Have You Ever (Game)...


Have you ever said I love you and didnt mean it?
Absoloutely but when I start laughing so hard when Im drunk it usually turns to crying--its so werid but it does.

Have you ever gotten a bloody nose?
Eeeeeh, yeeeeeah, but only if I overhear someone crying and someone is already comforting them. For example, if some girl is crying in a bar, but a bunch of her friends are helping her, I'm not going to butt in and ruin her night even more.

Have you ever practiced kissing on your pillow?
Negatory. Why would you practice kissing on pillow? Why would you practice kissing at all? lol

Have you ever stepped in cat/dog piss?

Have you ever done something that you KNOW you SHOULD have gone to jail for?

Ummm....I wanna hear the dog and puke story lol
Not that I can remember but I have never been drunk alone so more than likely yea

Have you ever eaten so much you had to throw up to make your stomach stop hurting?
Yeah. I get really bad migraines and they make me throw up. Well, that makes me really hungry and one day, ironically, after I threw up and stuffed myself, I was so full that I made myself puke again.

Have you ever seen a dead body?
Yeah when I was younger my dad stopped to help at this car wreck(he was a cop) and the driver had been killed. He didn't tell us the guy was dead I just found out a few years ago.

Have you ever been caught watching porn?