How would you have reacted?

The video that Chillen posted is so ****ing dramatized. The narration is pathetic and it was just a ploy to make the US look bad. "Look at these soulless people that don't help an elderly when he gets hit by a car" Jesus. I'm not saying things like this don't happen but that clip was NOT an example at all.

First of all, cars aren't going to stop to try and help him when there are already 5+ people standing by him obviously concerned. What would another person standing around do other than stop traffic?

Second of all, the people that were on the street were helping by doing the right thing like calling on their cell phones for help. You can't physically do anything to help him unless you are trained for something like that. It's not about being sued it's about not harming the person.

I love how the video stops after a few seconds. I mean wtf is going to happen like 30 seconds of a person getting hit by a car? Is someone going to run over there and pull a first aid kit and respirator out of their pocket and begin surgergy on the victim?

That whole clip was ridiculous with the narration and was just pure propaganda.

Welcome to the media.
Remember an old saying, "Evil wins when a good man does nothing."

With this being said, the man that was getting beat up should have gotten off the phone and do something beside pretending that the assaulants was not there. To be honest, i wish that i can say that i would help the victim there but not sure if could. The assaultant is like 300+ lbs and 6 feet tall and without martial art training and fighting in such a small encased area, it's gonna be hard to take the man down. If no one else helps and I jumped in, would I be another beat up victim as well? I would not know how I would react until I am thrown in that situtation but those other victims should have done something especially if they were in there with a group of friends.

If I did help, I would probably do 1 of 3 action: 1) hit him over the head with anything to try to KO him, 2) hard front kick to his leg to choop down the big man. 3) Rear naked choke. The big guy did not seems to know how to fight so any defense and counter attack would work. Maybe if the other bystanders see one person help, they will as well.
yeah it is all a conspiracy to make the US look bad. This could probably have happened in any country.

You guys have seen a video of someone getting beat up at a pizza place with several people looking and no one doing anything and you take it like nothing bad has happened.. wow.

Who are you referring to? I wasn't commenting on that video.
It's like you said... you WATCHED a video. If you had actually been there, then I would probably agree with you. But you weren't. You have no idea what happened afterwards, or anything. All you can do is say whatever you want about the video and not care about what happened afterwards. It's the media's fault. I'm not saying it doesn't happen. I mean it does. But it's not just in America and in other parts of the world it's much, much worst.
For the record, I would not have helped the man in the pizza parlor. If you're going to do some passive aggressive **** talking in hearing range of a demonstrably hostile woman and then not even defend yourself, except to throw down like Shaft and then stand there like an idiot, you don't deserve to be helped. Now, if he had called for help, maybe, but still likely not.

If he had simply asserted himself politely and things had gone the same way, then sure. Or if the black guy had just come in and started beating on someone, particularly the girl, with no provocation at all, then yeah I'd definitely crack his head (from behind, of course, I'm not stupid).

I agree that some of you are blowing **** way out of proportion.
The woman didn't seem so hostile until after he had made the comment.
It's not easy to call for help when you're being beaten. For all we know that first punch made him dizzy and not able to defend very well.

You think that guy deserved the beat down for making some comments about someone cutting in line to a friend on the phone?
The woman didn't seem so hostile until after he had made the comment.

She appeared to be attempting to cut in line. She may not have even been doing so, sure, but that alone should have been indicative of an antisocial personality, the provoking of was very obviously not the correct thing to do.

It's not easy to call for help when you're being beaten. For all we know that first punch made him dizzy and not able to defend very well.

Irrelevant. Earlier on, he allowed her to assault him repeatedly, while doing nothing and even attempting to pretend it wasn't happening. This is like hanging up a sign saying, "Abuse me! I won't give you any trouble, I promise."

You think that guy deserved the beat down for making some comments about someone cutting in line to a friend on the phone?

No, I don't think he deserved the beat down at all. But I don't think he was entitled to help (as has been very strongly suggested) either. Poor social skills combined with lack of risk assessment skills and passive-aggressive pseudotemper are not exactly unlikely to result in a physical altercation. Life often provides such feedback.

I don't see where the blame should be put on anyone but the perpetrators. Maybe you can explain it to me.
She appeared to be attempting to cut in line. She may not have even been doing so, sure, but that alone should have been indicative of an antisocial personality, the provoking of was very obviously not the correct thing to do.

