Have You Ever (Game)...

luckly no

have you ever peed in the pool? :biggrinjester:

lol.. no, but i have pee'd in the ocean :blush5:

Have you ever, licked a metal pole/bar in temperatures below freeing, just to see if your tongue would actually get stuck?

Have you ever gone into the wrong changing rooms by accident? (Like, when you went swimming or to the sauna or anything like that?)

Have you ever gone into the wrong changing rooms by accident? (Like, when you went swimming or to the sauna or anything like that?)

Ahhhhh:toetap05: Brings back paaaiiiinful memories.. lol.. First day at my highschool..My very first gym class, I went into the boys change room instead of the girls.. Way to make a good impression huh? lol:blush5:

Have you ever Broken something in sombody elses home and just hid it so you didnt have to take responsibility for it?
Can shoveling count? But no to mowing..

Have you ever pee'd yourself laughing in public?
No, but I know someone who has :D

Have you ever taken an IQ test online and googled the answers to make yourself feel smarter and/or brag about the results to other people?

Have you ever failed at something so many times but kept going with it even when ppl told you that you should stop?

Have you ever been attracted to the same sex? as in (m or f)
Yepp, and wouldn't want it any other way!

Have you ever been caught while ... erhm ... having fun, either with yourself or somebody else? (i.e. Mom came in while you were wrestling with the trouser snake)
Yes, One time ...just down the road though my friend prodded me until I did.

Have you ever called one of your teachers "mom" when trying to talk to them? hahah

No havent done that.

Have you ever loved somebody so much it makes you cry
Have you ever needed something so bad you cant sleep at night
Have you ever tried to find the words but they dont come out right
Nope, I don't allow myself to feel like that about anything or anybody.

Have you ever said something mean about anybody, thinking they weren't there, and then realised that they heard it all?
Yeah, but I didn't like the person, so I didn't care.

Have you ever put something into the microwave, set it for 30 minutes, thinking you set it for 30 SECONDS, walked away, forgotten about it, only to hear the "ding" a half hour later?
nope, though i have left things in the microwave that I should have been watching and they exploded lol

have u ever spent an entire day infront of a tv, only getting up for food or the bathroom?

Have you ever fingered (shiat as in *flipped him off* the guy who whistled at you?
...haha IDK...