts getting out more with her buddies--I hope you can start to enjoy the freedom of being on your own more again!
You're giving K wings and that's how it should be, but I can see it being hard to stand and watch her fly around without you sometimes.
K having a bit more independence from you will take some adjustment after being so thrown together for so long, but I think it's important for her and important for you too! You need to build a life for yourself as well and not always put everyone else's needs first - your mother, J and now K. It's Marsia time! Sort of like The Brady Bunch. Marsia, Marsia, Marsia! Lol.
Oh, M. I keep getting messages & G keeps talking while I'm trying to reply to your post & I'm struggling to concentrate. We're both feeling stressed. This morning I feel overwhelmed by R's need for me still. I hope K becomes more resilient & more independent & I'm sure you will adapt & do more things for yourself. You're a smart cookie with lots of talent. Sending you lots of love xoxo
I can imagine it would be a little lonely as K starts getting out more with her buddies--I hope you can start to enjoy the freedom of being on your own more again!
Thanks Liza, I am starting to remember how I liked being alone. It was 20 years ago, so it took me a while to find that feeling of aloneness being peaceful, but I am feeling more that way now. It's still hard because I am not living in a place that feels like home yet. I think this will be easier when we move, too.
You're giving K wings and that's how it should be, but I can see it being hard to stand and watch her fly around without you sometimes.
I am really happy that she found such good people to hang out with, and I think I'll adjust ok. I guess usually teens slowly go off and do more and more with their peer group, but this transition was sort of sudden, and caught me a little off guard.
K having a bit more independence from you will take some adjustment after being so thrown together for so long, but I think it's important for her and important for you too! You need to build a life for yourself as well and not always put everyone else's needs first - your mother, J and now K. It's Marsia time! Sort of like The Brady Bunch. Marsia, Marsia, Marsia! Lol.
Thanks Em! I know you are right. I need to focus on myself, which I find a bit uncomfortable after so long. But normally I like being alone, and I know I'll adjust eventually!
Oh, M. I keep getting messages & G keeps talking while I'm trying to reply to your post & I'm struggling to concentrate. We're both feeling stressed. This morning I feel overwhelmed by R's need for me still. I hope K becomes more resilient & more independent & I'm sure you will adapt & do more things for yourself. You're a smart cookie with lots of talent. Sending you lots of love xoxo
I hope you and G can relax and not worry as much about R now. :grouphug:! I hope R can settle down at his home and nice community there and really get a sense of self-sufficiency again. I think K is going to love living on her own. She is an extrovert and will probably live with a lot of happy musicians and people like that. I used to love visiting musician households in college. They know how to make it feel like a community and all they have to do is pick up their guitars! I will adapt - I am an ultra introvert, and I do savor alone time usually. It's just a very sudden change. Thanks for the love and compliments!

