gatric balloon fitted 5 days ago - chatters wanted UK

Hi Everyone
Welcome to the newbies.
Sorry I havn't been on like everyone else theres lots going on and christmas is only days away i'm so excited and trying to think more about my presents than what I will eat.

Mbelle - thanks for posting on your food list, very interesting and you have done amazingly well in the last six weeks. It seems like our lighterlife diet plan in England which uses bars and shakes. Do you think you would have done so well with out excercise?

Cuddlymum - I had a bad week last week and stayed the same. I am due to weigh again today at around 5 ish but I'm not feeling it this week either. I have been doing some excercise but I have also been picking at naughty things and with it being chirstmas I have reverted to that old saying of well it is christmas! I've not been eating the 3 meals per day and eating when I feel hungry so I guess I need to look at my modules again and buckle down. As for the Diet Coke the NOSC did say to me to drink flat coke each evening to wash the balloon so it makes sense that they said that to you too. I do think that you can eat and drink anything at all with the balloon but they try to keep you off certain things for the fatty and windyness it may cause.(which of course does make sense).

CathyG - Stick with it after several weeks you do feel mostly normal. Everyone does tend to have different symptoms but everyone seems very positive. (read some of mine and cuddlymums older posts they might help)
who did you have it done with?

Livelovelaugh - Congratulations on having you balloon in in January after the first few weeks you wont regret it, especially when all your clothes are falling off and everyone says how much you have lost. I think in general you become a white liar whilst your balloon is in (you will just need to remember to revert to your honest self after the removal) I have done nothing else but lie. It was my choice not to tell anyone apart from my daughter and Husband but it does make you lie when people ask you how your loosing all the weight especially when I've been to slimming with several of my friends and failed miserably. Good Luck anyway keep updating us and we will be here for you if you need to ask anything.

Well the only thing left is for me to wish you all a very merry christmas and a happy slim 2010. Ill try to get on in between xmas and new year but good luck everyone and I hope you all get what you want ( A size 10 dress!!!!!!!!! )xx
Me again I had the proceedure done in under NHS hospital I need a hernia repair and cant get it unless I lose weight. Im in Scotland central belt. Feeling not too bad today still slow on my pins and cant remember what sleep is but can see the lighter side of things now pardon the pun lol. My husband wants to take me to vegas for my birthday but I dont feel like going to the end of the street happy birthday to me lol. Im trying hard to up my texture of food to get a bit of potatoe and turkey on Friday but sore tummy so its back to yogart lol.
The week before the proceedure I weighed 16.5 stone on scales at my work . They didnt weigh me directly before on the 14th and I didnt feel able to go on till my husband weighed my Thursday 17th I was 15 stone 13 today 23rd happy birthday to me Im 15stone 8 and want to lose as much a possible size 8 here I come Im only 5"1 so big heavy no good vertically challenged or what lol
Hi CathyG, hi everyone,

wow - that's soooo full on! Sorry, but I have a lapband rather than what you've all had, or are about to get! Hmmm that did knock me around too.

My sister in law's mother is looking at having a gastric bypass - pretty drastic (the one where they cut the stomach & bypass some of the intestines) but she's really desparate! Boy, do I know how she feels.

Its sad - but reading about all of your yucky experiences, makes me kind of feel like - gee I wish that was me! Sorry (I'm sure I'm being insensitive) - but the idea of being able to eat fatty or bad foods - and it passes right through - definitely still sounds appealing.

Although, I tried Xenical once - which has the similar laxative effect when eating fat, but of course, being a tablet, it got easier after a while, to just NOT take it! Another one of my self defeating brain waves!

One day I really do hope to get over my lust for food - but I suspect I just have to keep going, and keep saying No, and stay on track, no matter how many times I slip! And hopefully, eventually my lust will shrink, with practise, as the years go by!

Your experiences, particularly at the start - sound very very hard though, so you all have my sympathies!

Its funny, with me eating high protein low carbs (see even I can talk bodily functions), I tend to have bit of flatulence (sounds soooo much better, lol) - quite stinky too! But I think to myself - actually when I was stuffing myself with food - I was pretty windy anyway, sometimes more so, plus I felt so bloated and yuck. At least now, I feel so much more positive and energetic! And am losing a bit of weight, only 200g this week - pitiful, truly pitiful. And I was being good!!!! No partying for me!

Sadly, I reverted to my old urges, after another "so-called blow" during that day.... I decided to throw my toys out of the pram..... I drank less water AND I ate 3 extra protein snack bars.... hmmm not much of a binge, as my binges can go. I scared myself enough to take a diet pill yesterday - a bit of binge insurance!!! See, I told you all - I'm a case, lol.

