Ok, I think you all are right. Less food, more exercise it is! I am increasing how much I run on the treadmill slowly and will increase to 40 minutes a day after that. I also need more days of exercising, and have a ton of yard projects waiting for me, so time to transplant some huge pots of plants and dig holes for miniature fruit trees and things like that. My back has been bugging me, so have to start out slow on those things. Maybe I should sneak in some yoga.
I am having that thing where when you start an exercise plan, the rest of the day seems to slip by and all I get done is work and exercise, and no nice things like yard work or doing art, and I am alternating cooking days with cleaning, so the house is sort of a mess. Also I got a little blue from finding out about my old friend becoming an alcoholic and my other friend who I just visited is about to lose his job do to a company buyout and he has very few job skills and loved his job. So I am seeing 2 very old dear friends who I have known over 30 years really struggle, and I have been just trying to let go and not be so sad about their hard times. I know I can only do my best, and am trying to just be relaxed about life, but I really struggle with the need to help people when really they have to help themselves. There's nothing I can do really.
I have been looking at baby bat pics on the web and cheering myself up with that. I love bats! Also there are baby raccoons in the yard in the evening now. They are little fuzzy bundles of happiness!!
Ok, so weight plateau, you are telling me to exercise more and measure all my food carefully! Time to go to the gym - my mom has a morning swim class. So, so happy she is going!!!