gatric balloon fitted 5 days ago - chatters wanted UK

Hi Suziewoosie and Cuddlymum,

Well I'm feeling more normal now - after almost 1 week of being back. I haven't got on much to chat though I have a back log of work and one of my bosses was not very happy with my disappearing act!!!

Never mind, its all workable. I work 2 jobs part time but one of my bosses points out that my maths is bad... 20 hours plus 20 hours... duhhh.

Anyway, I like a bit more freedom and flexibility! I can work remotely - yipee, and often I don't have to work that many hours for each!

I'm the last person to offer help with the old chocolate.... however, I have noticed that whenever I go high protein, low carb / low gi (i.e. not atkins over the top - but a more sensible and healthy 100g per day - fruit & vege...)
that really helps to actually remove my chocolate cravings!

That plus also I have protein bars, which generally have a thin layer of chocolate around them. So that's how I've managed to keep away from usual chocolate - WITHOUT CRAVING - for the last 4 weeks! :smash:

Anyway, so nice to chat to you both.. and the kid thing - well we are all talking - on 2 levels - the deeper level - by email..... and then just catching up in person and txt... so I don't have to conquer the world all in 1 go!

Go well you two!!! And everyone else out there!
Wannabe angel.... :angel:
Hi again!

I had a similar experience to Susie-Woosi the other day (if not slightly worse!). Someone at work brought in a cheesecake, and plonked a slice in front of me (never asked if I wanted it!) and well, you've guessed it - I ate the damn thing!!:blush5::piggy: My stomach was then in turmoil for hours - very windy, queasy etc. Serves me right! I wish I could be stronger when people tempt me with stuff - after all, if I had an illness like coeliac disease/gluten intolerance or whatever, I would just HAVE to say no! The only upside, if you can call it that, is that I ate even less than usual the next day, so hopefully my weight loss won't be affected!

Susie-Woosi, hope you get on better with the new telephone person, although I haven't found mine terribly helpful either. Funny that we are both going to a night out on the same date!! Your plan for coping sounds very sensible - at least you've thought it through. I haven't totally decided what I'm having - there's a choice of 3 things for each course, but none of them are perfect. Your decision to drink is probably wise; on the couple of occasions when I've had a bit of wine, I've definitely felt worse the next day.

Mbelle - hi, you sound very busy at the moment; sometimes that can be good for keeping your mind off food, but on the other hand it can mean reaching for quick (fattening) snacks, or pigging out when you get a minute to yourself!! (you probably don't do that, but I know that's the sort of way I've carried on in the past!). I like your tip about eating chocolate covered "healthy" bars - that way you're getting a little taste of chocolate without doing too much harm.:iagree:

Well, must go now, but let's continue to support each other, especially with Christmas looming!!:waving:
PS: Just me again! I've noticed that in my last post, I referred to Susie-Woosi's "decision to drink" when of course I meant "decision NOT to drink!" Just thought I should correct myself (things like that bug me!) in case anyone thought I'd misread Susie-Woosi's post! :doh:
Hi everyone

I havn't been on for a few days and thought i'd say Hi to you all to see how your all doing.

Its been a strange time for me I'm almost forgetting that my ballons inside of me I havnt had diarroeah for a couple of days now although still craving for chocolate and eating some too:reddevil: I definately need some behavour theropy from the NOSC. but they said I would be going onto Module 2 last week but so far nothings arrived.(surprise surprise). I seem to be doing it by myself but I had up to last week my 6th week lost 22lbs so Its still working thankfully.

I'm going on a works dinner on Saturday and not looking forward to it too much as usually I'm a party animal and drink gallons of vodka and coke and generally talk too much and have a real big hangover the next day. I'm thinking that I will have to tell them a white lie that i'm on antibiotics and cannot drink and sit quiet in a corner I hope it works I have so little will power ( which is why I have a ballon in the first place) that I may say yes to a drink and then start burping and running to the toilet for the rest of the evening ect ect oh what fun!!! but actually its good to write it down because its only one night in a lifetime that I have to do something different and who knows I might just enjoy it.

Are you all ready for Christmas??

I've decided to do the whole christmas thing with my family. At first I thought I'd better have christmas on our own with the ballon how would I fit all that food in but upon second thoughts I think if I cook all the food my excuse will be exactly that I've cooked it so I dont really fancy too much of it. Good Idea ??

