Have You Ever (Game)...

No, but I bet my ex-girlfriend imagined that I was girl though.

Have you ever played music so loud that your neighbors bitched about it?
I don't have a spouse, but no. I wanted to pee on my girlfriend once, because I thought it would be funny. But, I've never wanted to choke her.

Have you ever been pissed off at familyweese becuase she keeps beating you to the punch in the "First Word That Comes To Mind" game? :cuss:
after you masterbate you will get something to drink followed by more masterbation.

Well, I'll be a son of a bitch. You are a psychic. I'm actually about to stroke in a minute and then take a shower. Then, I'll start opening some beers.

(Psst...you didn't leave a question.)

Have you ever woken up with a bloody nose?
Yes :D My cousin and I were play fighting and I accidentally elbowed him in the nose (I WON!)

Have you ever sung in front of a bunch of people?
Um, yes. But not by myself. lol. I always have back ups.

Have you ever spit from something really really high off the ground and counted how long it took to get to the bottom?
lol, not exactly that situation but yes I've been caught staring.

Have you ever seen someone changing in their window and not stopped looking?
Yes lol I can see in my neighbors window.
Have you ever fallen really hard and tried to jump up real fast like you didn't fall.
lol, yes. It's usually those damn stairs!

Have you ever drank a crap ton and didn't puke but wish you would have because then maybe you would feel better?
No, I'm not that kind of dude. I even feel guilty after I masturbate and don't talk to myself for a while.

Have you ever made someone eat something gross, without them knowing?
lol, got a vision of dumb n dumber in the back of my mind and it made me laugh (when he does that stupid face when he's putting exlax in the hot chocolate)...FOCUS!!

Nope, I don't think I have. I'm not evil enough.

have you ever had that snuff stuff that you sniff up your nose?
I wasn't talking about cocaine. lol. Snuff. It's that stuff you sniff up your nose, I think they have it at German places... Nvm.

AND NOPE to your questsheeon.

Have you ever farted in bed then pulled the covers over your head to trap the stench?
Can't say I have.

Have you ever cooked a new meal, from a recipe or whatever, and slaved over the stove just to taste it in the end and have to throw it away because it's not edible?
Yeah, everytime I try to make something that my MOM recommends. She's a terrible cook.

Have you ever masturbated in front of somebody?
SIGH...yes and yes.

Have you ever laid in bed, naked, for an entire day?