Weight-Loss Get back on track contest - final 3 weeks!!

Saturday counts in the week we're in since Sunday is the Freebie. So, you can get your exercise points in Monday through Saturday.
Um - am I adding my 65 points to the 5 I already have or does that include the 5 I already have ?
Is 65 what i earned this week ?
Are those points just for this week or total? As in, if we started with 5 points, do we add those into our thread or is the number you just gave us our overall?
65 is what you earned this week. You guys will add your number to your current total. So for any of you that already have 5 points, you have 70. Hope that helps.
Saturday counts in the week we're in since Sunday is the Freebie. So, you can get your exercise points in Monday through Saturday.

OK, under the old rules, Saturday counted into the upcoming week, even though Saturday was the freebie. That means under the new rules, this past Saturday doesn't count at all, right? Because it doesn't count in the previous week (old rules) or in this upcoming week (current rules).

And then Sundays don't ever count for exercise? Sucks for me, because I try to get a big chunk of exercise on the weekends, to make up for unpredictable weekdays. But since I have next Saturday to catch up, that makes it slightly less hopeless.
Sunday can count if you want it to count. The only thing "freebie" means is that you don't HAVE to try to exercise on Sunday.

You just have to make sure that you get all of your exercise in before Saturday at MIDNIGHT EST. The Monday through Saturday rule really only applies to the bonuses.

Make sense?
Hm I haven't updated this week. I've gotten an hour and a half of walks in.. found a new path in my neighborhood a few nights ago so that's been fun to go on. I've also been taking the situps challenge thing and just bringing back some old things I used to do that included situps. I've been getting in 100 when I do them instead of 75 and I did those Sunday and today (Monday).
I did the crunches last night... and that just kickstarted me to do a whole bunch of other things too! Yay!!!

It's ON like DONKEY KONG!!!!
loving the crunch challenge :) ||I do crunches every day anyway so figured i would make it more of a challenge by doing 25 extra crunches 3 x per week....felt a bit like i'd be cheating otherwise!

totally craving sugary things today....willpower needs to kick in soon!!!!

I just weighed in for the first time in 2 weeks... DOWN 4 POUNDS


Anyway, just NEEDED to tell you guys :)

Off to the crunches!
Congrats on the pounds, ankebuzz! That's amazingggg!!!!

Got in 45 minute walk plus my crunch circuit thing which is about 15 minutes. Don't have time to go to the gym lately because that requires showering after leaving... so it's pretty much been taking walks for my exercise.

Brings my exercise this week to two nights of crunches down and 2 hours and 30 minutes of exercise.
Hey, I'm impressed that you are keeping up with the exercise even though you are short on time this week.

Goes to show you are putting yourself first (which is essentially a big part of what we're ALL doing here, hehe)

Let's have a rocking day!!! :hurray:
WILL... EXERCISE... BEFORE... BED.... :ack2:

JUST need to do the crunches and my pushups... then I'll be happy :)

WHOO!!! My scale has been soooo steady, but I finally dropped two and a half pounds! After like more than a month of dropping nothing.. maybe closer to two months. Wow that feels GOOD!
:D :D :D It was soooo good to see. Possibly related to my period, but still, it wasn't that low at the same time last month! Whoohoo!
Well i will be lucky to sqeak by with the same, time will tell...weight in tomorrow...:(I doubt I lost anythign as I have been eating out lately...I did od all the crunches and it wasnt too bad so I might try to continue on with those...it is also somethign I would have never done on my own!
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