Have You Ever (Game)...


Have you ever gone to the gas station and then driven off, forgetting to actually put the gas in the car?
Yepp. Stopped for gas, went and bought something to munch on and a paper, and drove off with an empty tank.

Have you ever put gas into your car, then got into the car and started to drive off without paying (simply because you forgot about it)?

Have you ever left the gas cap off or open after fueling your vehicle?

Have you ever driven off while the gas hose was still in your car?
(and I will answer for myself - no, but I was in the car when someone else did!)
Yes, and a watch ... and been in the house when one has passed over.

Have you ever been in a hurricane warning?

Have you ever seen a Black Widow?
haha I cannot think of anything..

Have you ever forgotten sunscreen on for your nose, and ended up looking like the Scarecrow from Wizard of Oz?
( like me right now :()
No, can't say that I have. :)

Have you ever finished a drink at a bar, only to look down and realize that it belonged to someone else?
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Does it count if it is deliberate?

I once did that all night long with a friend. Everytime my beer got lower than his I switched them when he was distracted (okay, it was a strip club and he was distracted a lot). :)

Have you ever set yourself on fire?
Umm, SORT OF?!?!?! I mean, I'm a chef, so I've been burned by fire a whole bunch of times, but I've never done it deliberately. But...that might give me something to do this weekend. Hmm...

Have you ever turned on QVC in order to make yourself tired so you could fall asleep, only to find yourself totally interested in what you're watching and staying up for hours and hours just watching people talk about shit that you're never going to buy?
Not QVC, but loads of other crap channels. I used to be afraid of the dark and silence, so I had the TV going 24/7, and found myself watching complete crap (including shopping channels, which I usually hate) on a regular basis.

Have you ever called somebody, got the number wrong, and ended up talking to the person on the other side for a while even though you had no clue who they were?
Yes. (usually a lonely elderly)

Have you ever found a pack of smokes & being a non-smoker decided to try one out of curiousity?(sp?)

Have you ever sucked on a lolli-pop for so long that you made it sharp and it cut your tongue?

Have you ever sucked on a lolli-pop for so long that you made it sharp and it cut your tongue?

I'm ignoring the spammer and going with this one.....

Yepp, been there, done that. Ouchie!

Have you ever had an ice cream cone and while you were eating it, the ice cream melted and dripped out of the bottom of the cone and onto your clothes?
Yes. When I was a kid it didn't matter how many napkins I tried to use, I was going to have mint chocolate chip stains on my shirts!

Have you ever locked your keys in your car twice in one day?
Sadly, humiliatingly, yes. :)

Have you ever made a really big cooking mistake while cooking for friends or family (something akin to putting salt in the dessert or serving raw turkey or anything like that)?