Weight-Loss Green Tea Info

There are really only two ways to lose weight - you reduce your calorie intake, or you increase your body's energy consumption.
The Green Tea Diet follows both paths, by using Green Tea extract to both increase your metabolism and reduce your appetite (theoretically)

I like drinking green tea mostly for the taste. My favorite is green tea w/mint, it's so good. :)
I drink green tea - probably around 5 or 6 mugs per day. But I don't believe the claims that it 'burns calories'. I do believe that it could be healthy in other ways, but I mainly drink it because its a nice refreshing cuppa.

Like most English of my age, I was reared as a tea drinker (black with added milk), but later switched to coffee. Most of the coffee that I drank wasn't actually very nice - cheap instant coffee. It became sort of a bad habit. I decided that it was one of those habits that I didn't want anymore, so I switched to green tea - which I prefer to black tea now, its more refreshing. Tea also has half of the caffeine that coffee has. It gives you a little buzz without overdoing it. A lot has been made of the antioxidants in tea, and the health claims of green tea itself. Surveys in Asia have suggested that green tea could benefit health in a number of ways. But, its probably best to maintain a little skepticism I think.

I do still drink some coffee, but much less than I use to. When I get home ... its a nice cuppa green tea that I want :)
Green Tea to aid in weight loss

Has anyone here been drinking green tea? I just started replacing my morning pot of coffee with green tea because from what I have read it can really do wonders in helping to lose weight, in addition to tons of other benefits. The main ingredient in green tea causing all the ruckus are called flavonoids, but it's also high in potassium which aids in carbohydrate metabolism. If you read up on it (not just green tea but its nutrients) you'll see this stuff has tons of properties that can help you burn fat 24/7. I'm just using plain ol' Lipton. No need to get anything special from what I have read.

I wish I would have found out about this stuff sooner. Anyone had any success with adding green tea to your daily diet?
I dunno if it has helped, it may have done. I drink about 6 glasses of it a day. Supposed to be really good for you. Been drinking it since October.
I drink green tea, but i am skeptical about some of the claims over its health boosting qualities - especially those that claim that it aids weight loss by much of a degree. I drink it because its a nice refreshing cuppa! it also has half the caffeine of coffee (still enough to give you a jump start), and tastes best with nothing in it except tea and water. My favourite varieties so far are sencha and white tea.
I drink green tea, but i am skeptical about some of the claims over its health boosting qualities - especially those that claim that it aids weight loss by much of a degree. I drink it because its a nice refreshing cuppa! it also has half the caffeine of coffee (still enough to give you a jump start), and tastes best with nothing in it except tea and water. My favourite varieties so far are sencha and white tea.

I drink mine with nothing in it too. I was skeptical too at first, but had done alot of reading about it lately from sites posting studies and not selling the stuff. I don't think any of them flat out said it can aid in weight loss but did say it may speed up your metabolism and help your body to burn fat more efficiently, and that caffeine was not the main contributor of this, but that more studies are being done now to find out what is causing this.

In a side note, anything thats helps stimulate ones metabolism, and aids in fat burning has to aid in weight loss. It just makes sense to me.
It is a nice drink! I often drink black tea (when I'm at work), and I often drink Rooibos late in the evening - its free of caffeine, so doesn't disturb my sleep. Actually - I just had one! When I'm out, I'll often have a nice coffee drink of some sort - coffee is much nicer when you drink it sparingly. Being English of my generation - I was reared as a tea drinker from generations of tea drinkers - but we drank black tea topped up with a little milk. Then like a lot of people here - we got swept up into drinking cheap bad instant coffee ... sort of became a bad habit (along with my bad old habits of drinking too much beer and port wine).

I did start drinking green tea last year after reading up on all of the studies, but I'm increasingly skeptical of 'studies'. There are so many variants and other possible factors at play. Well, I've become very fond of my green tea anyway - so if its good for me, well ... thats a bonus :)
roobios I quite like -it's not as weak as some of the caffeine free teas - i have a cup of roobios w/ vanilla right now that's very tasty (and the last time i was in the UK that swill that your countrymen call coffee was no more coffee than instant tea is a proper cup of tea :D nescafe instant is brown water... and the brewed stuff was pretty foul too :D
the last time i was in the UK that swill that your countrymen call coffee was no more coffee than instant tea is a proper cup of tea
Perfectly true Mal - I can't deny it. Our coffee stinks! Why we let ourselves be taken in by it I don't know. When I was a kid, everyone drank tea - but the majority of people here now drink that swill that we call coffee...

