Have You Ever (Game)...

Haven't even watched one of them.

Have you ever woken up in a different place than where you went to bed, with no idea how you got there, and without being drunk?
No, but it sounds like a fascinating story! :)

Have you ever gone skinny dipping? In a lake or a pool?
nope...i got married though, isn't that much like climbing a mountain???

Have you ever met an online friend, in real life?
Yes, and I'm a complete wuss and chickened out of downhill after the first run. I love to x-country ski though.

Have you ever read the Bible all the way through from beginning to end?
No does the childrens bible count?...I don't even have a bible, I have a Jehovah Witnesses Bible..:D

Have you ever blown a huge bubble of bubble gum and had it pop on your face?
Yes, it's fun!

Have you ever lied about your other half about the amount of money you spent on a certain thing? (Like telling them your new cellphone was $ 50 instead of the $ 250 you really paid....not that I would ever do such a thing, of course ;))

Have you ever found money such as a $5 dollar bill or higher on the ground?
Yeah! I found a $20.

Have you ever loved somebody so much it makes you cry
Have you ever needed something so bad you cant sleep at night
Have you ever tried to find the words but they dont come out right.... have you ever.... havvvvve you ever......

hehehe thank you Brandi. Choose which ever one you like to answer hehe
Nope, yep (my inhaler), many times :D

Have you ever gone to google something only to forget what it was by the time the page loaded?
Yes ..maybe, I can't remember..;) :p

Have you ever gone to work on your day off, thinking this was going to be your best day ever & than being bummed cuz it was your day off?

Have you ever had Swedish Daim chocolate (from IKEA)?