Jaymie's fitness journal :)

jaymieb said:
I don't know what to do during lunch today, I was gonna go to the gym and do something there like swim or something.

Holly cow girl, how much do you get for lunch? I get an hour and I've thought about going to the gym but after driving there, changing, changing again and having to drive back I'm not sure it would be worth it...
thanks Sandy!
Right now I am trying to construct a plan for my vacation week...hmm....well my first thought was Galveston,TX....BUT....I really get pretty bored of that place after one day ONLY because it is so full of seaweed that it kinda ruins the fun for me. I mean, you can't set foot anywhere in the whole beach where there is not total just.. seaweed infestation! And I have been there so many times....

So then I was thinking well..I could fly to Daytona Beach for a few days and enjoy a real beach! But I can't afford it right now :(

So I guess now, I'm gonna plan on riding my bike and some other stuff but I HAVE to figure out the week I wanna take off. I think I'm also gonna go to Hurrican Harbor or Six Flags too. The only thing is my fiance doesn't get a vacation yet cuz he's only been working for about 2 months since he's gotten out of prison. But I DO get a vacation!! HAHA!!! Sucks for him!! oh that was SO WRONG ! LOL, but I'm not gonna rub it in his face that I'm gonna go to all these REALLY COOL places or anything. I am just gonna be like...eh, I am gonna go run around and find something to do on my days off I'm sure there's something to do..ho hum..... hahaha!

oh man, is that wrong or what... thats not actually a question please no negative input this is my break dammit!!!!
Moonbeam3 said:
Holly cow girl, how much do you get for lunch? I get an hour and I've thought about going to the gym but after driving there, changing, changing again and having to drive back I'm not sure it would be worth it...

of course its worth it! to me anyway, if you give it your ALL and I mean push it! For the 35 - 40 minutes you get to work out? That is well worth it you could surprise yourself what you could MAKE worthwhile in a 40 minute time span...you're talking to someone who must make take advantage of every minute of spare time or I miss out! :(
and I don't like to miss out!!
I hear ya about missing out. My SO had promised to work out with me on Friday after work but by the time I got home he was tired and just sitting on the couch watching TV!

I went anyway, and I felt great afterwards! If I hadn't I would have regreted it in the morning lol
Welp, Its almost time to go do arms @ the gym.

Not feeling all that particularly inclined to do so, but hey thats the best time to kick yourself in the @$$ right?

Well, I haven't smoked a cigarette in 4 days !!!! :) I know its gonna be the last time. I really really wanna stay quit.

I am feeling better already and feel like I can breathe easier and all. But the only thing is I keep waking up in the morning and I cough up all this gunk. Someone told me the cilia on the lining of your throat are destroyed when you smoke and once you stop you grow them back.

wow.. so my cilia is on the rise!!Go cilia ! Go cilia ! Its your birthday! Its your birthday!

hmm...yeah, I'm a complete idiot I know.

Man I have big thighs. I was looking at the Avon brochure for this month and theres this beautiful woman in there with these sleek and slim thighs it looks like her clothes are just laying atop her skin effortlessly and weightlessly...:( When I wear pants and squat down like that my thighs stretch the material so much it looks like its gonna bust open. But I guess that comes with the territory (2 kids) Or is that really an excuse ???

oh what-the-F$#@-EVER ! I am SO tired of these supermodel-types ruining my self-image what a crock of coke sluts they all are. ... NO I am NOT jealous!!!!....okay...maybe I am....dammit.....but at LEAST I'm being honest about it. I think though...I would much rather have more to myself than a coveted waistline about my existence..I mean, if I were to grow old and realize "oh man, I am like..so totally not a supermodel anymore...like...I led a total life of meaningless strutting,fancy clothes, money, and expensive accessories!! Like Oh my Gosh!! I am SO an old wrinkly bag with no personality!!" ...then I would be depressed for real.

Fo shizzle muh Nizzle !!

So I ate 2300 calories yesterday...someone kill me....:rolleyes:

But I feel alright about it cuz it was all wholesome and beneficial material I must say. Today I'm working out...and I am not smoking....life is good! So I don't mind, it wasn't a lack of control, I ate when I was hungry and stopped when I was satisfied...yadda yadda...anyone else ever get tired of talking about eating? I like to talk about the working out part but the eating part is SO monotonous and time consuming..
JaymieB said:
Man I have big thighs. I was looking at the Avon brochure for this month and theres this beautiful woman in there with these sleek and slim thighs it looks like her clothes are just laying atop her skin effortlessly and weightlessly...:(


Honey, it's called AIRBRUSHING...see this:

My best friend e-mailed me this and I kept it...click on a picture and then take the mouse and put it on the picture and move it to the side to see the before and after...

Man! The wierd thing is that most of them looked better BEFORE the airbrushing!! They made em look all fake and crap. Yeah they def, look alot more normal in those pics .. haha! made me feel better thanks Moon.
You're welcome! That's why I kept it. It's a little unfair if you think about it. People, especialy young girls, have this false idea of what a woman is supposed to look like because of these magazines.

