Have You Ever (Game)...

Not ice cold, but a river in the winter can get pretty damn cold :D

Have you ever shot a gun? (Me, never, unless you count air rifles).

Have you ever cut your fingernail whilst cutting chicken?
(I just did, thank goodness only my fingernail)
No, I've sliced my finger open while cutting a pizza though. :(

Have you ever read someone else's text messages/e-mail or listened to their voice mail without their permission?
Yep, but then I said "Hey dude, I'm reading your texts," and he just asked if there was any new ones.

Have you ever been hit, or hit someone, in the face?
HA...yeah. One of my friends sucker punched me in the face, TWICE, because he was so drunk that he thought he saw me choking his girlfriend. A) I would never do that to a woman. B) His girlfriend wasn't even there.

Have you ever been pulled over by a police officer that you personally knew?
Yes, my great uncle is a high ranking police officer. He pulled me over one night and put me through a sobriety test. He knew I don't drink, but he put me through the whole thing....bastard!

Have you ever found big bruises on yourself and had no idea where in the world they come from?
Yeah, a few times, though it hasn't seemed to have happened lately. I've got two massive bruises (one on the knee, one on my side), but I know where they came from :D

Have you ever drunk emailed/IMed someone?
Unfortunately, I've been guilty of that many times... The worst is when the person doesn't tell you for a long time and then brings it up at the most embarassing time!

Have you ever sneaked into the movies/theater?
Yes, three movies for the price of none!

Have you ever sprayed deodorant on your hair and hairspray under your arms on accident?
No. I use stick deodorant, so I, unfortunately, don't have that problem.

Have you ever boiled a fart so ridiculously fowl that it actually made you, or someone else, gag in disgust?
Yepp. And I was actually the one who fired the firearm.

Have you ever started to brush your teeth in the morning while still half asleep, only to discover that you didn't have toothpaste on your toothbrush, but shaving cream? (Or whatever else you have lying around in your bathroom)
Yepp. And I was actually the one who fired the firearm.

Have you ever started to brush your teeth in the morning while still half asleep, only to discover that you didn't have toothpaste on your toothbrush, but shaving cream? (Or whatever else you have lying around in your bathroom)

Eww, no...thank God.

Have you ever wanted San to explain her recent answer involving a shooting incident? (I have)
Eww, no...thank God.

Have you ever wanted San to explain her recent answer involving a shooting incident? (I have)

*lol*...I used to have a firearm license (which is rare in Germany, not like in the States) and permission to carry a firearm at all times. It's a long story, but in a nutshell it was to keep a very violent and very persistent ex-boyfriend at a distance. He tried to get into my flat, I threatened to make use of the gun, he said something like 'You wouldn't dare....'....a very stupid thing to say in a situation like that, I reassure you.....
*lol*...I used to have a firearm license (which is rare in Germany, not like in the States) and permission to carry a firearm at all times. It's a long story, but in a nutshell it was to keep a very violent and very persistent ex-boyfriend at a distance. He tried to get into my flat, I threatened to make use of the gun, he said something like 'You wouldn't dare....'....a very stupid thing to say in a situation like that, I reassure you.....

Umm, remind me to never piss you off. Mmmkay? :willy_nilly:

Yow, San. :)

Have you ever cooked on a woodstove?

Yup, and it was aaaaawesome. Hot as *&$!, but awesome.

Have you ever watched Antiques Roadshow and seen that some piece of crap was worth like $40,000 and then run into your attic, looking for something that could be worth a lot of money?
Umm, remind me to never piss you off. Mmmkay? :willy_nilly:

No worries Chef, no worries. Some guys are a**holes, others aren't. I'm fairly certain that you belong into the second category. So, piss me off to your heart's content....;)

Have you ever watched Antiques Roadshow and seen that some piece of crap was worth like $40,000 and then run into your attic, looking for something that could be worth a lot of money?

Yepp, been there, done that. Never found a damn thing.

Have you ever watched a horror movie and then couldn't sleep because you were scared senseless?
Umm, kind of, but it wasn't a horror movie. When I was young, my mom said that I watched one of the Star Wars movies that had Ewoks in it and there was some lady that had three boobs, which terrified me for some apparent reason, so I had a bunch of nightmares about the so-called "Three-Boobied Monster" that scared me.

Have you ever laughed really hard and spit your drink all over somebody that was sitting or standing right across from you?
lol Yes I have. :)

Have you ever been on a walk/jog/workout machine and about halfway through your workout realized you had to pee really bad??