Jaymie's fitness journal :)

hmm..well today is my first day on the nicotine patch. First time I ever tried this and I am positive its going to work ! I haven't had a craving yet . I got through my first 'usual' cig time of day which is right after dropping the kids off at daycare and now I'm at work. Drinking a Diet Dr.Pepper.

I also bought myself a scale last night. Got home and weighed myself @ 124.5 and then I ate dinner and all that and got on it and it said 127.5 ! like WHAT!?! I should have never got that damn thing...I can see now I am going to get obsessed with it , I've already weighed myself about 30 times since I bought it . eh, whatever...

I was tired of the one at the gym being wrong all the time.

SO, yeah, and I also went and bought some original Sudafed b/c my allergies...and WHOA, I am crawling with energy right now and um..NO MORE NASAL CONGESTION!!! LMFAO!!

So no cigarettes so far...and I've only had half of one of those pills, yesterday I only had 2. Thats the lowest I've been able to go since trying to stop taking them. And everything.

I am about to get a cup of coffee. WHEE!! I like energy! I am an adrenaline freak naturally anyway, I guess all these 'uppers' just make it more prominent!

Well, I will update this later just felt like rambling and keeping my mind off cigarettes.

You might have some weird dreams at night with them. You can always take the patch off at bedtime and put another on in the morning. Don't wear one for more than 24 hrs. They wouldn't stay on my arm so I used my thights, hips, butt areas. If it burns, take them off. If you feel like you must have a cig while you are wearing one, light one up, take one puff, put it out.

No obession with scales again. Put it up when you don't need it and only get it out when you. Out of sight, out of mind.

You can always pm me if you need to talk.
You always read my journal girl! I love you!! :)

Well, i won't get obsessed , but I need a guideline for my progress . I plan to make more progress since I won't be smoking, I will have an excuse to ask someone to watch the kids while I ride the bike!! yay!

So, that'll be my outlet.

I was just trying to get an estimate of what I weighed before eating and after eating and night time and morning time. I just was curious. So now I have no excuse so I'll get burnt out on it soon enough don't worry ;)

But thanks for worrying tho , that means you care 'bout me! :)

My new goals are this:

progress with cycling
breathing techniques

and I am looking into joining a dance class . I really want to learn how to dance!! Any kind of dance even ballet would be awesome. I REALLY want to join one. So I'll let you guys know if I find something.

well gotta go now so take care!
Of course I love ya. You're just too cute and adorable.

I would love to go out on my bicycle, but Greene is busy during the day and I really don't like to ride alone. I would also love to go inlining at the park, but since Greene gave me an mp3 player, I might have to consider doing it when he's gone. I get tired of sitting at home.

I think it would be cool to learn to dance, but white girl ain't got no rythm. Don't think you can learn that, can you:confused: :D
ok, I am officially an idiot!LOL

I went on my lunch break and went and bought a new pair of shorts for myself, i never buy myself anything btw..and then I came back and got a call from my Dad..."hey I'll be there in 5 minutes!" and then I remembered...HE WAS TAKING ME OUT TO EAT ON MY LUNCH BREAK TODAY!! DAMMIT!!

so I ran in the boss's office and told him my story, he's so cool, he said " What would bother you more...telling your Dad you already took your lunch and you can't go, or having to eat lunch twice".. :)

So he let me go but I gotta come in early the next two days like 30 minutes tomorrow and then Friday. He is SO COOL !!

I gave my boss a hug..I'm a dork! LOL :-B <----HAHAHA!

So I went to Golden Corral completely not hungry..these nic. patches make me feel like..nauseaus (sp?) nauseas? nausios..oh screw it.. so anyway I wasn't hungry. But I had a half cup cooked carrots, like a spoonful of salad literally, 1 cooked broccoli spear and 1 cooked cauliflower spear and 1 artichoke heart. I was SO not hungry. Still not..So anyway my boss like me and that is so cool.

I am going to put in for one day off next Tues. or Thursday. I'm going to go to Hurricane Harbor and have fun in the sun.

So my goal from yesterday until next week is NO SWEETS and so far I've had no craving at all for sweets. My meals are structured and I have been eating exactly how I plan them out.

Also been looking into the dance or martial arts classes and stuff too.

todays food has been and will be:

1 bowl Total cereal w/medium banana and skim milk
5 grapes (not planned)
.5 cup yogurt

snack- apple and plain oatmeal with SF apple cider spices in it REALLY GOOD

lunch- tuna sandwich on WW bread w/mustard and malt vinegar

snack-.5 cup carrots 1 bro. spear and 1 caul. spear and 2 pieces of honeydew melon and 1 artichoke heart

snack-banana and popcorn

dinner-1 cup chicken breast roasted in WW tortillal with salsa and .5 cup brown rice not instant. and 1 cup skim milk

I've also drank about a gallon of water today with crystal light
weight update! :)

So you know they say your TRUE weight is what you weight in the morning. WEll I always weighed in the evening after i ate .

so guess what my true weight is :) ???

its is actually 121 !

i wasn't going to post it until I was for sure and it was actually 120 yesterday morning and 121 today so i will go with the larger number.


so now what? Well it gives me more motivation to stay a nonsmoker for one! and also it just gave me a total high ! I am so motivated ! I did calisthenics for 45 mi nutes last night and today is leg day and cardio !! I'm so excited !
No way, there's not enough input from the user from that to accurately calculate body fat. Your waist could be 28 inches of fat or muscle, and it doesn't know the difference! According to that, I have like 30% bf or something ridiculously high.
Estimate #1 based on height and weight
Your "Ponderal Index" is 10.62 which gives an estimated body fat of 61.7% (114.1 pounds of fat)

Estimate #2 based on waist size and weight
Estimated body fat of 23.8% (44.1 pounds of fat)

I don't think so scooter!:eek:
yeah that site is almost as totally retarded as the Anne Collins one...

eh whatever....

IT IS SO COLD IN HERE. Seriously the vent is located over my head and according to the thermometer I have it is blowing 41 degree air on me...my nose is running...its like a refrigerator in here...

well, here in a little bit I'm going to the gym. I'm eating a chicken breast sandwich right now on WW bread and a water bottle for drink.

I am going to go do legs in about an hour.

3x15@235-250 leg press
alternated by:
3x15@135 calves on the leg press
3x15@75-80 hamstring curls
3x15@100-110 quads on the leg extension
3x15@130 adductor-abductor w/e
3x15@110 squat rack

PWO snack:
apple and cottage cheese

pre-cardio snack:
apple and oatmeal w/apple cider spice in it

chicken breast 1 cup diced on WW tortilla and salsa
1oz mozz cheese
1 cup skim milk

well, I'm going to add popcorn since its all i have here and i only had 1500 calories listed for the day. So i need more calories today :( i think 1600 is as good as i can do today.
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i like that saying :) Tomorrow IS another day! yay!


So i'm so anal about this so here's what i really did at the gym @ lunch::

1x15@70 hamstring/ 1x15@75/1x15@80
1x15@235 leg press/1x15@240/1x15@250
1x15@100 quads/1x15@105/1x15@110
3x15@130 adductor/abduction
3x20@35 abs
3x12 '6 inch leg raises' for abs idk what its called really
3x15@110 squat rack

Jaymie, I've been thinking of hitting the gym at lunch as well...how long do you get? Do you shower afterwards (rinse off) or just wipe off?

I was thinking that I wouldn't have time for a shower but I guess all it takes is a quick 5 minute rinse...or I could just buy wipies or something and wipe off and put on some good smelling lotion :)eek: ) just in case...I don't wanna smell lol...

You go woman..shake your booty!! I would figure just wiping off would be enough. Just put the deodrant and lotion on and away you go.
Well, somehow today just took a turn for the worst....i got a call and someone I knew pretty well has passed away...and then I get a text message from my fiance that said **** everything and he hates life and tired of everything and everybody sucks...:( wonder if he thinks i suck too... :(
probably not tho....i bet he's just having a rough day...they have been working him over 12 hours a day and Tuesday he worked from 6:30 am till 3:00 am the next morning then went back to work @ 6:30 am again and worked till8:00 pm ..

Okay he just called me and said he got in a fight. He is on parole. But he didn't go to jail because he was defending himself..I am such a nervous wreck right now. :(

But I am not going to smoke a cigarette...no matter what....I am praying to God to be with me today, I feel like the world is spinning out of control..but he has already saved my life by not having my Sweetheart taken out of my life. I am so thankful . So thankful...