Jaymie's fitness journal :)

okay its 2:06 and I've had 844 calories my max today is 1600 since there won't be any significant exercising today. Just random walking around and some jumping rope later..well I guess that's exercising duh, well the max will be 1600 regardless. Since my meals left for today's gonna be :

1 small ground turkey patty
.5 cup cooked WW pasta
tomato sauce with sauteed onion and bell pepper
1 cup broccoli
1 oz of mozz. cheese
1 cup skim milk

oh and the snack before I leave work will be oatymeal and maybe an orange
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Great job JaymieB! And yes, I think jump rope would count as some form of excerside :)
well didn't do the jump rope as my lungs are full of 'something?' .. I think allergies, actually I know its allergies. All this STUPID cottonwood blowing around looks like its snowing. AH!! They make me mad and I punch them and kick them and YELL at them to get AWAY ! But they just ignore me and surround me with their incessant fluffinesss!!! Bah humbug .

Welp, I have done good with the new plan :) very proud of me! I haven't had any substantial carbs after 7:00 pm . only veg. and protein and like natural mozz. cheese and w hatnot. no more cereal and the SF popsicles are nonexistant now. I haven't wanted one since I started focusing on health more.

So today so far has been the norm. but with a bit of change..

had 3 egg whites...they were the SMALL eggs from the carton.
bowl of Total and sprinkle of raisins w/ skim milk

yes maam, I am drinking a cup of coffee so what!!
something wierd I have found.....

since I stopped having artificial sweetener in my coffee and in alot of things, I don't have to have more and more and more of that particular thing. Now I know it affects the metabolism in a way that you're body doesn't act the same way as sugar does....but I find myself wanting more and more of something with artificial sweetener as opposed to just having it with pure cane sugar....there is a DRASTIC decrease in the craving for it. and I moderate my intake of the item incredibly conciously ! Isn't that a concept there....

Well, I just think that if I have to have something sweet, I should be accountable for the effects and quit trying to cheat my body. If its gonna be sweet then I will have sugar. If not, then I won't . Plus by looking at the nutrition facts on all that crap , its all like " maltodextrin, partially hydrogenated blah blah, dipotassium phosphate, aspartame, blah blah blah" and on the other its like..." skim milk, cream " .... wow, so which one sounds like something I would eat? not the chemical crap.duh, why have I been eating that crap !?!

yeah so that was a coffee creamer I was looking at there...lol.

I have stayed at a level 122 since watching more closely and not overeating on any ONE food. I have more variety and have slowed down on the exercising. I wasn't letting my body rest, I don't think I let myself have even one day a week of not exercising. But since my experiment. I feel better, am not as dehydrated or bloated, my face is even less swollen from my increased water intake, I have more energy and am more positive and more focused throughout the day ( which says alot for me, I get distracted even from the distraction I had in the first place! lol )

My boss noticed this though yesterday I did it again. I was on here and then started wandering off from here and I was staring at the wall and my boss came in and jiggled my desk chair real fast and I was so shocked and realized wtf was I just doing?? I hate that crap I'm trying to work on it though.

I am a really sucky multi-tasker....


today is leg day.
During lunch I will be doing my weight training
after work will be the cardio i.e. stress reliever

leg day is like this:
I start with the leg press 3 x 15 @ 230-250
calves 3 x 15 @ 130
Hamstring curls 3 x 15 @ 70
Quads 3 x 15 @ 100 but that's starting to get easy so I may up it well see
Hip adduction 3 x 15 @ 120
..black hole sun, won't you come, and wash away the rain, black ho..oh yeah....see there I go again!.....
Squat rack 3 x 15 @ 110

abs 3 x 25 @ 35

after work:
stair stepper 20 minutes level 10-11
Elliptical at least 20 minutes level 9-10
Treadmill walking uphill / jogging for however long I feel like it

yeah so that is it better start working now...
JaymieB said:
oh my ! look how long that was ! LMFAO !!

