I'm in. I want to be 260 by my birthday!!!!
By the way:
Can you call it a plateau if you stopped exercising and ate a lot of pizza?
^ Your outlook on life never ceases to amaze me! Thanks!
Was this pizza eaten on "a land area having a relatively level surface considerably raised above adjoining land on at least one side, and often cut by deep canyons."?
If so, yes ^_^!
Hello everyone!
I want to join in..still have a spare place for me? this will be my first challenge on this forum..hope I won't let u guys down!
I've got my down points so kick my arse if I'm about to run!
One for all and all for one!
My goal is 2.5 kg this month!
During this plateau I have not lost a single pound, not a single one, in 6 weeks but I was just measured and it seems that I have lost 6.75 inches (17.1cm) during that time. That's great! It really pays not to stress out about the scale.