pink-sparkles said:
Hey there, Jaymie,
Thank u so much, some of the things you said already got my spirits up. You have some wise words. I was always such a chilled out person, never worried about mu weight, now i could safely say i seem to be obssessed with it. I cant believe i make myself sick sometimes and if im not doing that im cutting calories drastically! I seem like a different person to who i was. I know this sounds silly but i just keep thinking, god i gotta be skinny the next time HE sees me.I was with my man 10 years, im only 25 now but it seems after we broke up i started to do this. im abit confused. I dont have much access to a pc over the next couple of days but ill be in touch soon. Keep strong, you are amazing with what you have achieved, you should be proud of yourself. talk soon
Please keep in touch with me!! I am always here during the week!
Well your summary of your 'reason' for the start of your ED is actually one of the most frequent triggers of alot of different ED's. The media has skewed the image of beauty so much that now it is this unattainable perfection that is usually created by A) drugs , or B) computer touch-ups
Its no wonder it is a rising addiction for this so-called "perfection", and now its like we are all wondering around like we have lost our common sense asking all these questions on how to lose weight 'FAST' and get down to double digits and all this CRAP that is totally unecessary and greatly diminishing our values of LIFE and our quest for peace of mind.
The world is moving so fast now, faster than it was before, and we all must keep up with this rising need for the acceptance of someone... ANYONE !! Just NOTICE me. Ya know? Whether it be a good or bad reason , someone just please make me feel alive. Or me ...while I make my own self feel DEAD...
It just doesn't work that way Sparkles,
If we can learn to accept ourselves for who we are , and learn to make REALISTIC goals for ourselves WITHOUT the input of others!! and without comparing ourselves to these idiots on the television who are probably on crack anyway!!...then that is the best gift we can give ourselves. Why?
Because it is the FOUNDATION of our EXISTENCE. I won't get all religious, but if we have God in our lives, and reach out when we feel we cannot find the answers, We can learn to have real trust and faith...not only in God ..but in ourselves...and with this foundation of faith.....ANYTHING is possible....ESPECIALLY YOUR HAPINESS
The days will start to seem brighter..the colors more alive!! Your body will regain its strength, and you will feel an energy come back into your life that you would not believe.
You'll feel a fullfillment from everyday things...just the little things you once thought were getting in the way of your 'goals' with your ED. The ED.Its like a brainwashing B$#^@ who hates herself so much, she wants to take as many other women and girls down with her as she can, because she is NOT gonna die alone.
The issues behind the ED are what triggers it , not the influence of others so much. The acceptance you are striving for sweety it is SUPERFICIAL !!
If a man must look at you ten years from one time or another..and see that you look drastically different..does that change who you are? Or who HE is?? Maybe it just wasn't meant to be...
If looks are going to catch your 'one true love' then you might as well get dressed up one night and go to a low class bar and take the first guy that hoots and hollers at you and marry him!!
It would be the same thing! The ISSUES would remain....and the man would not love you any more or less for the way you look if he is the right one for you, you will know so. You will enjoy doing the same things and you will love him, believe me, you DO NOT want to go into a relationship where LUST is the central emotion....
My ED started to develop 2 years ago when I started using ignorant enough that night to put myself in a dangerous situation...and got raped by a huge man who just got out of prison and was supposedly punishing me for not succombing that night and surrendering myself to the ARYAN NATION....such Bull#%^@ ....... he had been up for 14 days straight he said....and had taken the male supplement Viagra prior to my entering the room-alone-..and he was certain I was going to 'give it up' so when I said 'no' that was not what he was looking for.....I became a sort of disgusting monster that night....was called all the most vulgar and horrid things into my eyes and then forced to walk 3 miles to the city after calling numerous friends...reached one on his cell phone...and he didn't believe me...and wouldn't come pick me up....then shortly after that night kids' father found out...and I had the entire city I grew up in knowing what happened from a totally skewed point of view...I was this IMAGE..this THING...this person I hated....I wanted to waste away and disappear...I wanted to look as sick and dying on the outside as I felt on the inside....I wanted to just give up and give one was ever gonna love me.
But then...I found that I had sunken deeper than I ever had before into a pit of total madness....I was detached from the family frightened and insanely kids taken from me by the State to temporary custody...
I felt the will to change....and felt weak at knowing where to begin....someone took me aside one night and I listened to what they had to say for once...they told me to seek answers from God, and things will begin to heal, to know God and have faith in Him that things will turn out as long as I stay in the light of Faith.
...and I did...