I am feeling peaceful this morning. It feels good thinking of what hobbies I want to start again and I am excited about Spanish and traveling where I can use it. I like traveling where the culture is really happy, and a lot of Spanish speaking cultures have that vibe. I am mostly focused on getting our diet better again. I was buying low cost food and frozen veggies mostly, and we don't like eating like that every day. We are feeling a little blah from lack of good fresh veggies, and it's the hot season where anything you plant out there will fry in the sun, so I am going to get out more so I get the nice ingredients from all the stores and creatively make this work. Today is the last coat of paint on my room and taping and prepping the bottom floor of the entryway/stairway. I need to see if I guessed right, and the ceilings here are standard flat white ceiling paint, because I bought a gallon and am hoping it works for painting the walls where they come up to the ceiling in the staircase so if the wall paint is not perfectly to the ceiling seam on the 2-story wall, no one will notice. It looks like I will get all the painting done before meditation, which is a really satisfying goal.
I need to focus on myself, which I find a bit uncomfortable after so long. But normally I like being alone, and I know I'll adjust eventually!
If - and this is just a guess - J belittled or punished you (even in subtle ways) whenever you focused on yourself instead of on him or the household that could contribute to a feeling of unease when you try to do it now. So allow yourself to take it easy even in that regard. You're a sensitive soul and they're better at knowing themselves - though often not better at doing the things they know they need.
If - and this is just a guess - J belittled or punished you (even in subtle ways) whenever you focused on yourself instead of on him or the household that could contribute to a feeling of unease when you try to do it now. So allow yourself to take it easy even in that regard. You're a sensitive soul and they're better at knowing themselves - though often not better at doing the things they know they need.
Wow, how did you know? Can you say more about how to get better at doing things for yourself? My parents were like this, too, so I got a double dose. I am not so good at making myself do good for me things unless I do them with someone else, but I just thought everyone was like this.
It's the kind of thing narcissists do. If they let you focus on your own wants and needs for a bit you might realize that what they take is everything and what they give you is less than nothing. (Hat tip to the late, great, sorely missed Sir Terry Pratchett for his description of the ultimate narcissists: traditional, pre-Tolkien elves.)
I wish I could tell you how to fix it but I'm not a professional. Your therapist probably has suggestions and maybe exercises but you're also an intuitive person who's good at working things out from scratch. I think just being aware of the issue and repeatedly telling the discomfort that it's ok, you're safe, and you're allowed to do things for yourself now might help over time.
I think it sounds like you have a lot of really great interests to pursue so hopefully it will just be that period of adjustment where you remember about loving being alone. I am the same way in my strong introversion. I think for me it's not so much about doing things for oneself as finding the next passion one can pursue. Whether it is learning languages, or the sketching, or meditation, or gardening. Like you say the sudden change is an adjustment but I'm sure you'll do well with it.
I think you'll find your way, Marsia. You're a lovely, intelligent, creative and sensitive soul and now you are free of all that negativity and can figure out what really makes you tick. I look forward to reading how you get on. ❤️
One of the things I love the most about this forum is that I often read a post & go to reply to it & see what I was thinking put so well by people I regard as my friends, that I don't need to add anything. I look forward to hearing about everything you choose to do, M.
It's the kind of thing narcissists do. If they let you focus on your own wants and needs for a bit you might realize that what they take is everything and what they give you is less than nothing. (Hat tip to the late, great, sorely missed Sir Terry Pratchett for his description of the ultimate narcissists: traditional, pre-Tolkien elves.)
I wish I could tell you how to fix it but I'm not a professional. Your therapist probably has suggestions and maybe exercises but you're also an intuitive person who's good at working things out from scratch. I think just being aware of the issue and repeatedly telling the discomfort that it's ok, you're safe, and you're allowed to do things for yourself now might help over time.
Wow, this is so cool! I was thinking of writing a little vampire allegory about narcissists, because symbolically vampires and zombies can stand for the emotional lives of narcissists, but I looked up Sir Terry Pratchett and elves, and wow, this gets at J's behavior perfectly! It would be way more fun to write a story based on this sort of old world elf! I think what you wrote about soothing the discomfort of doing things for myself will really help. I try to push myself to do my hobbies, and it just makes doing them a chore and squelches the desire to do them. I like your way infinitely more!
I think it sounds like you have a lot of really great interests to pursue so hopefully it will just be that period of adjustment where you remember about loving being alone. I am the same way in my strong introversion. I think for me it's not so much about doing things for oneself as finding the next passion one can pursue. Whether it is learning languages, or the sketching, or meditation, or gardening. Like you say the sudden change is an adjustment but I'm sure you'll do well with it.
I love the idea of focusing on passion instead of focusing on having to do stuff for myself. I think my extended farm family had this really intense work ethic which make me feel guilty for doing things for myself before all the chores are done, but they did have happy, fun passions like playing harmonica, doing intricate embroidery and weaving, whittling, piano, and all sorts of nice things, so I can focus on adding to the family traditions of crafts and muic and things like that. Thanks for the encouragement!
I think you'll find your way, Marsia. You're a lovely, intelligent, creative and sensitive soul and now you are free of all that negativity and can figure out what really makes you tick. I look forward to reading how you get on. ❤️
Thanks for the lovely compliments! I like the idea of finding out what makes me tick - it seems to change a lot which can be confusing, but that's a fun way of looking at it. I like this as a challenge!
One of the things I love the most about this forum is that I often read a post & go to reply to it & see what I was thinking put so well by people I regard as my friends, that I don't need to add anything. I look forward to hearing about everything you choose to do, M.
I feel this way, too, Cate!