Anyway you can tell that I havn't any friends that know about my balloon as I'm waffling on a bit so I'll say bye bye for now keep the weight off

Hi Susiewoosie and Cuddlymum

I can soooo relate to what you guys are saying. Must be something in the air - we have a friend, who's going off to live in the States on Christmas day. He normally comes over for dinner every Monday night - well - over the last 4-5 weeks I have not joined him for wine - in fact I make him take the bottle with him.

Well, its his farewell party on Saturday night and I told him - I'll have a drink at your party... so now I've been dreading it - to drink or not to drink, that is the question!!!!!!!!!

And dummie here - just had to be a hero and say I would drink, duuuhhh. Its funny, how people do kind of put pressure on you to drink eh...

Sorry, but yeah - I reckon tell the white lies to get through... I may even get myself a diet softdrink and drink that - I could always do the fake sip of the wine - and find a pot plant, hehe

The things I may do! haha - I guess I'm in a rather determined state of mind - and I want to stay there! I know its my mind that makes me fat!

Well - I hope all of our Saturday nights are good ones! I think we all have our own incentives NOT to drink - but yeah habits really do take time - my body is ok with a bit of booze but I don't trust my reaction to food when I'm drinking - you know - I suddenly become quite happy to eat anything!!!

Well, we'll see - glad I'm not alone! Have a wonderful Saturday night!
Hi, Susiewoosi, Mbelle, & anyone else who's reading this!

Yes, Saturday seems to be a big night all round! It will be interesting to compare notes afterwards! I discussed my dinner menu for Saturday with my telephone advisor/nutritionist - she basically admitted (after I pressed her) that no food is a total no-no with a gastric balloon; apparently I will be allowed bread, pasta, potatoes etc on the last phase of the diet (before removal). HOWEVER, she did warn me that there would be the risk of an upset tummy if I ate things I hadn't been eating since the balloon went in (mind you, I have already eaten a few "naughty" things, unbeknown to her!!) I think I will have to play it by ear on the night - and really take my time when I'm eating. Hopefully there may be a bit of a delay between courses, which would give me time to assess how I'm really feeling. As regards drinking - I'm thinking maybe have a glass of wine to help me relax, then revert to soft drinks (the only worry is - will one glass lead to another? Can I really stop at one??:confused:) What might help is that one of the friends we are going with is pregnant, so she won't be drinking anyway - I could say I'm doing it so she doesn't feel the odd one out?! Anyway, I'll let you know what happens!

By the way, I've found out via another thread on the forum that before the balloon comes out, you have to stick to liquids only for 3 days!:eek: I asked my nutritionist, and she confirmed it was true, but it was the first I'd heard of it! Heaven knows how I'll manage that when the time comes.

Susiewoosi, your plan for Christmas dinner sounds quite good. We are going to my sister-in-law's, so I don't quite know what will happen! She knows I normally have a huge appetite! I may say that I'm on appetite suppressant medication or something (& not go into too much detail) if I am really unable to eat much. Or maybe I should mention that to her beforehand - can't decide. It must be easier to take control when you're in your own home. We are also visiting my parents for a couple of days after Xmas, but they know I've been on a strict diet (they had been quite worried about all the weight I was carrying before, so I think they'll want to encourage me - so hopefully won't put too much food in front of me!)

Well, good luck for Saturday girls - let us know how it goes!:party:

Catch up again soon x
Booked my balloon!

Hi guys- I've been following your thread (found it informative, inspiring and funny) and have finally booked my balloon procedure. I had been umming and ahhing about whether to go to Prague (heard great things about Prague Beauty) or to stay in Britain and pay the extra £2500 for the aftercare. Have decided to go to Prague (Jan 4th is the big day) as I don't think a weekly phonecall is worth the extra money.

I'd love to know what you guys think about the idea of following Lighterlife (a meal replacement programme) for the first couple of months following the balloon insertion.

I am so apprehensive but honestly believe I've got to the stage where this is necessary for me - it is reassuring to read the reality of living with it!

Thanks CM and SW! xxx
Hi Madharri 123!

I agree, the weekly phone call is definitely not worth £2,500!!! I should probably have done more reasearch before booking my proceedure. I actually used to think that going abroad to have it done sounded a bit dodgy, but since then I have also heard of quite a few people who went to Prague Beauty & seem to have managed fine.

