Have You Ever (Game)...

LOL you two...:)

I stretched out in the middle of the night, and knocked down my huge wall sized Photo, and it came down on me, which I than had to get up and put it back into place. (That's never happened and it's been there for at least 2-3 years)

Have you ever had a beetle land in your hand?


Have you ever laughed till you cried.
*gasp* You haven't seen the Star Wars movies? You really should! At least episodes four through six.

Have you ever gone a few days without posting on WLF and gained weight???
Have you ever made a promise you knew you couldn't keep?

Yes - Many, many times I promised to quit smoking and many many times I failed.

I have quit smoking now - BUT it took me a long time to finally come through and succeed.


Have you ever daydreamed while you were driving and pretty much used the auto-pilot to get to where you wanted to go, then freaked out because you don't really remember what happened on the drive ?? :svengo:
Nope. I hate it. My nan used to do it, then smash the fly on her pants. Absolutely disgusting.

Have you ever lied to someone, and you knew they knew you were lying, but they accepted it anyway?
Yes I have. :( The people who will stick through you even through something like that are the ones who will be there for you no matter what.

Have you ever read an entire book at the bookstore without buying it?
Not quite. (I just skim through them)

Have you ever gotten a sun burn and than when the skin was peeling off, you were able to pull off a really big piece and keep it intact?
I like both. Preference, eye's over hair any day.

Have you ever had only a bf/gf with red hair?
No (tv orrr actual run?) but still no

Have you ever mowed the lawn in your swimsuit just to get a tan?
Never. But then again I have a year-long tan. :coolgleamA:

Have you ever tripped or slipped and made more of a fool of yourself by trying to recover and failing? lol