Weight-Loss Halloween Challange: Caspers Countdown

I am in shock!!! :eek::eek::eek:
You won't believe this.
I hopped on the scale this morning, even that I knew I was doing exceptionally good this week I am still scraping myself up from the floor.

It showed : 151.6:eek2:

I re-checked it 5 times !! I lost 3.4 lbs this week. I thought I could never ever do that. My highest lost to date is 2 lb/week and I was killing myself.
I did have TOM last Saturdays which could have been modifying my weigh in. That's the only explanation I can think of.

I hope all your weigh ins go this awesome!!

Have a great weekend Caspers!!!


Super Wonderful!
Way to go!!!
GRATZ GRATZ HAJ! That is awesome!

For me, I weighed in at 174.6. I'm pretty confused and PISSED OFF to be honest. I worked my ass off this week, journaling all my points, working out, drinking water and I lost .4? What a jip. Read my diary- I have been 100% honest in what I ate and how much I exercised. Yes I'm mad, but that's not to say that I'm ready to quit- oh HELL no, I've invested so much already and know what I'm doing is good for my body, but would like the scale to reflect that, ya know? :mad:
So any ideas why the virtual no change? I know there will be plateau's along the journey, but 3 weeks in???? Is it because my ToM is due next week? Am I eating the wrong combination of foods? Am I not eating enough food? (I usually have left over points, let alone dipping into the bonus weekly points). Am I eating or exercising at the wrong times? Any insight is appreciated.

So, sorry team that I was unable to get the +2 for the loss, but I am FAR from giving up! And I will take my measurements tomorrow morning to see if there is any change there.

So sorry to hear about the weight. Most likely sounds like TOM.
Are you making sure to adjust your cal intake for all the exerise that your doing? That's the only thing I can think of.
I would be mad to especially atfter all the hard woek that you put in!
Just keep chugging along. It's gotta reflect soon!!!
Great job Hajni...that is a huge loss.
Yarmiah....like the others said your body has to catch up with the work that you did. I'm sure you will see a loss soon. TOM could also be effecting it. But that is temporary.

I lost 2.2 pounds. For some reason I didn't think I would lose, even though I was doing everything right.

Have a great weekend.
Hi fellow team mates!!

Yarmiah: this is not fair. I read your diary girl, you were truly committed and kept on track the whole week. I am seriously doubting your scale... I don't know anything about weight watchers, but I am sure if you are keeping with the points you should be fine. Also when I joined I had a 4 week plateau and I almost gave up this whole weight loss thing. I was bouncing back and forth between 167-166. It was driving me nuts. That's when I started to exercise 6 days a week and I think like 2 weeks later upped to 2x a day. I can't remember now, I have to read the thing. But you might be at a plateau. I will come and visit your diary too for some possibly suggestions.

CAthy: HUGE CONGRATS!!! All that gym is paying off. 2.2 lbs very nice!!

SweatPea: you girl were so on track too. I don't understand...

Bella: congrats on your loss!!! I read your diary. There must be something in that freezer..... your body has to work harder just to keep you warm...

I have to throw this out there : when I complained to my doctor that I can't lose weight (when I was like 4 weeks the same) they did a blood-work check for my thyroid. Mine was normal. but i know that incorrect thyroid function can cause weight gain or not allow for weight loss. Just a thought.

Have a wonderful night Caspers,

awsome week guys anyone know our standings or does that come tomorrow.

I cant wait untill next weigh in I want to do this.

Oh guys we are half way through our challenge Makes me a lil sad.

Ok team Lets Get'em:jump:
CAthy: HUGE CONGRATS!!! All that gym is paying off. 2.2 lbs very nice!!

Thanks! I think the gym is really helping my weight loss. Saturdays are my day off, only because I can't seem to get there during their operating hours. I am running my kids all over the place. I did walk in a parade though, so at least I got some exercise.