I'm not too sure what the Lighterlife diet consists of, and whether it would mean eating any foods that might not agree with your balloon in the early stages? I know a lot of it is meal replacement drinks & bars, but I've never done it myself. But having a balloon in place would certainly make it much easier to stick to any kind of restrictive eating plan - if you're anything like me, it will reduce your appetite massively, especially in the first few weeks. I would probably advise you to see how you get on by yourself for a few weeks, before rushing to join Lighterlife - you may not feel the need in the end. It costs quite a lot per week, doesn't it? (says she who paid over the odds to have the balloon done in the UK!!:blush5: :smilielol5:)

Anyway, good luck for the 4th Jan - let us know how you get on. and in the meantime, enjoy Christmas whilst you can!!:santa: x
Hi everyone

Just a quick update after the christmas party night. It all went fine i started with my prawn cocktail which was lovely and they didnt have too much sauce so prawns and lettuce wasn't too bad (I didnt think). My traditional roast dinner went down really well I ate the turkey, bacon, sausage, sprouts, red cabbage and nibbled the edge of one potato after that I did feel full. I slipped the other two big roasties to my husband. Pudding was a slice of chocolate tart which I did eat although I left some pastry. I drunk mineral water all night (I told everyone that I had an ear infection and was on antibiotics) and I ended up driving everyone home. I must say I actually had a good night I did feel that I had eaten too much and by 12 midnight i turned into one of the ugly sisters and started burping farts!!!! (sorry for the ugly description but thats exactly what they smells like) It was definately time to go home. I did suffer in the morning as well on the loo. It seams like i'm on that tablet where if you eat any fat it goes straight through you. For me if I eat anything thats fat related or calorie loaded it goes straight through me. I also have really bad noisy wind. ( If anyone watches Merlin on TV I feel like the Troll who was in one of the episodes, shes completly normal in front of everyone but when shes on her own she becomes a smelly foul beast!!!!! Thats Me!!!!!!).

Cuddlymum - I hope your night went well I cant wait to hear about it.

Madharri123 - Good Luck with your balloon like us you may wonder why on earth you did it at the first stages but after you loose your weight you will thank god you did. Personally I wouldnt bother with the lighter life you won't want to eat that much nor will you be able to so stick with what they tell you to eat and it should happen naturally. If you do the lighter life it my be harder later on when you come off it. Let us know how it goes.

Mbelle - how did the party go and the drinking??? was you a good girl and will father christmas be calling on you?

Speak soon
Sorry I havnt been on so frequently but I suspect like you all getting ready for christmas takes alot of time xxxxxx Speak Soon x
Hi everyone!

Susiewoosi - really glad to hear that your party night went well, and that you enjoyed yourself:)

My night was also pretty good fun, with no disasters on the food front! I had minestrone soup for my starter - ate all of that - followed by roast turkey etc. I managed to eat all the meat, plus the chiploata sausage wrapped in bacon! There were 3 roast potatoes on the plate - like you, I offloaded some onto my hubby's plate, but I ate one (& enjoyed it!). I left some of the sprouts (even though I would have been allowed them) and the carrots. I think there was some stuffing on the plate too, which must have slipped down with the meat!!! I must admit, I was feeling fullish by this stage, but I still managed some of my dessert - it was a pudding called Apple Assiette, which consisted of apple sorbet, apple fondant, and a small portion of apple crumble, all arranged in a posh way on the one plate.

I was actually surprised at how much I managed to eat, but I did feel a bit uncomfortable afterwards (delayed reaction!) and I had a rather "windy" night!! We were staying over at the hotel, so I also had a cooked breakfast the next morning! Mind you, most of that was what we're allowed anyway - bacon, scrambled egg, mushrooms, tomato.

On the drinking side of things, I did have a couple of glasses of wine, but for the majority of the evening I was drinking diet coke. I did spend quite a bit of time trying to stifle burps!

After we left the hotel the next morning, I didn't feel hungry for the rest of the day. The next time I ate was about 7pm, and I only had something very light. To my delight & amazement, when I weighed myself yesterday morning, I had lost another 2 & a half pounds, despite over-indulging (I wasn't going to bother getting weighed this week, cos I thought it would be bad news, but now I'm glad I did!).:D

Mbelle - I would also love to hear about your big night, if you get a chance to reply.