So, yesterday I ate normally for me, whew. Now with it being Christmas day - I am thinking about taking a diet pill - I just sooooo want to lose weight - and now! (So far have lost 9.9kg - almost 22 pounds, so I'm 81.7kg - 180 pounds, and am 5 foot 4)

I agree about keeping your ops secret, I tried to - but my husband and daughter have big mouths - so anyway, now and again I just tell people - who cares if now they really know I'm weak and desparate and not able to control myself....

Generally I find people - people without weight issues - so condemning and know it all about weight!!! grrrr
Me - I'm just trying again, imperfect, but willing to chose life, instead of slowly but surely killing myself with food! Oh the excuses I have made

Anyway, its Christmas day over here, about 7am.... I'll probably be on more, while on holiday, need the support over the break! And I love reading up about what you're all up to! I think I'll go for a little walk - I always feel better after a bit of walking - life just seems so much nicer!

And I have a lot to be thankful for - am at the beach house, its a beautiful day - and time to relax and unwind! So Merry Christmas everyone, I must be the first one to have Christmas day - followed closely by the Aussies, of course!

Have an awesome day everyone! xox :grouphug:
Hi everyone,

Hope you all had a good Christmas day! :santa:

Will have to keep this fairly brief, but I thought I'd pop on whilst I got the chance, as we're going away to visit my parents tomorrow (just for a couple of days).

Before I forget - Cathy G, welcome to the board! You are very brave (or mad??) having your balloon done so close to Christmas! Hope you will soon be feeling a bit more human, although it took a while with me (as you may have seen in my earlier posts). Like you, I also felt really light-headed to begin with.
Sounds like you live in the same neck of the woods as me (roughly speaking).

Well, Christmas dinner with my hubby's family went well on the whole - probably the first year EVER that I haven't completely cleared my plate, but I was quite shocked at how much I actually ate -a bit worrying to be honest, I hope I can get back on track after the festivities end! (I did feel quite queasy & windy again later on, but I seem to feel OK when I'm actually eating!).

Well, I'll need to stop, as we have a friend due to visit shortly.

Look forward to hearing how everyone else's Christmas dinner went down!! ( and hopefully it didn't come back up later:smilielol5:) ! Sorry for the rush, will try to pop back on soon. :seeya:
Balloon here i come

After reading all the posts on this forum i have opted to get the gastric balloon, i have now booke it on the 21st Jan and cant wait i am the heaviest i have ever been dont know my official weight now as i am tooooo scared to get on the scales but no doubt they will weigh me before the procedure.

Have opted to have it done in pragie so really ancious and hope that it all goes OK.

apprecaite you guys all sharimg your experiences as it has really helped me so thanks
madharri123 & cuddlymum & all the other brave people who are on track to a newlife

madharri123 & cuddlymum & all the other brave people who are on track to a newlife.

Thank you so much for all your advise.

I think that this forum is a god send, it allows me to go into this knowing what to expect .. As far as the season goes - i am not to fussed as i am planning on making this a life time change so that i am thin, healthy & happy during spring, summer, autumn & winter ...

I am telling people at work that i am having an operation ad that i will be sick for a few days .. Then my newyears resolution ill kick into play..

Madharri 123 you have under 6 days to go - that is so exciting - i wish you all the best of luck. Would be nice to see Prague also .. Have fun ....

I am very excited for you as i know that not feeing happy with your body can take a it toll on you emotions and that is the worst part. Is there support in your home town or will you have to keep in contact with the doctors in Prague ?

Cuddly mum thank you for your reply and i trust that you enjoyed your christmas - I think avoiding people will not be hard for me at this moment in life as with the weight gain i have found myself to be less social and i was not conformable in m own skin . so i think that that should be easy...

That is so great that this is working out for you and that you have had a consistent weight loss - how much have you lost & more important are you starting to feel happy?

Thank You

This blog is so inspirational
Hi everyone old and new

Well I'm so glad that christmas is over!!!! I have been extremly naughty and I will confess to you all I have had chocolate, cake, buiscuits, cream, triffle, sausage and bacon honey roasted parsnips scotch eggs coleslaw potato salad and possibly a few more things as well.(oh and not to forget rather alot of Vodka and Coke). However all of that came at a price I didn't gorge but I was surprised what I could eat and my trips to the loo were very frequent and my windy burps were really bad even one of the kids at a party I went to said whos passed wind. I of course denied it.

I do worry that I might be like this when the balloon comes out and will I have the will power to continue being good. I think Christmas is a time that I will go off the rails slightly but I need to try to convince myself that I need to start a fresh the next day.

