Have You Ever (Game)...

Nope, but once after my boyfriend left my parents house I had left the big screen on downstairs and after a certain time our HBO channel would switch over to Porn and then my mom accused me of watching porn, but we weren't so I just thought it was funny..

Have you ever tripped up the stairs?
Oh yeah. I tripped up the steps at a restaurant once while I was carrying a HUGE stock pot full of soup. Needless to say, it went ERRYWHERE...

Have you ever mistaken mayo for sour cream and put it on your baked potato by accident?
fuck that. once is enough, twice if seriously needed, but three times? im fat remember, i dont DO anything to require three showers, gosh!

Have you ever fallen down a hill?
No, girls wouldn't talk to me anyway. There was this one time where a girl came up to the bar and ordered like 8 drinks. It was for her softball team (that was at the table near where we were sitting), but I made a joke, like they were all for her. I was like, "Is that all for you?" in a joking manner and, her reaction? "LOOK...just because I'm standing by you at a bar doesn't mean that I'm interested, OK?!?!?!" So, my friends laughed at me and I felt great.

Have you ever watched the sun rise and sun set in the same day?
Awwww that's cruel :( I woulda tripped the bitch.

Yuppers, I've seen in one day many many times.

Have you ever been hit on by a member of the same gender?
Yup. I used to work at a Hallmark so people thought I was gay. I used to get hit on all the time by other dudes.

Have you ever been in a sex shop and seen somebody that you know?
Besides the people I'm usually with? Sometimes. Doesn't phase me, everyone plays with themselves, I just smile and know that others there are probably as inventive as I am.

Have you ever bought the most outrageous thing in a sex shop just to watch the look on the cashiers face?
No. I'd be too embarassed. I bought a vibrator for my ex-girlfriend once and the cashier (a girl) noticed how embarassed I was and goes, "It's ok...we all use them". Then, I thought she thought that I was going to use it and I was like, "Wait...no, no, no...it's not for me!!!"

Have you ever watched an episode of Hannah Montana, not because you had to, but because you wanted to?
No but my hoochie friends got with my exs all the time. bitches lol.

Have you ever been like seriously scared by a movie. Like fucking run and hide scared.
Cream Cheese Frosting, Yes

Regular cream cheese no, but maybe on crackers

Have you ever turned your phone off all day just so no one would call you?