Gotta go now - keep up the good work everyone!:seeya:
Hi Madharri123, cuddlymum and suziewoosie, :coolgleamA:

Its great to read your postings. I been catching up on work but today - I'm playing hookie - slacking.

Am rewarding myself ok- it was my weigh day today - and this last week I lost 1.8 pounds, so over the last 6 weeks I have lost a total of 21.4 pounds - pretty good, considering I'm on low carb - with only 5 days of diet pills over those 6 weeks! hehe I know it doesn't compare weight loss wise to you girls - but its still movement for me in the right direction.

So, today I'm sitting in the sun, with my laptop, will have to actually do some work but in the meantime....

My last Saturday night was really great. I decided to eat before we left - soooo glad we did. I had steak and salad and took some wine and diet sprite. I had ONE glass of red wine - then kept topping it up my glass with my soft drink. I also made a huge platter of dark and white chocolate dipped strawberries - and yay - I didn't have a single lick or nibble! I think I did have 1-2 plain strawberries though!

On offer at the party, was pizza, chips and crackers- so am really glad we ate first! So yay.

Hey Cuddlymum - I hope that consultant doesn't read up what you're really doing on the forum, lol!!!

Well, I am finding that the low carbs (less than 100g) really helps to lessen my cravings - plus have found some low carb alternatives - sorry if I've already mentioned this - but it really helps me to stay on track!

I have a family dinner tonight, and in 2 nights time - dinner out with hubbie - wedding anniversary, then a Christmas break up party at work on Monday, followed by a farewell dinner that night, a break up lunch at work on Wednesday.... then Friday here - is Christmas day - oh boy

Hmmm - my life is definitely starting to revolve around social ocassions!

Well, its all part of the challenge! Oh and I reckon if need be - invent excuses for not eating or drinking - tummy upsets come in many forms and people rarely ask for details - so (I really hope this doesn't offend!!!) some of those bodily functions could be aired, lol!!! Hahaha - they won't ask again why you're not chowing down, as usual!!!

I intend to be spending more time here over the break - I have roughly 4 -6 weeks of being at our holiday bach - near the beach - summer here...

So, I am a little concerned about staying on track, (for starters - I would actually prefer to continue to weigh weekly... but anyway) while being in holiday mode with the kids, endless picnics, celebration and family and friends - danger, danger - can't exactly lock myself in a cupboard!

All the best to all of us! With each others' support we can do this! :seeya:
Hi everyone

I've managed to get a quick peek at the blogs. I'm so glad everyone is doing ok. I do have a couple of questions though Cuddlymum do you drink diet coke all the time or on any regular basis only I was told by the surgeon not to drink any coke until two days before the ballon comes out. However if your drinking it I might do the same lol x x

Also mbelle can you list down what you eat in a typical day it sounds really interesting the low carb thing and the fact that your not too hungry after youv'e eaten.

Its weigh day today for me so ill let you all know how i get on.
Wish me luck I might need it. x x
Hi Suziewoosie, hi everyone,

Well on a typical day, I try to have 8-12 glasses of water (including herbal teas), I also try to exercise 5-6 times per week - walk (30-60mins) or slow jog - 30mins. Mowing the lawns for 1 hour is definitely my hardest exercise, lol!

I do have diet drinks sometimes(maybe one can per day, one every 2-3 days) , I usually have a coffee & Jarrah & milk mixed drink - try to make 1 per day, just can't quite give it up! I have switched to a different diet lemonade - as coke - colouring is quite bad for us.... so am slowly getting used to that, plus sweetener 955 is healthier than the usual sweetener in diet coke).
Historically, I have had quite an addiction to Diet coke - but have been concerned about my memory being effected..... so may have on the odd ocassion now - partly why I drink so much water now!

I eat typically (this sounds more boring than it feels!!!):

Meal Replacement Protein Bar
(I have Slimmm, Kate Morgan, NZ Low Carb to name a few - 20 varieties / flavours)
or a Protein Shake (once again heaps of brands with vitamins etc)

M Tea
Snack bar (similar to a protein bar but NOT a meal replacement - 25 varieties / flavours)
or Apple or Nectarine

Meal Replacement Protein Bar
(I have Slimmm, Kate Morgan, NZ Low Carb to name a few)
or a Protein Shake (once again heaps of brands with vitamins etc)

Afternoon Tea
Snack bar (similar to a protein bar but NOT a meal replacement)
or Apple or Nectarine

steak or chicken
3 Cups of salad, or veges
(like cabbage, carrot, tomatoes, beans, lettuce etc)
feta cheese
sundried tomatoes
sometimes mayo, sometimes none

After Dinner snack
or late afternoon snack - if having late dinner
Snack Bar
or Low Carb chocolate bar (usually 1 per day - sometime during a snack time)
or Fruit

Sometimes, at lunch time, I'll have a salad with strips of meat
(no bread / pasta/ potatoes) - this is great at cafe lunches with other people!

