Actually I did say it before. But I suppose it got lost in translation.
My point is, that you don't have to be violent. And Karky just said that too.
Ideal solution would be to get help. The average person cannot fight a person of lesser size, so expecting them to take on a 300+ pounds person would be like asking a midget to slam dunk a basketball. You can call for help, you can call 911, you can take a picture, you can do so much more than putting yourself in harm's way. Yes, they can die. But that's life. You can't guarantee that you won't die, and you can expect to save someone's life by throwing yourself in harm's way. Raw violence should be the last thing on your mind. Picking up a chair and breaking it over someone's back/head is silly and unrealistic. Touching or picking someone up who just been hit by a car is equally silly as their neck or back can be broken and you further damage it by touching them.
I would say, that all I ask for people is to try their best. You never know what you can do until you try it. Nothing gets me madder when I see some guy who put his heart and soul into something only to have someone say, "Your best sucks." Being the "best" doesn't mean being violent and breaking chairs and stuff over people's head. And being the "best" doesn't mean running into a burning building like Chuck Norris and saving a bus full of children. Being the "best" is simply doing what you think is the best of your abilities and limitations and seeing if you can go beyond that.