I always weigh on a Wednesday so I will find out tomorrow if I have been really bad although the week before was my 8th week with my balloon in and I lost 4 lbs that week so in total I have lost 27lbs which I am so pleased with. I feel so much better and I am in a size 16 jeans I was wearing a size 18 tightly sometimes a 20 in some things so I'm really happy. People are noticing as well as I'm 5ft 10 I'm quite tall so carry the weight and hide it well so not everyone has noticed yet.

Anyway good luck everyone try not to be as naughty as me and have a good new year.x.x.x
Hi Ladies!

Everyone is sounding so grounded - reading the last few messages has really calmed me down and helped get things in perspective. It sounds like everyone with their balloon has survived Christmas pretty well - so well done! And for those of us who are awaiting our procedures - NOT LONG NOW!

Ladyt - I will give you a blow-by-blow account of what Prague was like when it happens for me (!) - are you going to Prague Beauty too? They've already told me who'll be meeting me at the airport and sent me through a list of what to eat/drink before and after the procedure so i can't fault their communication at all - fingers crossed!

Best wishes to all!
Room - mate for Gastric Balloon

Hi everybody:

I am so glad to have found this forum to talk about the gastric balloon, since this is a fairly new procedure you don't find that much information available.

I am very interested in flying to Mexico to have it done. The price they gave me is $2,500.00 and i have a voucher for Delta. i am looking for a female companion to fly together. I will be departing from Toronto or perhaps Buffalo since tickets are a lot cheaper from there. It will be nice to go with somebody, my mother tongue is spanish, therefore, i will feel comfortable with the language.

Let me know if anyone will be interested. I am looking forward to loose around 50 pounds. For me is an investment in my health and better job opportunities, since it can be very descriminating when you g o to interviews and they see you overweight, inmediately they cancel you!!!

I am a flexible person, very friendly and my husband won't go with me he is not in favor, however, i made the decission, since i am the one suffering the consequences....

Hope to hear from you ...


Hi Madharri - i have booked mine with New You in Prague so far the communication with them has been great i hope that this is the strat of things to come LOL lookimg foward to your feedback on Prague Beauty as i was considering goingwith them as well. good luck for the insertion
New Year Update

Hi everyone...

...and a Happy New Year to you all! (hopefully it will be a slim one - eventually - as well as a happy one!!:rotflmao:)

Well, things have gone a bit pear-shaped with me over the past couple of weeks. Susiewoosi - I'm glad I'm not the only one who's been eating all sorts of forbidden foods:eek:!! I've had chocolate, crisps, bread, pastry, cake, cream, also some alcohol here & there, and even a meal in an Indian restaurant!! - loads of naughty things!:angelsad2: I still don't think I've eaten as much as I normally would (in terms of quantity), but I am a bit worried about getting weighed! My weigh day is normally Monday, but I didn't bother last week (I was away staying with family at the time) - however, I suppose I will have to face the music tomorrow! Not looking forward to that. Did anyone else gain weight over the festive season?? I'm also a bit concerned about how hard it might be to get back on track - but I have made a pot of healthy soup, so that's a start! But I've been surprised at how easily the "bad" foods have gone down! (not good). I was a little bit sick one night (whilst staying with my parents! Luckily they are both a bit deaf, and not as sharp as they once were, so I don't think they really noticed!) - on the whole though, I've felt OK - but it would have been better if the food had disagreed with me, then it would have stopped me wanting it!

Before Christmas, I had lost 2 & a half stone (approx 35lbs for those who don't do stones!!) so I was really pleased with that, and I really need to stay focused - I'd still like to lose another couple of stone before my balloon comes out at the end of March, so I hope Christmas hasn't set me back too much.

Hello to all newbies on here, and good luck to all those who are having balloons fitted this month - look forward to hearing how it goes.

Bye for now x :seeya:
Gatric Balloon 2 B Fitted on Tue!

I have booked with Prague Beauty and am really nervous about whole procedure although excited about the possible results! Anyone been there?

I notice that the medication they will provide me with is Famotidine. Does anyone have any experience of it's effectiveness, or if there are alternatives if this one doesn't work?
Hi there,

New member here, am about to fly to Poland tomorrow for my gastric balloon procedure on Thursday. So reading your comments has been really helpful. I'll be back on Saturday, then I'll give you the wisdom of my experiences!:smash:

Bet you can't wait!:sleeping:

Cheers for now!

How did it go? I am flying to Prague on Tue!
Hi guys- I've been following your thread (found it informative, inspiring and funny) and have finally booked my balloon procedure. I had been umming and ahhing about whether to go to Prague (heard great things about Prague Beauty) or to stay in Britain and pay the extra £2500 for the aftercare. Have decided to go to Prague (Jan 4th is the big day) as I don't think a weekly phonecall is worth the extra money.

