Welp, Its almost time to go do arms @ the gym.
Not feeling all that particularly inclined to do so, but hey thats the best time to kick yourself in the @$$ right?
Well, I haven't smoked a cigarette in 4 days !!!!

I know its gonna be the last time. I really really wanna stay quit.
I am feeling better already and feel like I can breathe easier and all. But the only thing is I keep waking up in the morning and I cough up all this gunk. Someone told me the cilia on the lining of your throat are destroyed when you smoke and once you stop you grow them back.
wow.. so my cilia is on the rise!!Go cilia ! Go cilia ! Its your birthday! Its your birthday!
hmm...yeah, I'm a complete idiot I know.
Man I have big thighs. I was looking at the Avon brochure for this month and theres this beautiful woman in there with these sleek and slim thighs it looks like her clothes are just laying atop her skin effortlessly and weightlessly...

When I wear pants and squat down like that my thighs stretch the material so much it looks like its gonna bust open. But I guess that comes with the territory (2 kids) Or is that really an excuse ???
oh what-the-F$#@-EVER ! I am SO tired of these supermodel-types ruining my self-image what a crock of coke sluts they all are. ... NO I am NOT jealous!!!!....okay...maybe I am....dammit.....but at LEAST I'm being honest about it. I think though...I would much rather have more to myself than a coveted waistline about my existence..I mean, if I were to grow old and realize "oh man, I am like..so totally not a supermodel anymore...like...I led a total life of meaningless strutting,fancy clothes, money, and expensive accessories!! Like Oh my Gosh!! I am SO an old wrinkly bag with no personality!!" ...then I would be depressed for real.
Fo shizzle muh Nizzle !!
So I ate 2300 calories yesterday...someone kill me....
But I feel alright about it cuz it was all wholesome and beneficial material I must say. Today I'm working out...and I am not smoking....life is good! So I don't mind, it wasn't a lack of control, I ate when I was hungry and stopped when I was satisfied...yadda yadda...anyone else ever get tired of talking about eating? I like to talk about the working out part but the eating part is SO monotonous and time consuming..