Yesterday was a painting day. Got my room finished, which shows me that I am getting faster and my arms are getting stronger. I have been releasing all these emotions during my little yoga breaks and am feeling stronger emotionally, too. It's so weird how the body holds in emotions, and so nice how just simple stretching can release a bunch of tension and stress and funny feelings. I really want to grow some wheat grass flats for juicing. I have been really craving fresh greens, and if I plant greens out there now, they'd just fry to a crisp. I must be brave and weigh myself this weekend!
Fresh greens are the best. And when our bodies crave healthy things that's kind of amazing and I hope you find a way to honor that.
The painting and yoga sounds great--good for you! The wheat grass flats sound like a great idea to get some greens in when it's too hot outside to grow them.

I try to push myself to do my hobbies, and it just makes doing them a chore and squelches the desire to do them. I like your way infinitely more!
I can really relate to this--I find it interesting the ones I find easy to get to (garden, running, cycling, uke) and then the ones I find so difficult but keep trying to add (piano and reading)
You seem to be doing very well with the painting, M. I must start doing stretches. I have been doing some Tai Chi lately to relieve stress & it's amazing how doing so little can make such a difference.
Thanks everyone! I will make up some wheat grass flats early this week. They are so good with fresh lemon or lime and ginger, and we feel glowingly good all day from them. Liza, I know what you mean about there being some hobbies that come easier than others. I am thinking a lot about what everyone said about this.

I had this intense dream yesterday, which is amazing because I rarely remember dreams for the last 20 years, though before that, I had very vivid amazing dreams. In the dream I am in my little happy ex-pat flat in retirement and I suddenly look up and realize that there are 3 young guys who look like brothers in the kitchen with me. One is sitting in a chair staring through me in a vacant yet intense way, one is waiting bored, and one is getting out glue to glue my eyes shut. He tries by putting the glue on one finger and trying for one of my eyes, and I fight him off, so he puts glue on another finger on his other hand and tries for my other eye. As I am fighting him off, I realize he is barely using any strength, plus he could call on the other 2 guys to help. I then wake up out of the dream very relieved. Having my eyes glued shut reminds me of a quote by Carl Jung, “Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.” I am fighting to stay conscious as J tries to make me go unconscious (glue my eyes shut). Another is bored with me and with the whole thing, and he has a round face and body like the middle brother in J's family, and the youngest is judging me, which is what I've been worrying about in real life because he is my favorite brother, but also very judgy. I have been meditating and realizing that if I take this situation personally, it is going to be overwhelming and I will go partially unconscious, and I need to keep seeing J as a person with mental problems taking things out on the people around him, and I can't take personally anything he says or does or let my negative thoughts about the situation take over. I need to be like in meditation where I am in a state of equanimity and really keep looking at the beauty here and the things I love about my life, and remember that all this BS is temporary and that we will be on our way soon. So I am feeling better from figuring out the dream - I probably didn't explain my interpretation very well, but I hope I made sense.

I weighed myself and after days of intense snacking am down a pound! I guess intense snacking paired with intense painting really helps. I agree Cate, about just a little yoga or Tai Chi making so much difference, too! I am doing lots of twisting poses which just feel like the ring the stress right out of me. So much better!! We just had a couple take-it-easy days, which was good for getting my head screwed back on straight again! We watched a few episodes of Alone which we love, and there was the sweetest survivalist woman who was about my age who came in second, and she laughed and made the adversity seem like all part of the learning as she went. It was really helpful, because at times I feel like we are stuck in some reality show that we hope will end soon!
I think you were in an unreality show, but soon you will live your real life.
I need to be like in meditation where I am in a state of equanimity and really keep looking at the beauty here and the things I love about my life, and remember that all this BS is temporary and that we will be on our way soon. So I am feeling better from figuring out the dream
That dream is horrible, M. It's good to be able to pick it apart. There is so much beauty & kindness in the world. It's hard to see it sometimes but it's there.
I must pull out my Tai Chi books today xo