Congrats to everyone. I have been increasing my cardio time so this next challenge should be easy.
Have a great Sunday!
Howdy all don't forget to record your bonus points in the right place and the correct ammount,also your weigh ins to gl.
Happy Sunday Caspers!!

I am having a great day so far. Today is hubby's birthday and really nothing out of the ordinary, we are going over to his mom's house a little later. Did awesome on food and exercised 45 min turbo jam and 35 min running.
The 45 min turbo jam session is really intense for me. I can't do it all at once , I have to break it up to 3 x 15 min and I run a mile in between. It keeps my heart-rate so high, I am totally spent afterwards.

Have a great week!!!
Forgot to post that I got in 60 min. of exercise - 20 on the elliptical and 40 on the treadmill.

This challenge will be rough for me since I'm leaving for vacation on Tues. I will do the best I can though (going to see my sis and her new son!)
I am postineg results as they stand of NOW.

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Howdee Team!

(I tried to psot earlier but the site was having technical difficulties I guess)

Pretty proud of myself today. I couldn't exercise early like I have been because we had guys here putting in new windows. As time went on, I felt less and less like doing it. Not ready to give in, I got up and went out and mowed most of the lawn. After a healthy lunch, I talked myself into gettin on the NT and I didnt do it for 30 min, nor 35 min, but instead I did it for 40 min! So between the mowing and the NT I met the challenge today.

I'm also thinking of using my the online diet thru Self magazine, it works like fitday. Mostly to track my exercise more accurately and see how many calories I'm burning.

Have a great day folks!
Woohoo Team! WTG!

I'm hoping Heretic didn't drop. He just stopped by the other day.

Well don't know how well I will do on the challenge this week as I leave for vacation tomorrow.

I will try to get in my exercise - and then some.

Good luck everyone!
Great Monday Caspers!!

I felt really tired in the morning, my exercise was a so-so but I did it. Then it just got worse during the day, feeling like I am about to come down with a cold. I hope not.
Also went to the gym and did my class and 35 min on the elliptical. Now I am super tired, early bed time for me tonight.
Kept on track with food!!
Last night hubby's parents came over and brought like 3 different kind of desserts!! Proud to say i did not touch any of it!! I just munched on my 100 cal ice cream sandwich and that was it.

Everybody have a great day, night and a great weekend!!
Yarmiah...good for you for doing your exercise on a tough day!
Hajni...great job staying away from the desserts!

We are number 1..yeah, I hope we don't get bumped down. Let's stay on top teammates.

I went to the gym at 5:30 this morning and did 50 minutes of eliptical and 20 minutes of lower body weights. I felt like moving again later on this evening so I got off my butt and went to the gym again with my daughter. I did another 30 minutes on the eliptical and some weights. Hajni, you are wearing off on me:rotflmao:

I also leave for vacation(DisneyWorld) on Wednesday. I am sure I will eat fine, but the place we are staying at does not have an exercise room:mad:
I need to figure out a plan before I go. I am going to go crazy if I don't get my exercise in.

Have a good night!
are we in first WOW yea guys

I feel great this is long over due. Im down to 226 getting closer to my HC goal of 215. One thing though I dont know what im doing for halloween. I would like to go out with friends and dress up but all that candy its too much temptation,

Any Ideas I dont want to mess things up but I still want to have a fun halloween
Congrats CAthy on becaming a junior member and also on your commitment to your gym!! Wow twice a day!! i have not done that yet at the gym!! LOL. I like working out twice a day. Just like you said, when I do my early workout, by the time I get home from work (where i sit all day by the way) i am ready for doing another round. And since it has been giving me great results, I just keep going and going...

Today900: you are on a role!! congrats on dropping the lbs, you have a great chance reaching you HC goal!!

As for me, I had a dr's appt. today. Came away with a clean bill of health, and the dr. was very reasonable about healthy weight. She said anything under 27 BMI she considers "normal" and healthy.

I am having a good Tuesday so far, I hope you too!!
amazing hajni your goal is right around that corner