And like you said, after you look at the before, the after looks almost cartoonish, I mean to airbrush the skin so it looks even and to add make up is one thing but to actaully ADD roundness to a butt and TAKE AWAY things like backfat, cellulite and strethmarks is another!!

To be honest with you, I don't even read or look at any magazinez, and I'm all the happier for it.
Yesterday was a GREAT day I can't believe how great it actually was!

Gym yesterday during work was back, bi's, tri's, deltoids, and I did abs and chest too I had alot of energy yesterday.

3x12@50 - tri's
3x12@55 - bi's
3x12@45 - chest press
3x15@50 - back
3x15@55 - rear deltoids
3x25@45 - ab machine
3x15@85 - don't know what its called you sit and push down the weight...


Elliptical Trainer level 9 40 minutes burning 520 calories it said
Treadmill running @ 6.7 and walking uphill @ 4.2 mph combination for 25 minutes burning 200 calories it said

So then I STILL had energy and I didn't have time plus didn't wanna overdo it so I came home and had 6 egg whites , half a cup of ground turkey cooked no fat added, and 10 grapes, 2 stalks of celery, 3 small organic carrots, 4 tablespoons of FF sour cream, 1 cup of FF cottage cheese, an ounce of skim mozz. cheese, 1 cup of skim milk, 1 SF popsicle, and one bite of FF SF ice cream and I actually put it back in the freezer after one bite very not typical of me! Yeah so it sounds like ALOT but it really wasn't all that much.

Watched the movie 'The Notebook' last night and then cried SO HARD I thought I was going to have a heart attack!!! Damn that movie is SAD!! :(
Well, so its come to my attention today that my coworkers say I eat ALL DAY.

How humiliating for someone to make a comment like that ......

Then these people proceed to say something like this, " You sit here and eat ALL damn day and you're still skinny, and my fat @$$ gains weight at the smell of food..hahaha.."

Why would they be so proud of being over weight? Everyone I work with is basically obese...and it scares me. They are all so PROUD of it...I just don't understand? They try to make me feel like an outcast for eating every two hours and eating my 'health food' and then they will be all serious one day asking me for advice and when I take the time to give it to them..they just end up eating fast food for lunch...who is in the wrong?

Am I really eating TOO MUCH? Or am I being paranoid?

I eat every 2 to 3 hours during the day .This is a typical day for example:

oatmeal w/med. banana
.5 box raisins (1.5oz box)
.5 cup cottage cheese
serving Total cereal w/skim milk
med. banana
.5 box raisins (1.5oz boz)

apple and about 3 oz of cooked ground turkey
apple and .5 cup FF cottage cheese

tuna sandwich on WW bread
romaine lettuce
diet mayonnaise 2Tbs.
1Tbs. mustard
tomato slices

oatmeal and an orange
oatmeal and a mango

sandwich on WW bread
2 Tbsp. diet mayo
1Tbs. mustard
romaine lettuce
tomato slices
3 - 4 oz ground turkey

1 corn on the cob
3 raw carrots
2 celery sticks
4 Tbsp. FF sour cream
1 cup Skim milk
4 oz baked salmon
sautee'd squash or zucchini (about a cup)
broccoli 1 cup

Then I might have some cheese before bed or some leftover bites of meat.

is this alot??
Its about 2300 calories of food a day.

But I'm a very active person. I don't sit down once I get home and I jump rope, clean, calisthenics, and on the weekends I'm cycling for 2-3 hours at a time???
I am the outcast whenever I go out to eat with friends / family, they always crack jokes about it too, and most of them are obese or just too fat, haha.

Your food intake looks perfect, mine has suffered the last month and I'm trying to fix it, but it's hard for me to get back in habit, but it shall happen!
Its because the average person eats three times a day. You're doing the right thing, and if they followed that with some exercise they might be "unhappily" skinny lol.
Don't let them bother you at work. Just ignore them. They don't understand that you are eating healthier because you want to be healthy. I agree with Tony, you're eating just fine. To somebody who doesn't work out or exercise, it does look like your eating alot, but it's what you eating, not how often your eating. Your eating healthy, not junk food. I admit I was like them, looking at people who eat that much and think they are eating alot, but now I understand why.

Maybe ask them if they want to go for a walk. Maybe explain to them why you are eating so much. They might understand then. Who knows, maybe one or some of them might take your lead.
Well Poo on me....

I ate a piece of chocolate cake last night...AND an SF popsicle! Dammit!

Well whatever. I don't feel that bad I'm going to work out today.. so I'll justify my 'indulgence' !!
I'm getting better with my self-concience eh? I think so.
I wore sweat pants today and its going to be 99 degrees....that would make me an idiot....lol..