Irrelevant. Earlier on, he allowed her to assault him repeatedly, while doing nothing and even attempting to pretend it wasn't happening. This is like hanging up a sign saying, "Abuse me! I won't give you any trouble, I promise."

No, I don't think he deserved the beat down at all. But I don't think he was entitled to help (as has been very strongly suggested) either. Poor social skills combined with lack of risk assessment skills and passive-aggressive pseudotemper are not exactly unlikely to result in a physical altercation. Life often provides such feedback.

I don't see where the blame should be put on anyone but the perpetrators. Maybe you can explain it to me.

I'm not blaming anyone but the perpetrators, I'm just saying someone should have helped. I agree he looked like a whuss with just letting her poke at him, but someone still should have helped him, IMO. He got pretty seriously injured!
I'm not blaming anyone but the perpetrators, I'm just saying someone should have helped. I agree he looked like a whuss with just letting her poke at him, but someone still should have helped him, IMO. He got pretty seriously injured!

Yeah, and the guy who injured him went to jail. We have systems of Law precisely for such purposes. Citizens are not police officers.

I just don't see why random strangers should be obligated to help a man in that situation. That they could choose to according to their personal ethics, sure, but that they should be chastised for not doing so, or on the flip side praised for stepping in? I don't think that's right.

What we're really talking about is the difference between an objective and a relative morality. I don't subscribe to the objective myself, but it's all good.

Me, I would've hit her back when she slapped me. But it wouldn't have gotten to that point in the first place.
i understand where focus is coming from. of course he didnt know her boyfriend was waiting in the car, (probably already wound up cos he is hungry), but use some common sense and dont bad mouth someone while they standing 2 feet away from you.

one thing though, im not sure if it has been said or not, but anyone thought about WHAT the guy actaully said.
maybe the woman had a right to be angry as the guy said something in particular about her race. and im sure everyone knows thats a pretty sensitive subject - whether he used a derogatory term or not. the guy didnt deserve to be beaten like that, but IF something along the lines of racial vilification took place, and the guy is STUPID enough to say it within earshot, well....

if the people waiting in line tried to step in, and they got injured themselves who would have helped them? the next person who tried to step in as well and got their jaw broken?
that's why you should hit him in the back of the head with a chair, so he won't injure you. One big guy can't take down that many small guys, it ain't happening. If no one thought like that (being scared of getting hurt themselves) that poor guy who got beat up would only have had to suffer that first punch.
Since when is making a comment about someone cutting in line "badmouthing" someone. He didn't do ANYTHING to cause someone to attack him. What would you have done if the woman started wigging out at you? I don't think he knew what to say. If she was doing that to me I would've been speechless too. To have someone lose their head over something like that is just nuts. He also probably didn't want to hit her cause she was a woman.
that's why you should hit him in the back of the head with a chair, so he won't injure you. One big guy can't take down that many small guys, it ain't happening. If no one thought like that (being scared of getting hurt themselves) that poor guy who got beat up would only have had to suffer that first punch.

You're making it sound as if it's easy to beat up a 300+ pounds person. It's not. I don't know if you ever been in a fight, but it's quite easy to die from it, especially if it's a 300+ pounds person.

The very last thing on my mind would be to challenge a 300+ pounds person on purpose. Despite what you may think, fighting a person has certain risks that may or may not be permanent. If I knew for certain that if I got in a fight, that I would walk away with only cuts and bruises, I would be busting heads and breaking chairs over people. But it's not. Real life doesn't work like movies. Making a single error can result in your life.

Acting like a vigilante is silly. If you see someone getting beat up, you don't get your bats and start breaking skulls. Police recommends the following: note the appearance of the individual(s), call 911 from a safe place, try to get the general direction the persons went, and simply wait for the police so you can make the statement.

We live in an age of camera cell phones. The smartest thing to do to help the person would be to take a picture or short video clip, and when the police come, hand over the picture/video so they can make a report and possible an identification.

Not only that, a 300+ pounds person can easily damage a person. The person would need medical help and getting in a fight can cause more harm to the person.

If you just start punching people and screaming, "Let's get the party started!!!" And then start tossing hot pizzas and busting skulls, you're actually doing the person you're trying to help more harm than good.

It sounds good on paper, yes. But realistically, you're not going to beat a 300+ pounds person without taking on some serious damage.

