How would you have reacted?

Its funny there is a topic in a bodybuilding forum (many bodybuilding forums have linked to it) titled " What would you have done in this situation? (Yes Fight)" and the talk goes like ive seen this vid before and still get pissed or even racial expletives. There is nothing wrong about this video being seen before but having seen it before, the same reactions are happening. Does that mean that other bystander incidents are less important/recurring than this particular one? Or does it mean because there's a huge guy everyone should fight? That "small guy" was not "small" by the way he was like 6'2 220. I didn't follow the original story but even the girlfriend got some jail time.
Its funny there is a topic in a bodybuilding forum (many bodybuilding forums have linked to it) titled " What would you have done in this situation? (Yes Fight)" and the talk goes like ive seen this vid before and still get pissed or even racial expletives. There is nothing wrong about this video being seen before but having seen it before, the same reactions are happening. Does that mean that other bystander incidents are less important/recurring than this particular one? Or does it mean because there's a huge guy everyone should fight? That "small guy" was not "small" by the way he was like 6'2 220. I didn't follow the original story but even the girlfriend got some jail time.

what are you talking about? other bystander incidents are not less important than this one. This is simply the one that got posted. Feel free to post more if you've got links. This one is being used as an example because someone saw it on youtube and found it to be shocking.
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what if the guy got killed? If all the people in the pizza placed had jumped the dude, no one would have gotten seriously hurt, that's the thing! And yes, I've been in a fight, and no, it's not like the movies, because in the movies a guy gets up after getting a chair smashed across his back, they don't in real life.

Why would everyone in the pizza place try to jump the guy? It doesn't make any sense. It would make more sense to talk to the dude or just simply get between you and the person. It doesn't require you to make physical contact. If you were to say, "How come no one in the pizza place tried to talk to the guy or get in between?" Then I would agree with you. But what you're suggesting is not logical in any way. As I stated, a big 300+ pounds person can damage someone easily. Gravity wins, always.

If you don't want to put yourself in harms way to save someone elses life, fine, then don't, but don't go around talking down to people who are willing to do that. Some day you might need someone to help you out so you don't get killed or seriously injured. We have all talked about ways of getting the 300 lb guy down quickly and that is possible if you know MA or if you are a group of many people.

How do you know that I don't know any martial arts? I have taken a few classes, and I myself have been in a few fights here and there.

All I'm trying to tell you, is that it doesn't make any sense to start breaking skulls at the first sign of someone getting beat up.

I might toss myself between the person, or as I stated eariler, grab the person getting beat up and run him out the store out of harms way. I wouldn't attempt to punch or break a chair over someone's back as you stated.

I would be thinking about the poor guy getting seriously beaten up instead of myself. Chanses are if I got a rear neck choke I would be able to put the guy to the ground (it is quite easy when you can manipulate the neck and throat) then call on someone to come and help me hold him down. When people see him being down they wouldn't be so afraid to help.
And yes, I've done that before and it is actually quite easy.

I would be too. I would be like, "Man this guy is getting beat up." Last thing I would be thinking, "How can I beat up a 300+ pounds guy?" The very first thing is that I would need help with this person. Second thing, I would talk to the guy. Even tell him the police is on the way and he best get out. Tell him to relax and take it easy. If all else fails, I would do what I said above... pull the guy out of the store and then wait for the police or even just call and wait without pulling the guy out.
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"you" was not directed at you. I guess I should have used "one" instead.

You're gonna talk to him? Do you think he would listen to reason? And you shouldn't start breaking skulls before you know something is going down, and when a guy is punching another guy repeatedly you know something is going down.

If you get in between them, then he will have you right in front of him and he can punch you. If you take him from the back he can't. You can take him down without causing any harm to him or yourself.

Gravity does not always win. What makes you say that? As I've stated earlier, with MA experience most people can take down bigger unexperienced guys.

I just would not be able to stand idely by while some poor guy was getting beaten up and seriously injured, I would intervene.

And I'm saying everyone in the pizza place should jump the guy, it doesn't make sense for it to happen because everyone is too darn afraid.

Why don't you answer any of my questions? I've posed several questions but you don't answer any of them.

Solving the conflict without use of violence is what you want, but unfortunately that does not always happen. Standing there and saying "Hey, stop hitting him!" won't do much good. The entire thing was over pretty fast, while you're talking the deadly blow is coming nearer and nearer. Some things call for quick action. You don't have time to stand around thinking about what to do because it will be over before you have finished. Why do you think I would go smack a chair over someone's head for nothing? I wouldn't. But when he is clearly trying to injure the guy, then I don't care about him, I care about the guy who is getting beat up. If I break the perpetrators arm or leg to save an innocent man, then so be it. It is self defence (at least where I live it is, an attack on someone else is to be regarded as an attack on yourself and you can therefore defend the person being attacked)

Like I said earlier, if you don't want to intervene to help someone out of fear for your own saftey, fine, that is your choise. But do NOT talk down at me for being the one who would actually risk something to stop the injustice.
What were your question? I'll look them over. I don't see them though.

Are you asking me "What if the guy got killed?"

I admit the guy was getting beat up rather badly. But the thing is he didn't get killed.

