Have You Ever (Game)...

I've had days in the past where I compeltely unplugged, and the internet became my social outlet. Long story...

Have you ever played backgammon?
I think when I was younger, but haven't for a very long time. So Yes

Have you ever decided to shave off all of your hair on your head? (the one attached to your neck)
No, how could you tell if someone hated you by googling your name?

Have you ever kept trying with someone who didn't like you?
(If you google your name and go to someone's myspace/facebook/blog and find out that you're on the wrong end of some nasty comments.)

Yes I have, unfortunately that person was someone who I was supposed to be in a serious relationship with at the time. I knew the ship was sinking but I just kept paddling and bailing away. :banghead:

Have you ever been so sleepy that it made you nauseous?
Yes, many times.

Have you ever sprayed room spray and then accidentally inhaled it? (I just did and now everything seems to taste of 'Fresh Laundry....*ugh*)
Yes, over this last winter. I believe that my decision to change my eating habits was a result of my enduring that feeling.

Have you ever given a complete stranger a hug because they looked like they could use one?
Kinda, under a roof though
..lol :p, (oh and I've had a complete stranger give me a hug (two girls) cuz they thought I could use one, and I did!

Have you ever practiced smiling at anyone and everyone?
Well I used to always have a side of pickles with a side of ice cream, can that count? (yea this was when I was a kid)

Have you ever had Activia Apple Museli & Nuts Yogurt?
Yepp. Tastes horrible.

Have you ever had something that hurt, didn't know what it was caused by, and started to imagine you might have some horrible illness?
All the time... literally.. all the time... had a bug bite - told the doc it must be flesh eating disease.... pain in my chest....sure it was a heart attack.. doc said it was from my flu.. coughed so much i damaged a muscle.... hehe....

Have you ever had crazy sex dreams about an ex?
Umm, yeeeeeah. :doh:

Have you ever been caught staring at a member of the opposite sex, in an "I wonder what you look like naked" sort of way?
yeah :) hehe.... and sometimes i do it on purpose.

have you ever been angry at someone and not even be able to figure out why?
(yes angry, usually transference is the cause 4 me)

Have you ever had a tooth rot so bad that it fell out?
Ouchieeeee....yepp, been there, done that.

Have you ever cried while reading a book?