It seems like the common assumption is that people are suppose to bend down besides injuried people and start wailing and pulling hair out of their head. Come on. Don't be silly. Just because you stand around, it doesn't mean you're not helping. I mean like Calcium said, there is only so much you can do when someone is down. The best thing to do is call for help right away.
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Hitting someone in the back of the head can kill them, so don't do that. If you wanna hit the face and don't have any weapons, go for the jaw for the KO, than leave the situation. If you want to hurt the guy, hit him in the body (livershot anyone?) The smartest thing you can do is just avoid confrontation altogether (obviously). A good use for a chair is using it to protect yourself from the other guy simply by using as a shield so he can't get to you... (once again) NEVER underestimate the kick in the groin....We've all been hit there and it hurts like a motherf..ker...Kick him in the groin and run away - Easy.
You're making it sound as if it's easy to beat up a 300+ pounds person. It's not. I don't know if you ever been in a fight, but it's quite easy to die from it, especially if it's a 300+ pounds person.

The very last thing on my mind would be to challenge a 300+ pounds person on purpose. Despite what you may think, fighting a person has certain risks that may or may not be permanent. If I knew for certain that if I got in a fight, that I would walk away with only cuts and bruises, I would be busting heads and breaking chairs over people. But it's not. Real life doesn't work like movies. Making a single error can result in your life.

Acting like a vigilante is silly. If you see someone getting beat up, you don't get your bats and start breaking skulls. Police recommends the following: note the appearance of the individual(s), call 911 from a safe place, try to get the general direction the persons went, and simply wait for the police so you can make the statement.

We live in an age of camera cell phones. The smartest thing to do to help the person would be to take a picture or short video clip, and when the police come, hand over the picture/video so they can make a report and possible an identification.

Not only that, a 300+ pounds person can easily damage a person. The person would need medical help and getting in a fight can cause more harm to the person.

If you just start punching people and screaming, "Let's get the party started!!!" And then start tossing hot pizzas and busting skulls, you're actually doing the person you're trying to help more harm than good.

It sounds good on paper, yes. But realistically, you're not going to beat a 300+ pounds person without taking on some serious damage.

It seems like the common assumption is that people are suppose to bend down besides injuried people and start wailing and pulling hair out of their head. Come on. Don't be silly. Just because you stand around, it doesn't mean you're not helping. I mean like Calcium said, there is only so much you can do when someone is down. The best thing to do is call for help right away.

what if the guy got killed? If all the people in the pizza placed had jumped the dude, no one would have gotten seriously hurt, that's the thing! And yes, I've been in a fight, and no, it's not like the movies, because in the movies a guy gets up after getting a chair smashed across his back, they don't in real life.
The police has to recommend the ****y version because they don't want to get sued because someone got hurt while trying to stop a fight. If you don't want to put yourself in harms way to save someone elses life, fine, then don't, but don't go around talking down to people who are willing to do that. Some day you might need someone to help you out so you don't get killed or seriously injured. We have all talked about ways of getting the 300 lb guy down quickly and that is possible if you know MA or if you are a group of many people.

I would be thinking about the poor guy getting seriously beaten up instead of myself. Chanses are if I got a rear neck choke I would be able to put the guy to the ground (it is quite easy when you can manipulate the neck and throat) then call on someone to come and help me hold him down. When people see him being down they wouldn't be so afraid to help.
And yes, I've done that before and it is actually quite easy.

I understand that a small guy with no MA experience wouldn't want to lead the charge on the guy, as he would probably get hurt, but with that many people in the room..
Actually this video is 4 or 5 years old. I don't know why y'all getting worked up (especially the youtube commenters). There are plenty of examples of people doing nothing while serious assault or rape happens even for hours like the video showing people looking out of their apartment doors or starting to walk down the hallway while a woman was being raped and assaulted (and screaming for help all the time).
the age of the video has nothing to do with it. It is a discussion about how we would have reacted and how we think people should react in a similar situation.
Im in court on monday as a witness from someone who i know who gave this lad a right hook to the temple and straight killed him. He died after being in a coma for 5 days.

I dont even wanna go to court, i dont wanna be a part of it, but the police caught us on cam and they interviewed me so i gotta look like a f**king snitch in front of em all. There's noway out of it. I cant change my story either, i never expected to be asked to court.