Not everyone though - Mrs Ferret still drinks loose leaf tea - from the teapot, with its little cosy and all :)
Ok, I'm an avid tea drinker for the taste and I probably know more about it than anyone on the board. The active chemicals in tea have had many studies.

EGCG and other flavinoids are extremely powerful antioxidants, trumping red wine by ten fold. Green tea has many studies to show that it reduces your chance of most cancers and even more so in the case of mouth, esophageal, and colon cancer. There is also strong evidence to suggest that it can lower your bad cholesterol and raise the good. Tea also has fluoride which can aid in oral health.

As far as weight loss, heres where it gets a little tricky. Ive read many reports on tea and weight loss. Some studies say it raises your BMR by 2-4% and some say as many as 10% (this is all irregardless of caffeine content).

Many point to the placebo effect, since drinking green tea is usually done unsweetened (zero cal) you're cutting daily calories in comparison to that cup of coffee with milk and sugar. Four cups (6 or 8 oz with one tea bag) has the same amount of caffeine as a cup of coffee, and decaffeinated tea is even better in that area, with about 5-10mg of caffeine per cup.

If you have any specific questions, note me.

Edit: Green Tea supplements don't boost energy or suppress appetite. They are mostly used as immune system support because of the flavinoid content.
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Does green tea help?

I read someplace that green tea helps in losing weight. It this true? Is this the secret to the good health that the orients enjoy?
Also are sugar substitutes safe? I've started using them recently for my tea & coffee. More importantly do they work?
Green Tea is high in Anti-oxidants, which helps the body fight against things like cancer and stuff like that. It also helps increase the metalbolism hence the increased weigh loss you can expect. It also helps lower cholesterol and is a general all round health drink.

It has caffiene in it which is a drawback. And I know of some people that used to drink it and suffered from Insomnia.

I would say drink it in moderation, not as a replacement for all fluid intake mate.
Yes- it is true. Green tea is loaded with antioxidants and does help to improve metababolism. As far as caffeine, I am sure each product out there might be different, but most green tea has a naturally occurring caffeine in it. So, it is better than coffee- but for someone that is caffeine sensitive--it may rev them up too much.

As far as sweetners- I too have that question. I know that they say Splenda is okay- but how do we know that? They thought that Sweet-nLow and other artifical sweetners were okay too until we found out that it causes cancer?
ahhhh.. just down the green tea. i drink it with no sweeteners, just plain ol green tea. how is it beneficial anyway, if you add sweeteners to it. maybe honey is a better substitute than sugar?
Thanks guys. Someone gifted me a carton of green tea. Didn't like the taste too much. I'll just gift it to someone else!!Drinking it with honey is a good idea though.
Green Tea + Soy Beans = Miracle Cure? Maybe....

Now of course there are no real miracle cures out there, but when it comes to green tea, its probably as close as you can come.

As many of you know, I am Canadian but I live in China now. And, of course, green tea is a huge part of Chinese life. You get it in most restaurants, most homes and even most agencies or businesses you walk into will give you a cup. Everybody here drinks it all the time. Including now myself. Many many research studies have been done comparing western society to China, and a lot of the primary health differences they claim are direct results of Green Tea and Soy beans, especially for women. Consider this, in a country where smoking was common (I say "was" because the young male adult population is now beginning to kick the habit as requested by the government) and medical care was not quite up to western standards, the overall population enjoys one of the lowest cancer rates in the world. And with a population of 1.3 billion, to have only 1% of the female population at risk of breast cancer, I would say they are on to something.

Now I wouldnt reccomend going out and drinking gallons of green tea a day, but if you do have the option, green tea is definitely a better option than coffee or sodas. Chinese people have longer life expectancies and over all better health for many reasons, not just the tea.

But beware! Big business is now attemtping to cash in on the green tea wave! I see so many Green Tea Drinks back home and here that claim to have all the healing powers of Green tea, but with the added bonuses of sugar, High Fructose Corn Syrup, preservatives, coloring, etc, that completely detract from the health benefits. Green tea, if wanted for health reasons, should always be drunk fresh, that is made from leaves (or a bag) and water, nothing more.

But the most important thing to note is if you are looking for a quick-fix, diet supplement, easy answer, green tea isnt it. It WILL help you to become more healthy overall, but it wont miraculously make the pounds dissapear. Diet and exercise are still your best bet for that, but if you want to best prepare your body for your healthy and happy life ahead, drinking green tea is certainly not a bad idea!

just my 2 cents.....
