How would you have reacted?

Look guys....hindsight is 20/20, we can sit here (after watching it) and retrospectively talk about what we think should have happened and what we think we would have done, but I can practically guarantee you that almost 99% of most people would be like deer caught in the headlights when it comes to a situation like that.

No f uckn s hit! Most of the guys in here saying "oh i would have done this or that" wouldn't done a damn thing to help the guy. It's not the big black guy that's scary, it's the fact that if you do damage to him than you're pretty f ukt as well. The video played him up as big time drug dealer so you'd assume he'd some heavy back up if there was ever trouble and he'd probably come after you eventually for making him look stupid in front of others. How stupid was the store owner though, obviously that woman was going outside to get some muscle.
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Look guys....hindsight is 20/20, we can sit here (after watching it) and retrospectively talk about what we think should have happened and what we think we would have done, but I can practically guarantee you that almost 99% of most people would be like deer caught in the headlights when it comes to a situation like that.

Let's face it...she was a loud psycho-bitch and pretty much beyond talking to, then her 6' 4" psycho-thug comes walking in looking to wipe the floor with someone. Does he have a gun? Maybe.

But break it down to the moments. Would anyone have done anything leading right up to the point when he first hit him?? Not really, it was just a verbal thing and who wants to get involved in some loud verbal scuffle with a monster 6' 4" guy??

Once the hitting started, the guy was obviously dazed & stunned and in shock: he didn't fight back because he was done already. I bet he doesn't remember much anything up to that forget about fighting back. Unless you do a lot of fighting and can instinctively keep your wits, it's a done-deal. He got clocked and was a walking zombie from there.

I promise you, most people were in shock watching it...and beyond that, unless the guy is equal or hopefully smaller then you, your not inclined to want to get into it with him. Just look at the can easily see him pulling a gun out of his multiple skin-folds and cappin' someones ass on the spot.

I'm not defending them, but most the bystanders will say it happened really quickly and they don't have the advantage of hindsight as we do. How many times have you replayed situations and wished you could have done, said or acted differently??

Yep, I think this is the smartest, most insightful thing said in this thread.
of cource we are in hindsight and we can analyze the situation. that is what we are doing. Everything here is what we think we would have done or what we'd like to would have had done in a situation like that. I kinda thought that was understood with this thread. No one knows how they will react when instincts take over.
Yep, I think this is the smartest, most insightful thing said in this thread.
Yes hindsight is always 20/20. Only a day or so ago a on the wrong man after a row over queue jumping. A single blow, he was dead and the woman and her boyfriend are now in court for murder. The innocent murdered man had set up a website to help others.
I'm not defending them, but most the bystanders will say it happened really quickly and they don't have the advantage of hindsight as we do. How many times have you replayed situations and wished you could have done, said or acted differently??

I agree with you 100%, but I'm also not saying that I would have squared off with the guy or even attacked the attacker. I feel pretty confident in saying that I would have at LEAST tried to get the victim out the door to get him away from the "psycho-thug" (i like that term!).

The dude who got beat on screwed up when he threw his phone down like he was going to do something, plus he broke his phone! If he were to approach the situation a little more modestly, he probably would have walked away with his face intact. Same way if you try to break up the fight WITHOUT being aggressive toward the psycho-thug, you won't get too f'd up. of course, its posisble that the attacker throws your ass accross the pizza place and continues going after him... at least you tried!
Well most young people have a chip no their shoulder anyway and would likely end up dead trying to help in that situation. I think BSL said it best. The dude probably had a gun, especially if he really was a big drug dealer and would not hesitate to use it. I don't care how tough you think you are, you certainly aren't bullet proof.

Why get involved in someone else's business especially if it could be life threatening?
Well most young people have a chip no their shoulder anyway and would likely end up dead trying to help in that situation. I think BSL said it best. The dude probably had a gun, especially if he really was a big drug dealer and would not hesitate to use it. I don't care how tough you think you are, you certainly aren't bullet proof.

Why get involved in someone else's business especially if it could be life threatening?