I do believe talking to the guy will work. Especially if you said, "I called the cops, and they're on their way."

I see where you're coming from. I do admit that I too would probably not stand around while a guy is getting beat up. What you're suggesting though is that the *ONLY* keyword only way to help this person is if someone actually tried to beat the 300+ pounds person and thereby putting their own life at risk. What you're asking for is a lot and what only a few people will be capable of doing. I personally do not know what I would do in that situation since I never been in such a situation where someone was beaten that badly. A lot of people are all talk and no show. Now I'm not saying that's you, but I would imagine that people who starts saying, "I'm going to beat that guy up" are usually the chicken **** that runs away when **** hits the fan.

The thing I hate about what you're saying is that the only way people can help is by physical intervention. This is not true, is what I'm getting at. Could the guy get killed? YES, he can. But if you did your BEST to help, then why would you tell someone, "Hey, you suck just because you can't fight." I mean if someone tried their best, how can YOU hold it against them? That is my question to you: "Why do we have to qualify helping by doing physical intervention of dramatic proportion such as beating someone up, or start performing surgery on someone hit by a car rather than using logical, common sense that best meets your limitation and understanding?"

If one tries their best, how can you hold it against them? Sort of like getting mad at a baby because they can't run straight or being mad at a person with no legs for not walking fast. If you're unable or not educated to help, then you call for help or try to do your best to help. Will you succeed? Probably not, but if you tried, then how can anyone hold it against you?
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I answer your arguments but you don't answer back. If you don't have a retort to it then that is fine. Like you said you should just get in between, and I say that puts you in the line of fire, etc.
Why would everyone in the pizza place try to jump the guy? It doesn't make any sense. It would make more sense to talk to the dude or just simply get between you and the person. It doesn't require you to make physical contact. If you were to say, "How come no one in the pizza place tried to talk to the guy or get in between?"

Judging by the attackers reaction to his girlfriends tantrum, this guy wasnt someone that you could "talk to". He was looking to beat this guys ass regardless of what the victim (or others) had to say. In order to keep him from continuing to attack the poor guy, people needed to get between, restrain, and subdue the 300lbs, meat-fisted idiot. This MIGHT require throwing a punch or choking the guy... but to stand there and let this happen is a cowardly thing to do, especially since the victim wasn't even defending himself.

Also, as you have mentioned, people can DIE in fights, especially one as brutal as this. You couldn't bring yourself to get this victim OUT of harms of way when his life could be on the line??

I would be too. I would be like, "Man this guy is getting beat up." Last thing I would be thinking, "How can I beat up a 300+ pounds guy?"

To stand there and say "Man this guy is getting beat up" is just like standing at that hit-and-run and saying, "Man that guy just got hit by a car"... its useless. DO SOMETHING!! It's scary to think that people would sit around and let this happen to another human being. There's so much that could have been done to help the victims in both of these situations, instead, a bunch of scared people put their feet up and watched the show.
Okay, let's say I did do "something" at the pizza place. Let's say I pull the guy out of the store so he's out of harm way. But let's say at the same time, since the big guy is pissed they're out of XL dough, he decides to beat me up. He punches me in the face and I break a nose. Instead of fighting back, I run away leaving the guy I pulled out where he's at. At that point, the police comes, and the big dude is arrested and taken away. Since I pulled the guy out of the store, he doesn't suffer a broken eye socket.

Could you honestly look at me eye-to-eye and tell me I failed life because I am a coward who didn't fight back?
And let's say with that dude and the hit and run. Let's say I did do "something." Let's say I saw the car get hit, I'm in my car and I chase after the guy who just ran him over. Copy down his license plate, and all that. And then I come back, and let's say the guy died because no one helped him to lift his head so he can breathe.

Could you honestly look at me eye-to-eye and say I failed life because I didn't stop and help the guy instead? Let's say they got the guy who hit and run because I copied down the numbers. Could you honestly look at me eye-to-eye and tell me I still failed?
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no, that would be a good solution, if the cops actually came that fast. It usually takes them a while to get there. However, by incapacitating the big guy first you wouldn't have had your nose broken.

I'm not saying it has to be a violent solution, I'm just saying I would probably try to subdue the guy because I don't think, in that situation, talking or helping the victim run away would do much good. I don't think the police would have arrived fast enough, and the victim didn't look like he was able to run by himself. If you got him out of the store and out of harms way that is good though. You did something, you helped, that is all I could ever ask.
Actually I did say it before. But I suppose it got lost in translation.

My point is, that you don't have to be violent. And Karky just said that too.

Ideal solution would be to get help. The average person cannot fight a person of lesser size, so expecting them to take on a 300+ pounds person would be like asking a midget to slam dunk a basketball. You can call for help, you can call 911, you can take a picture, you can do so much more than putting yourself in harm's way. Yes, they can die. But that's life. You can't guarantee that you won't die, and you can expect to save someone's life by throwing yourself in harm's way. Raw violence should be the last thing on your mind. Picking up a chair and breaking it over someone's back/head is silly and unrealistic. Touching or picking someone up who just been hit by a car is equally silly as their neck or back can be broken and you further damage it by touching them.

I would say, that all I ask for people is to try their best. You never know what you can do until you try it. Nothing gets me madder when I see some guy who put his heart and soul into something only to have someone say, "Your best sucks." Being the "best" doesn't mean being violent and breaking chairs and stuff over people's head. And being the "best" doesn't mean running into a burning building like Chuck Norris and saving a bus full of children. Being the "best" is simply doing what you think is the best of your abilities and limitations and seeing if you can go beyond that.
I'm not asking someone to challenge the attacker to a duel, just stop the damn beating. Do whatever it takes, whether it be a chair, punch, or an affectionate hug... keep the poor victim from taking more abuse.
Actually I did say it before. But I suppose it got lost in translation.

My point is, that you don't have to be violent. And Karky just said that too.

Ideal solution would be to get help. The average person cannot fight a person of lesser size, so expecting them to take on a 300+ pounds person would be like asking a midget to slam dunk a basketball. You can call for help, you can call 911, you can take a picture, you can do so much more than putting yourself in harm's way. Yes, they can die. But that's life. You can't guarantee that you won't die, and you can expect to save someone's life by throwing yourself in harm's way. Raw violence should be the last thing on your mind. Picking up a chair and breaking it over someone's back/head is silly and unrealistic. Touching or picking someone up who just been hit by a car is equally silly as their neck or back can be broken and you further damage it by touching them.

I would say, that all I ask for people is to try their best. You never know what you can do until you try it. Nothing gets me madder when I see some guy who put his heart and soul into something only to have someone say, "Your best sucks." Being the "best" doesn't mean being violent and breaking chairs and stuff over people's head. And being the "best" doesn't mean running into a burning building like Chuck Norris and saving a bus full of children. Being the "best" is simply doing what you think is the best of your abilities and limitations and seeing if you can go beyond that.

Who said to pick up the guy who got hit by a car?

Why is it unrealistic to smash a chair over someone's back? It can be done, no problem. If you hit the back you probably won't kill the guy, but stunn him long enough to put him in a hold or if you can't put him in a hold, run away.
I put putting him in a hold first because you don't want him to come running after you, if you can subdue him with an armbar or something you can hold him there until the police arrives.
You can take as many pictures and call the cops as much as you want. You are not actually helping the victim, you are helping the DA make him go to jail after they have caught him. The victim is still as beat up as before you took the picture or/and called the police (unless you are lucky and the police gets there before the guy has stopped to run awya). All I'm saying is to do something to stop the beating, it doesn't have to be violent, but sometimes violence is actually the best solution, not often but sometimes.
Nothing gets me madder when I see some guy who put his heart and soul into something only to have someone say, "Your best sucks." Being the "best" doesn't mean being violent and breaking chairs and stuff over people's head. And being the "best" doesn't mean running into a burning building like Chuck Norris and saving a bus full of children. Being the "best" is simply doing what you think is the best of your abilities and limitations and seeing if you can go beyond that.

I'm not sure how this is relevant to the discussion, but if one honestly thinks the best they can do is to stand and watch or take cell phone pictures; then I pity their life of sub-mediocrity.
Dallen, you have a screwed up way of thinking. I definetly wouldn't want you around me if i was getting jumped because you'd probably just take cell phone pictures :p
I would say, that. You never know what you can do until you try it. Nothing gets me madder when I see some guy who put his heart and soul into something only to have someone say, "Your best sucks." Being the "best" doesn't mean being violent and breaking chairs and stuff over people's head. And being the "best" doesn't mean running into a burning building like Chuck Norris and saving a bus full of children. Being the "best" is simply doing what you think is the best of your abilities and limitations and seeing if you can go beyond that.

This is a bit inappropriate of me but i found this quite amusing and feel inspired to do greater things just from reading it. You should be a motivational speaker.
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Look guys....hindsight is 20/20, we can sit here (after watching it) and retrospectively talk about what we think should have happened and what we think we would have done, but I can practically guarantee you that almost 99% of most people would be like deer caught in the headlights when it comes to a situation like that.

Let's face it...she was a loud psycho-bitch and pretty much beyond talking to, then her 6' 4" psycho-thug comes walking in looking to wipe the floor with someone. Does he have a gun? Maybe.

But break it down to the moments. Would anyone have done anything leading right up to the point when he first hit him?? Not really, it was just a verbal thing and who wants to get involved in some loud verbal scuffle with a monster 6' 4" guy??

Once the hitting started, the guy was obviously dazed & stunned and in shock: he didn't fight back because he was done already. I bet he doesn't remember much anything up to that forget about fighting back. Unless you do a lot of fighting and can instinctively keep your wits, it's a done-deal. He got clocked and was a walking zombie from there.

I promise you, most people were in shock watching it...and beyond that, unless the guy is equal or hopefully smaller then you, your not inclined to want to get into it with him. Just look at the can easily see him pulling a gun out of his multiple skin-folds and cappin' someones ass on the spot.

I'm not defending them, but most the bystanders will say it happened really quickly and they don't have the advantage of hindsight as we do. How many times have you replayed situations and wished you could have done, said or acted differently??