I'd love to know what you guys think about the idea of following Lighterlife (a meal replacement programme) for the first couple of months following the balloon insertion.

I am so apprehensive but honestly believe I've got to the stage where this is necessary for me - it is reassuring to read the reality of living with it!

Thanks CM and SW! xxx

I too have been following the thread and loving the fact that I can completely relate to the posters trials and tribulations! I'm also booked in at Prague Beauty, but arriving on the 5th. See you there fellow ballooner!
Hello Livelovelaugh,

Welcome to the forum. :) I wasn't planning to post on here again till after Christmas, but I noticed you'd asked a few questions, and thought I'd try & answer them for you (just from my own point of view/experience - which may not be the same as other people's of course!)

You asked if it's hard to keep the proceedure secret from others - well, I've only told my hubby & kids about mine, but for the first few weeks, I did feel a bit strange (physically) and I tended to avoid people as much as I could. I had a week off work after having the balloon in (took it as holiday), but the first time I went back I ended up vomiting in the toilet - although nobody knew that had happened! So I then ended up taking a week off sick. (I only work a couple of night shifts a week anyway - it might be more of a problem for someone who works full time). I also avoided socialising for a good few weeks - but then I didn't socilaise that much anyway! However, I am now almost 3 months down the line, and I would say it's relatively easy now to behave normally around others. I eat the same stuff in company, just a bit less. I've just told people I'm on a strict diet, because I'd got so fed up of being so overweight (they knew how big I'd become, so they've accepted what I've said). By the way, Madharri123's suggestion is a good one (saying you have a tummy bug in the early days after getting it done - although you never know, you might feel fine after a few days - I believe some people are lucky that way!:rotflmao:)

Any regrets, you ask - well, there have been times when I've thought "what have I done?!", especially in the first few weeks, but it does get easier, and I've been delighted with my weight loss, which has been consistent. I was certainly getting nowhere trying to lose weight on my own. And it's lovely to feel clothes getting baggy on you, and being able to fit into things you could no longer fasten a couple of months ago. (Looking forward to getting a whole new wardrobe once I reach my target weight!:D ).

By the way, I think that you & Madharri123 have picked a brilliant time to get it done - New Year, new start! I wish I'd had mine done in January.:p You'll both be looking great by summer, and you won't have to cope with having a balloon in over Christmas. Anyway, good luck!:seeya:

CuddlyMum, you are truly an inspiration! Thankyou for taking the time out to share your experiences and successes. In under two days mine will be fitted, and no doubt I will be a bit fed up of the sickness... I will remind myself of how well you have done and hope to just get over it x
Au revoir!

Hi guys - just doing a final signin before I head off to Prague in the wee small hours - hopefully I'll be able to report back on Thursday! Here's to a wonderful 2010 for us all! xxx

Hello Mollymalone! Our paths may well cross in Prague as I am having my balloon put in tomorrow morning! Good luck!

Cuddlymum - I have completely disgraced myself over the festivities and put on an incredible amount of weight. If you have put on a few pounds - remember you'll have a big loss this week and just keep chanting "2stone 2stone!" to remind yourself how far you've come! If any of us found it easy to say no to lovely food and drink - we wouldn't have to pay silly money to have a balloon blown up in our tummy! Hope it's not as bad as you fear xxx
Hi Guys,

Good to read all your latest posts.

Mollymalone - I don't think anyone has ever called me an "inspiration" before, and I'm really flattered that you think that!!:angel: (thanks!). I've really just been telling it as it is, but I know I was always keen to read as much as I could about other people's experiences before I had the procedure done. Good luck with yours! :)

I've no knowledge of the medication Famotidine - I was given various meds by the centre who did mine. For the first week or two I was taking metaclopramide, buscopan and Buccastem as well as the Lansoprazole which I have to take for the full 6 months.(will leave you to look these up if you're interested!). I was also given a Scopoderm patch to put behind my ear on the day of the procedure. None of them seemed all that effective to be honest :)()! - but I don't know how much worse I might have been without them!

Madharri123 - you are in my thoughts this week! Hope all goes well in Prague. It would be nice if you & mollymalone met up over there!

Before I go, just letting you know that I plucked up the courage to get weighed this morning, and I had gained 3 pounds - not exactly good news, but not as bad as I'd feared! (most Christmasses in the past I've gained around 10 pounds to a stone over the 2 week period!). It shouldn't take me long to get that off again if I put my mind to it. Feeling much happier about it all today!

Well, keep the updates coming, as & when you can! Bye for now!:waving: