Have You Ever (Game)...

Uhm...no. I just ignored it the few times it happened.

Have you ever worn something that you usually wouldn't leave the house in (like just underwear and a shirt or something), to 'just get the laundry' (or the cat, the mail, the kids, whatever) into the house, thinking that nobody would see you, and then ended up running into your neighbour (postman, milkman, enter embarrassing encounter of choice here)?
Nope, Only thing I wouldn't go out in would be nothing at all.

Have you ever gotten into an argument in public, made a complete ass out of yourself and then later find out it was just a big misunderstanding?
Ohhhh yeah I've done that. It was at a local bar, ended up running into the person randomly at the casino, we talked it out and ended up having drinks all night and laughing about it!

Have you ever accidentally called a significant other an ex's name? (and no, not necessarily during sex but of course that's the worst!)
No, but I'll try to the next time I get a girlfriend. That would be aaaaawesome.

Have you ever held for a customer service representative on the phone for over a half hour?
Yes! :)

Have you ever ended a phone call with "Love you. Bye" out of habit - but the person on the other end isn't your spouse/boyfriend/girlfriend?
Yeah, I did it to a female friend of mine once. Sadly, I really WAS in love with her, so it made it even more awkward.

Have you ever called someone and left them a message, but switched your names around without noticing it at first? For instance, my name's Rob and I called my friend Matt earlier and said the following...

"Rob, it's Matt. I was just seeing if you wanted to...SIGH. I'm a retard. Uhh...just call me later...bye."
haha No

Have you ever put the milk in the cupboard and the cereal in the fridge type of thing?
Yeah, a few times.

Have you ever tried to take a drink of something from a glass while lying in bed, only to spill it AAAAALL over the place?
Yepp, plenty of times, and I wasn't even drunk when I did it....*lol*

Have you ever honked your horn at somebody, thinking the traffic lights were green, then realised they weren't?

(Did that today, and the dude actually started driving and nearly caused a crash....UUUUPS!)
No ... not yet. :)

Have you ever flipped off (or made other rude gestures) to someone in traffic and then realized it was someone you knew (or were related to)?

Have you ever called someone in a huge crowd Dad or Mom, because for an instant they looked like them, and than you realized it was not?
(such as you're looking for them and you can't freakin find them and you're in a panic, so brain isn't really functioning anyhow)
Not that I remember, but it sounds like something I'd do.

Have you ever put your arm around your husband/boyfriend/girlfriend at the store and called him or her "honey" or "baby" or whatever ... and then realized that it's not your guy/girl - it just looks like them from the back?
Yes...ahahaha, I went for the hand....

Have you ever slipped getting in or out of the shower?
Yepp, slipped and fell. :(

Have you ever NOT managed to get out of the bathtub on your own (for whatever reason) and had to call somebody to help you out?
I don't think it's classed as fainting, and it definitely wasn't in public, but I passed out after purposefully hyperventilating and sitting up too fast. When I woke up I thought I was out for like half an hour, but it was only a few seconds :D The things you do with friends when you're a teen :D

Have you ever been lifting weights, thinking you've gotten really strong and your old weight is now too easy only to find out when you're done you actually had just used less weight than you normally do?
Yes, i actaully did that the other day.

Have you ever not be able to get up a last rep and had to dump the weight because no one was there to spot you?
HAHAHA, yeeeeeah. I work out alone, so it happens like once every other week or so. So, either I need to get a partner to workout with, OR, I'm just a huge puss.

Have you ever eaten something that was extremely gross, but couldn't help but to eat some more of it?
yes! A looooong time ago I ate some leftover stuff at a friend's place, it was just in the fridge in tupperware and he said he didn't want it. When I was starting in on a plate for seconds, his mom walked in the room and mentioned that the food was from his graduation party... three months previous. By that point I figured I hadn't fallen over yet, so what the hell? I kept going.

Have you ever gone on a skydive?