Green Tea + Soy Beans = Miracle Cure? Maybe....
Now of course there are no real miracle cures out there, but when it comes to green tea, its probably as close as you can come.
As many of you know, I am Canadian but I live in China now. And, of course, green tea is a huge part of Chinese life. You get it in most restaurants, most homes and even most agencies or businesses you walk into will give you a cup. Everybody here drinks it all the time. Including now myself. Many many research studies have been done comparing western society to China, and a lot of the primary health differences they claim are direct results of Green Tea and Soy beans, especially for women. Consider this, in a country where smoking was common (I say "was" because the young male adult population is now beginning to kick the habit as requested by the government) and medical care was not quite up to western standards, the overall population enjoys one of the lowest cancer rates in the world. And with a population of 1.3 billion, to have only 1% of the female population at risk of breast cancer, I would say they are on to something.
Now I wouldnt reccomend going out and drinking gallons of green tea a day, but if you do have the option, green tea is definitely a better option than coffee or sodas. Chinese people have longer life expectancies and over all better health for many reasons, not just the tea.
But beware! Big business is now attemtping to cash in on the green tea wave! I see so many Green Tea Drinks back home and here that claim to have all the healing powers of Green tea, but with the added bonuses of sugar, High Fructose Corn Syrup, preservatives, coloring, etc, that completely detract from the health benefits. Green tea, if wanted for health reasons, should always be drunk fresh, that is made from leaves (or a bag) and water, nothing more.
But the most important thing to note is if you are looking for a quick-fix, diet supplement, easy answer, green tea isnt it. It WILL help you to become more healthy overall, but it wont miraculously make the pounds dissapear. Diet and exercise are still your best bet for that, but if you want to best prepare your body for your healthy and happy life ahead, drinking green tea is certainly not a bad idea!
just my 2 cents.....