Have You Ever (Game)...

Nope. But I have been caught singing and playing real guitar when I thought I was alone.

Have you ever stuck gum under a table/seat?
Oh yeah. My high school is plastered with my spitty gum wads. It's also plastered with pee, but that's a different story.

Have you ever fallen down a flight of stairs in front of people?
When I was a kid (this IS really cruel - but hey, kids ARE cruel), one of my sisters and I stripped our other sister and threw her our on the landing. I know it doesn't sound funny, but it was HILARIOUS !!

When we went back out there we were grappling about and lost footing. I ended up on the bottom and we slid all the way down the stairs.


Have you ever checked you bank account and found that money had been deposited that you didn't expect ?
No! And I'm madly jealous of anyone who has!

Have you ever let your friends talk you into something you know you shouldn't do?
Yup - a coworker.. and to make it worse I declared "Hey I had a dream about you last night!" and then shut up fast when I realized what the dream was about!

Have you ever been thin? (I never have - its a strange concept for me!)
Not since I was in high school - and even then I thought I needed to lose weight.

Have you ever held an entire conversation on the phone with someone while thinking they were someone else?
hehe - yes I have.... and I do it to others as well.... My sister and I sound very much alike and we love trying to fool our brother! :)

Have you ever met someone and, in trying to impress them, pretended to be someone you weren't or do something you hadn't?

Have You Ever wished you hadn't been such a hot head & regretted what came out of your mouth?
Umm, not really. I don't say things that I regret all too often. When I mouth off to someone, they usually deserve and it's usually well needed.

Have you ever peed in someone's beer bottle and watched them drink it?
a lot of it - after my second son was born......

have you ever found a hair in a place where there really should NOT be a hair?
Yes. Ew. I'm gagging just thinking about it.

Have you ever eaten something that was going bad, but just cut off the spoiled bits?
cheese -- all the time -- sad eh?

Have you ever taken a nice large swallow of milk only to find it spoiled to the point of chunky?
Blarg. What is this - the gag me hour on the "have you ever" thread. :)

No. But then I don't really like milk anyway, so I always sniff before I use it.

Have you ever eaten something that smelled really good and then tasted awful?
gag... indeed... and I do not wish to think about it before bed! LOL

Have you ever found anything gross in pre-packaged food?
Yes - one time I found a cricket in a package of sunflower seeds.

Ok, new topic for pre-bedtime. :reddevil:

Have you ever done anything in bed that you never thought you'd do? (And it doesn't *have* to be something sexual, mind you ... although if you wanted to share ... !)