I 'spose you would have wrist locked the guy huh?
Hitting someone in the back of the head can kill them, so don't do that. If you wanna hit the face and don't have any weapons, go for the jaw for the KO, than leave the situation. If you want to hurt the guy, hit him in the body (livershot anyone?) The smartest thing you can do is just avoid confrontation altogether (obviously). A good use for a chair is using it to protect yourself from the other guy simply by using as a shield so he can't get to you... (once again) NEVER underestimate the kick in the groin....We've all been hit there and it hurts like a motherf..ker...Kick him in the groin and run away - Easy.

Hmm, good point, and information too.

But then, on the other hand, if I'm gonna get myself physically involved with some psychotic criminal, I'd kind of prefer he die, and I don't think a jury would convict me. (Though I don't claim to have any idea what I'm talking about).

But would I consider that morally correct, I dunno.
Man iv only just watched that first video. I just wanna burn that f**ker alive. Cant do with c*nts like that.

Hope he dies slowly.
Yep, I think this is the smartest, most insightful thing said in this thread.

Wow, thanks for the compliment! (I repped ya cause I can be bought cheap;)). I'd have to reserve the "smartest/insightful" award on this thread until Chillen throws down his rap:

I would hit the THUG with a MUG and squash him like a BUG while I CHUG...;) :D

The dude who got beat on screwed up when he threw his phone down like he was going to do something, plus he broke his phone! If he were to approach the situation a little more modestly, he probably would have walked away with his face intact. we're getting somewhere; solid observation!!!! Let's chew this a bit and see what we come up with.

I entirely concur, the guy gets kudo-balls for having the guts to call her out on taking "cuts" in line (how many times have we all wanted to say something when we see something like that?)....but his implicit mistake was made when he continued to ignore the woman! Remember, she tried talking to him at first and he just ignored her; when you ignore someone you're telling them that they aren't worth your time and you're better then them, THAT'S WHAT SET HER OFF and brought the cascade of events that followed.

Hey, how many times have you walked to the front of the line just to ask for a napkin, package of ketchup, hot-spice or just the key to the bathroom? She didn't seem embarrassed, perhaps she just wanted to explain herself?? He ignored her again and again and embarrassed her in front of everyone, then the manager tells her to "get out". I'm not saying she's right, she's as damaged as those freaktards on Jerry Springer (*Freaktard is a registered BSL trade-word and can not be used without the written consent of BSL).

Getting back to it, if homeboy would have talked with her he could have just said "Oh, I'm's just that I have to wait my turn in line and apparently your better then me...blah blah blah"....(pretend to be sorry but make her answer for her actions). Fact is, his ignoring her set her off and then she got her psycho-thug to whoop his ass. Did you notice how at first psycho-thug was headed towards the cashier until, like a dog led by it's master, she turned him to attack the guy...and even then he continued to ignore her/them. Just how did he think this was going to end???? Hello?????

Then he spikes his phone? How does that put him ahead.....even with insurance he's out at least $50 and probably 5 hours in line at the cell-phone store getting a new phone.

No, no, no, no, no.....these are heavily damaged multi-colored trash people, I guarantee this event happened in some hick-backward impovershed town....say, like...Flint, Mich. :D

But let's take it a step above this all: what do people want? What is this really all about? RESPECT. Cutting in a line is disrespecting others, ignoring someone is disrespectful. All these people want is respect and when you dis them, you bring the noise. Homeboy may have sealed his fate the moment he called her out, but he certainly compounded the intensity of his misfortune by blatantly ignoring her.

And lastly, lets say homeboy was a black-belt and he somehow beat-down the psycho-thug. These people all probably live within 2 miles of the pizza place, do you really want some 6' 4" monster walking around the city figuring he owes you some payback if he ever finds you again?

Me, I'd like to think I would have yelled at the guy that he's being video-taped and to stop it.....but NO, I'm not going to jump in. Who knows how many home-boys are waiting outside in the car or how things could escalate. I've got a family and great life, I'll try to help, but given that homeboy provoked the matter by repeatedly ignoring her, he sorta brought it. In the end, it's best not to interact with people who are so low on the life-chart.

And one last bizarre note. If you saw psycho-couple on the street with a flat-tire (outside the store ) and you helped them, they'd probably both go to bat for you if they saw/heard someone giving you grief moments later!

It's like speeding tickets.....everyone gets one sooner or later, nobody flies under the radar forever. All of us face bizarre confrontations now and then; don't let your emotions dictate your actions.


BSL Flint, Michigan is hardly a hick town. Probably very similiar to your South Central LA area.