Wouldn't want your posts any other way. I love the way you feel you can open up here, its refreshing to read. Not sure I always understand what you're talking about though. lol

Were you saying sweetener is a good thing or a bad thing? I have sweetener in Green Tea as I find it a little bland without.
by JaymieB: stair stepper 20 minutes level 10-11
Elliptical at least 20 minutes level 9-10
Treadmill walking uphill / jogging for however long I feel like it

That's a lot of Cardio. Anyone else think so? I don't know how you can do all that cardio Jaymie! LOL I'd drop dead after the second 20 minutes! hee hee then again I don't break it up like that, I do it all in one sitting! ;)

I can't believe it I lost a pound since last week! I felt lighter today. I wonder if its all the bike riding and less strength training...hope I'm not losing muscle?? I did all the weight I norm. do though today...hmm....well so I'm 121.5 now. My fiance likes it, but then again he liked me when I was really really skinny too. hmm....

Okay so I have to come out of the closet about something...if someone reads this .. I am in alot of pain right now. Its off and on, but I am at work. Yesterday @ about 11:00 am was my decision to stop taking these, I have been taking them every day for about a year at least 4 a day. So I am on a taper plan to get off of these pills....I tried to quit cold turkey, but the withdrawals are just too bad to go about daily life with. I may need some support?? But my family knows about this and are concerned and there to help.

I will update this diary later my assistant is here now ready to work and its not even time to start working yet...whatever....
i was/am taking hydrocone/vicodin 7.5 mg and 10mg.

okay its 11:02 just took planned taper with food about 15 minutes ago.
almost came back up but I'm 'okay'. Pains are dicipating but not completely gone. At least I'm free from the bathroom until the next WD session comes...like waves...like labor pains....

I hope some day I can look back on this and be proud and happy its over. As for now. Its just beginning and it is definately horrible. Hate to say but more horrible than the speed WD's were. I slept and slept from that comedown. Now I can't sleep just sick,sick,sick, :(

hoping I can be able to ride my bike later on as I am already @ 700 calories and haven't even had lunch yet. Lunch will be half a tuna sandwich. It sucks because the food intake immediately triggers the wd's to start. Then its an hour of torture before the next taper.

Long long hours they are...I know this really h as nothing to do with what is supposed to be in the diary..but it has to do with my health so I figure it fits here. Never prayed to God so much in one day before. I'm sure many more days to come that will be like this .
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I'm sorry, it's still early and I haven't had coffee yet, but what are WD's (it's probably something really obvious and I'm gonna feel like a dumba$$ for even asking I bet)

I was given Vicodin once after surgery and I can see how people get addicted, I could always sleep after taking one...
yes wd is just my abbreviation for withdrawals. Thanks Jim. I am so scared. I feel like a big disappointment to you guys. And myself ultimately. But I WILL get through this one too !

I know someday I will be over all my chemical addictions and be able to help other people with theirs. At least that is my dream. I just want to get better and relate to people who go through these same things I went and go through. My life has been one of intense learning. I am glad for it all, but this one is tough. I am not sick right now and mind is a little clearer, but I'm hungry and afraid , just afraid. Thanks all.
Ah, yes, withdrawls ok. Well you seem like you have it together now and hopefully the worst is over. I'm sure you've come a long way!

I don't think anyone here is disappointed, the opposite, I'm sure they are proud that you have decided to make a change for the better. I think what you've done is a very big deal! Good for you :)
Moonbeam3 said:
I don't think anyone here is disappointed, the opposite, I'm sure they are proud that you have decided to make a change for the better. I think what you've done is a very big deal! Good for you :)

Couldn't have said it better myself. Jaymie, all you will get from anyone here is support and encouragement. I'm in awe of your determination to change yourself and your lifestyle. You are open and honest about all of your problems and feelings towards them and, most importantly, you recognise what needs to be done. You are truly an inspiration and, I for one am behind you 100%

Just keep doing what you're doing and, everyday you will be one step closer to where you want to be.
Thanks Chris!!! :)

I am feeling better now, the taper plan is working. This morning had dose @ 8:00am then dose @ 10:45 am and then didn't have to take it until 3:00pm just a little bit ago!! I'm doing it ! The wd's are getting farther spaced I think. Hope this weekend goes well. Wish me luck. I will be taking half of 7.5 mg doses by the time I come back on Tuesday. I will let you know how it went on Tuesday. I can't believe I got through today at work! Not that I was the most focussed individual here today, but I made it. That's what counts is I didn't give up.

Thanks AGAIN !! to all my wonderful friends on here I will be back Tuesday and will stay STRONG this weekend I will stick with my plan to quit.
Good luck woman...let us know how you are doing.

Smile..we love you!