Once a week - say on a Sunday - I'll also have a cooked breakfast:
eggs, salmon, chicken bacon, mushrooms, tomato, lettuce.

Finally (I hope) once every 4 weeks - I'll have a completely free day - as in eat anything at all. So far, have done this once - and yes I ate heaps and felt sick with myself - as well as my stomach. That week - despite my reservations - sure enough - after going back on programme for the remaining 6 days - I lost 2kg!!!!

The carb expert, recommended a 4 week cycle to actually speed up weight loss. ???????????

Sorry for going on!

So, that's me - I'm at my 6 1/2 weeks mark - and thank you for being here to talk to!

I was feeling a bit low this avo - not physically hungry, but starting to just feel like a pick me up!!!! Dangerous territory for me - that nameless kind of ache / nag, about nothing in particular, just life, maybe a bit of tiredness, discontent, bit of emotion today, and am bit behind in work - who knows and who cares? I just have to say no, full stop!

Anyway, so here I am! Much harder to type AND eat at the same time, eh!!!! lol
Hello gals!

Mirabelle - your weightloss in 6 weeks is pretty fabulous - you must be feeling so proud of yourself (especially with the exercise)! Thanks for writing down exactly what your diet regime is - I'm going to google some of the names of those bars you've been using and see if I can get hold of some - sounds like they'd be very useful if you're out and about.

Cuddlymum and Suziewoozie - good to hear that you can socialise and still enjoy it with a balloon. Had a good old chuckle at SW's description of the aftereffects but relieved that you can be completely normal in front of everone else!

Interesting to see you've started planning your tactics for Christmas. I plan to go to town on the veg and literally just taste the trifle/ pudding/cake. I didn't really get given a sweet tooth - instead I got a whole head full of "fat teeth!" - it'll be the cheese that'll be my hardest temptation. Mum and dad will get a crazy amounts worth from Neal's Yard Dairy but I'll have a small slice of each AND NOT GO BACK FOR MORE! Family-wise I might have it a bit easier than you guys - my lot'll probably give me a standing ovation for saying "no" to stuff!

Keep up the good work guys! xxx
Hi everyone,

Loved reading the last few posts.

Mbelle - I agree with Madharri123 - your weight loss is great; well done!:iagree::hurray: Pleased to hear that you had a good time last Saturday too. It's good that we are all still able to enjoy ourselves occasionally, despite our dietary restrictions! Yes, I hope nobody from the clinic is reading this forum :blush5: I am not going to sign my real name, just in case!:smilielol5: I've been a bit naughty tonight as well - went to a friend's house, just for a pre-Christmas girlie get-together, and I've had wine & nibbles. I'm sure my luck with the weight loss is due to run out soon!! Mind you, I never ate very much earlier on in the day.

Susiewoosi - yes, I drink diet coke daily! Although I'm wondering if I got hold of the wrong end of the stick: I'm sure my nutritionist told me to drink a can every day, as it helps to clean the balloon (I always drank lots of it anyway, before the balloon went in). But after what you said, I'm wondering if I picked her up wrong?! It seems odd that we would get different advice from the same organisation. She did say to me at a later date, that it was supposed to be FLAT coke - but by then I'd been drinking the fizzy stuff for several weeks. It doesn't seem to have done me any harm - I do burp a lot sometimes, but then you also seem to have that problem, without drinking coke! The burps don't taste as bad as they used to, so I'm not that worried. By the way, S.W, how was your weight loss this week? you were due to weigh in just after your last post!

Madharri123 - hope we haven't put you off with all our hair-raising tales of balloon life! You sound like you have a very sensible attitutude. I was terrible before I had it done, I was just like "pig out while you can" - eating for Britain, that was me! Looking back now, I'm not proud of myself - I just gave myself more weight to lose, which was pretty stupid.:(

Anyway, lots going on at the moment, with Christmas so close - hope everyone has a great festive season (in case I don't manage to get back on the board before then!) x:santa: :beerchug:
I am having my ballon done on the 14th of January in sydney australia.

