Have You Ever (Game)...

Not yet....;)

Have you ever watched the Formula One Boats Racing in person?

Have you ever seen a baby get a Spaghetti String stuck up it's nose?
Have you ever been evacuated from your home while your town got ravaged by a forest fire like we are having now in Kelowna?

Fortunately not. Hope everything's going to be alright!

Have you ever wished you could stop time for a while because there's just too much to do and too little time?

Have you ever washed the floor with just your feet on two wash clothes?
If just my feet on a large dishtowel counts, then yes! :)

Have you ever gone in for a trim and wound up getting a radically different hairstyle?
Yes (it was aweful)

Have you ever had a toy breed of dog try and attack you?
Nnnnnooooo??? How can a toy dog attack me?

Have you ever seen someone else's dog take a poop on your lawn and given their owner a dirty, why-in-the-hell-are-you-letting-your-dog-take-poops-on-my-lawn kind of look?
(I've had toy dog breed(s) attack me, I had one bite my cheek when I was 6)

Have you ever worn a friendship bracelet?
Not caught while watching it as such, but I had a tape in my VCR and while I had friends over, their kid messed with the VCR and turned the tape on. Good thing that I'm not easily embarrassed! *lol*

Have you ever thought you didn't give a damn about somebody and then realised to your own surprise that you actually do?
Yes (a small home town kinda one, if it counts)

Have you ever had a Pineapple Crush Soda?
Yes, I hit a parked car and have been rear ended a hand full of times.

Have you ever surfed the internet until 2am?

Have you ever eaten something like Tic Tacs or gum as a meal?