well didn't do the jump rope as my lungs are full of 'something?' .. I think allergies, actually I know its allergies. All this STUPID cottonwood blowing around looks like its snowing. AH!! They make me mad and I punch them and kick them and YELL at them to get AWAY ! But they just ignore me and surround me with their incessant fluffinesss!!! Bah humbug .
Welp, I have done good with the new plan

very proud of me! I haven't had any substantial carbs after 7:00 pm . only veg. and protein and like natural mozz. cheese and w hatnot. no more cereal and the SF popsicles are nonexistant now. I haven't wanted one since I started focusing on health more.
So today so far has been the norm. but with a bit of change..
had 3 egg whites...they were the SMALL eggs from the carton.
bowl of Total and sprinkle of raisins w/ skim milk
yes maam, I am drinking a cup of coffee so what!!
something wierd I have found.....
since I stopped having artificial sweetener in my coffee and in alot of things, I don't have to have more and more and more of that particular thing. Now I know it affects the metabolism in a way that you're body doesn't act the same way as sugar does....but I find myself wanting more and more of something with artificial sweetener as opposed to just having it with pure cane sugar....there is a DRASTIC decrease in the craving for it. and I moderate my intake of the item incredibly conciously ! Isn't that a concept there....
Well, I just think that if I have to have something sweet, I should be accountable for the effects and quit trying to cheat my body. If its gonna be sweet then I will have sugar. If not, then I won't . Plus by looking at the nutrition facts on all that crap , its all like " maltodextrin, partially hydrogenated blah blah, dipotassium phosphate, aspartame, blah blah blah" and on the other its like..." skim milk, cream " .... wow, so which one sounds like something I would eat? not the chemical crap.duh, why have I been eating that crap !?!
yeah so that was a coffee creamer I was looking at there...lol.
I have stayed at a level 122 since watching more closely and not overeating on any ONE food. I have more variety and have slowed down on the exercising. I wasn't letting my body rest, I don't think I let myself have even one day a week of not exercising. But since my experiment. I feel better, am not as dehydrated or bloated, my face is even less swollen from my increased water intake, I have more energy and am more positive and more focused throughout the day ( which says alot for me, I get distracted even from the distraction I had in the first place! lol )
My boss noticed this though yesterday I did it again. I was on here and then started wandering off from here and I was staring at the wall and my boss came in and jiggled my desk chair real fast and I was so shocked and realized wtf was I just doing?? I hate that crap I'm trying to work on it though.
I am a really sucky multi-tasker....
today is leg day.
During lunch I will be doing my weight training
after work will be the cardio i.e. stress reliever
leg day is like this:
I start with the leg press 3 x 15 @ 230-250
calves 3 x 15 @ 130
Hamstring curls 3 x 15 @ 70
Quads 3 x 15 @ 100 but that's starting to get easy so I may up it well see
Hip adduction 3 x 15 @ 120
..black hole sun, won't you come, and wash away the rain, black ho..oh yeah....see there I go again!.....
Squat rack 3 x 15 @ 110
abs 3 x 25 @ 35
after work:
stair stepper 20 minutes level 10-11
Elliptical at least 20 minutes level 9-10
Treadmill walking uphill / jogging for however long I feel like it
yeah so that is it better start working now...