So last night I was up until midnight doing the uh...Rid thing...ya know...the 2 small kids are in preschool and they got the semi-annual lice infestation...yuck!!! AAHH ! Its making me itch again just thinking about it. Man, but I got rid of all of em and notified the daycare to check heads today. So they said they would and I got that spray and sprayed everything n all. They said they have a good idea where the kids are getting it from..???...So I hope that parent takes care of it???

I freakin got pulled over this morning by a constable and got a ticket for expired registration....:(.....Its not really expired...the sticker was LOST by my most responsible MOTHER...thank you very much mom...#*#&%^$*#(#$**!!!! I will go to court with the receipt from the tax office and proof of payment and apply for the dup. today its like 15.00 so ..... yeah... what a drag...


:) So I feel real good 'bout that.

okay okay...so today is leg day for me and some others I know of..~LV~?

ah, well,

3x15@230 leg press (may increase today to 240)
3x15@130 calves on the leg press
3x15@ 70 hamstring curls
3x15@ 100 quad extension
3x15@ 130 adductor or whatever :p
3x15@ 110 squat rack
3x15@110 back extension



stairstepper level 10-11 for 25 minutes cross-country

Elliptical Trainer for 30 minutes

So I think that will be a nice stress relief we'll see. I might do some more cardio.
I hear that ALL the time Jaymie. I'll be in the lunch room and someone will walk by and say "figures it's you in here" or "wait till your get older and your metabolism slows down" I'm like much older do you want me to be I'm already practically 35! And look better than the 20 year olds who work here Ha!

You're doing just fine :)!!
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i did real good no soda today so far :)

no cigarettes!

so I did my leg exercises during lunch


*LEG PRESS-did 2x15@235 and 1x15@250 up from 230

*CALVES ON LEG PRESS-did 3x15 @ 135up from 130

*HAMSTRING CURLS-did 2x15@75 and 1x15@80!up from 70

*and the QUAD EXTENSION-did 3x15@105 up from 100

plus the other ex's I do...back ext. stayed @ 110; squat rack stayed the same @ 110

BUT...the scale said I weight 124 again......damn that stupid thing!

Okay so tonight I plan on having for dinner:

PWO is gonna have to be 3 bake chicken strips no added fat I cooked them :)

and then once I get home it will be 1 oz. mozzarella cheese melted on some tuna and sauteed onions
1 cup broccoli
small sweet potato (i can't wait for this!)

and a shower to follow

Hope I do good with cardio today I'm looking real forward to it I've really had loads of energy lately and with not smoking I'm just real happy to have that release where you don't think about anything else but pushing yourself through the workout!! Damn I love to sweat ! will update what I did tomorrow..
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Wow! I added that airbrushing thing to my favorites folder! I always hear about how models are airbrushed, but it's nice to get to see the before and after.
hey College Girl yes the models are fake just in case you didn't know *yawns* how boring it is with the same monotonous body types over and over.....Hollywood is bunch of baloney...

NE wayz,

yesterday, I REALLY didn't feel like doing cardio after work BUT I went there and put on my gym clothes anyway and went up there to the stair stepper and said to myself....get your @$$ in gear woman!!!

Then I put that sucker on level 11 and for 25 minutes on cross country and I sweated bullets, 5 people got on and off the other ones while I was still going strong! I started to feel great! Then I got done with that thing and it gave me a run for my money I tell ya.

Then I was all like....eh, I think I'll skip the elliptical and go home now...and then once again I said to myself....get your @$$ up there and sweat woman!!!!!

So then I got on the elliptical and began to compete with neighbor on right side of me and I think I did HIIT ? but not sure . I did some real high intensity stuff and then down and then real high intensity ,etc like a cycle like that for about 40 minutes it said I burned 420 calories on the elliptical and the stiar stepper said 240 cals and I entered my weight into that one though.

Then I felt like swimming !! but I didn't have time :(

So I went home and had a can of tuna mixed with 2 Tbsp. diet mayo, .5 can of Rotel, and 1 oz. mozz cheese heated it up and mixed it up and it was really good :)

had 1 cup cooked broccoli no added fat
1 cup cooked squash and onions no added fat
20 grapes and .5 cup yogurt
2 glasses of skim milk

i think I did real good ! :)

I feel real great today! So happy to feel good!
ai bought some new sunglasses:cool:
at the dollar store...they were only a dollar! And they are really cute. Glad I went.

ug, someone at work tried to get me to eat Chinese food....like EW. I was thinking what do you want me to do? Gain 20 lbs??

That stuff it total crap food. I can't even bring myself to eat plain brown rice let alone fried rice with all kinds of salty sugary msg'y sauce all over it, eh whatever. I like my sunglasses:cool:
Yeah, I'd rather work out at the gym than on my own because the competition really keeps me going! I don't know what your gym is like--but all of the cardio equipment in mine is focused on a central area where people do freeweights & you don't want to be seen doing 1 rep then giving up!