I am looking forward to having the first few days over with....

I am to scared to tell anyone that i am getting it done - i know that they will not support me and tell me not to get it done.

I am also scared that they will sabotage me and think that i cheated my way thought weight loss.

Do you guys think it will be hard to hide.. I am just planning on telling every one that i am on a diet...

I was wanting to know if every one is happy with there decision to have the ballon done or if they regret is ???

i cant wait to live a full life...
Hello livelovelaugh!

Hello and welcome!

I've only just joined the forum and will be just over a week ahead of you - having mine done on the 4th in Prague. Will be absolutely fantastic to be in contact with someone who is going through the same thing at the same time!

Obviously I can't give you any advice about the procedure yet but as you'll have read - Suziewoosie and Cuddlymum seem extremely positive about their experience of the balloon.

As for not telling anyone - I think you're doing exactly the right thing! I've decided not to tell a soul too! If you don't mention it there is absolutely no chance that anyone will know you've had it. We know that we'll probably be as sick as dogs for the 1st few days - easily explained away (if you need to) as a stomach bug. I live alone and have taken the week off so I don't expect to even have to explain my sickness to anyone. If/when I am/feel sick - that's when my tummy bug story will be useful. We won't have much of an appetite for the 6 months (fingers crossed!) which I will explain away as me watching what I eat and making healthy choices because I want to lose weight. When I do - I intend to take all the credit!

Please don't give anyone the power to sabotage your weight loss - if they do try I would think a simple "What does it matter to you what I eat?" would suffice. Bullies tend to back down when they are challenged! I am so excited and can't wait for my procedure! xxx
Hello Livelovelaugh,

Welcome to the forum. :) I wasn't planning to post on here again till after Christmas, but I noticed you'd asked a few questions, and thought I'd try & answer them for you (just from my own point of view/experience - which may not be the same as other people's of course!)

You asked if it's hard to keep the proceedure secret from others - well, I've only told my hubby & kids about mine, but for the first few weeks, I did feel a bit strange (physically) and I tended to avoid people as much as I could. I had a week off work after having the balloon in (took it as holiday), but the first time I went back I ended up vomiting in the toilet - although nobody knew that had happened! So I then ended up taking a week off sick. (I only work a couple of night shifts a week anyway - it might be more of a problem for someone who works full time). I also avoided socialising for a good few weeks - but then I didn't socilaise that much anyway! However, I am now almost 3 months down the line, and I would say it's relatively easy now to behave normally around others. I eat the same stuff in company, just a bit less. I've just told people I'm on a strict diet, because I'd got so fed up of being so overweight (they knew how big I'd become, so they've accepted what I've said). By the way, Madharri123's suggestion is a good one (saying you have a tummy bug in the early days after getting it done - although you never know, you might feel fine after a few days - I believe some people are lucky that way!:rotflmao:)

Any regrets, you ask - well, there have been times when I've thought "what have I done?!", especially in the first few weeks, but it does get easier, and I've been delighted with my weight loss, which has been consistent. I was certainly getting nowhere trying to lose weight on my own. And it's lovely to feel clothes getting baggy on you, and being able to fit into things you could no longer fasten a couple of months ago. (Looking forward to getting a whole new wardrobe once I reach my target weight!:D ).

By the way, I think that you & Madharri123 have picked a brilliant time to get it done - New Year, new start! I wish I'd had mine done in January.:p You'll both be looking great by summer, and you won't have to cope with having a balloon in over Christmas. Anyway, good luck!:seeya:
Me again!

Just realised I said a dumb thing in my last post :eek: - about getting the balloon put in in January, & looking great by summer - of course, this makes sense to those of us in the UK, but the ones in Australia etc have different seasons (I guess it's your summer about now, eh? Not that I know much about it!).
I had my balloon inserted last monday and promptly thought I was in hell sick as a dog the hospital wanted to keep me in but I cried enough they took pity and I could lie like a bag of washing at home just the same. Kept taking water but it was like a leaky boat what went in came out just a fast. I started to feel better (god thats a laugh) by Thursay and am looking farward to feeling better every day. Im so light headed I think that is where Ive lost all my weight was planning on taking a week off work but had to get 3 weeks for my GP cant sleep at night thank the lord for cable TV .