gatric balloon fitted 5 days ago - chatters wanted UK

Had my gastric ballon fitted 5 days ago - over the first 3 days of sicky / feeling rough etc and feel like my life is returning to normal - managed to goto (office) work 2 days after, but not felt fantastic. However, now on day 5 feeling hungry already - sticking to liquids but concerned i am hungry already - is this normal? Guess the test is once i have gone onto proper food and see how quickly i get full

any chatters wont to keep in regular touch please contact me - people at various stages of gastric balloon process would be good to hear from
I also just had my balloon fitted on Thursday. I was only sick for 1 day really and just slept the second day. Today is the first day that I have eaten anything close to real food.. 1/2 a bagel and of course more soup. My stomach is so bloated I can't stand it..
But I must say that I am not feeling at all hungry ...
I do not feel as if I have lost anything but then again it has been only 4 days . I wish you all the best.
My Name is Trish
I had a balloon fitted Thursday morning here in Amsterdam. I must say that it went well. I was not feeling well that day and most of the next day . By Saturday I was up and out of the house doing my shopping and even went into the center to have tea.. ( what else )
I haven't eaten much at all.
However, today I did have a bagel and soup and tonight I will make a proper dinner.
Something light and easy .
I am very bloated and I am embrassed to say but going to the toilet is becoming a problem . I am drinking as much water as I can. Whenever I am hungry I just have a cracker ..or a few spoons of soup.
I have been drinking a few glasses of Pepsi light . It seems to go down well.
I have a few questions ,( If anyone can help )
Can I swim next this Thursday?
Can I have a few drinks of wine mixed with water . ( not too much )
And is bread a bad thing and can crackers with light chesse replace bread and chesse.
Thanks for the help. And best of Luck to you all..
Hey Guys

Well I am coming up to my one month anniversary tomorrow and thankfully everything has settled down....mostly!

I have so far lost 17.6 Lbs which I am well pleased about and do feel a hell of a lot better for it, starting to get back into some clothes which is nice.

Have had a couple of times when I have felt overfull and very uncomfortable, funny enough when I had a salad! But all in all doing ok, fingers crossed not overeaten yet and thrown up, have been out to dinner and lunch with friends that don't know and have just taken my time eating and not finishing it all but have got over that hurdle of worring that people would wonder why I wasn't eating like I used to.

Keep up the good work everyone, though I would like to see a massive weight loss each week, to be healthy as I'm loosing weight I shouldn't be loosing more the 2 kilos a week (approx 4 lbs) doesn't sound a lot but should work.

Starting back on the exercise on Saturday, going to the British Military Fitness, if anyone can get me fit its them!

xxx Skittle
? Getting there

Hi everyone,

Hope you are all continuing to make good progress! I am feeling better than I did a week ago, but still lacking energy, and still finding it difficult sometimes to judge how much I should eat (have accidentally overeaten a couple of times, and spent a most uncomfortable night afterwards!!). The National Obesity Surgery Centre (who put my balloon in ) have given me a diet to follow - are other people not given anything like this?? (I'd be really interested to know, because the diet I've been given is quite restrictive, and I would just like to know what would happen if I ate something that wasn't on the list - which could possibly happen if I eventually start socialising again!) Does anyone know if there are any foods that are really not compatible with the balloon?

Well, keep up the good work everyone - let's hope it will all be worth it in the end! :seeya:
Hello balloon friends,

I had my balloon fitted on the 12th, and after reading through these forums, its seems i am a lucky one, as i haven't had any sickness at all, just the heart burn which seems to kick in at night once i am in bed.
I also got the diet sheet which i think is really hard as i can only have fluids for 2 weeks before moving onto pureed food, im starting to forget how to chew lol
I think this site is great, I haven't told my family and friends about my balloon (just my mother) so its great i can come here and talk to you all, have a rant or just for support.
I hope everyone is well
your newfriend x
Setting a date today

Hi everyone,

Im Shrinker and Im located in Sydney Australia, I am meeting with the surgeon this afternoon to set a date for the balloon, Im a hoping to book it for 9 November, luckily there is not much of a wait list here in Aus as apparently the procedure is quite new here. I was sent last week for a list of blood tests as long as my arm and also had to have an ulstrasound done of all my organs, I think the main they were checking for here were gallstones.

Skittle, glad to hear you have settled in with your new balloon and wow what a fantastic loss so far, you must be loving it!

Cuddly mum, I'll post you my diet as soon as I get it, from what I under stood it was quite restrictive too, I got a tad nervous when he said that first week has zero focus on food, it's all about getting you "through it" eeeek. He mentioned purees for 2 weeks and eventually a meal would be a cup size. He didn't tell me much that day as I was just there as a look and see type appointment. I think i'll know more after my appointment today. Im also curious about what type of foods you should avoid, like rice bubbles and flax seed, will they stick to the balloon like they do on a cereal bowl when left standing for a while :rotflmao:

newfriend, how lucky are you!! I so hope Im one of the lucky ones that doesn't suffer the nausea, I had no morning sickness through either of my pregnancies and generally have an iron gut so wont know what hit me if I get queazy.
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Comparing notes (again!)

Hi again!

Don't always know what to think about having this balloon - some days are better than others! Still feel a little washed out at times (after 3 weeks). Also still have the occasional vomit - but it sounds like I am actually eating more than some of you, as I was told to start on high protein foods after the first week (meat, fish, eggs - bit like the Atkins diet, but very small portions of course) and some of it is just too much to tolerate at times. No carbs allowed, or fats such as cheese, butter etc - I gather they will be re-introduced later. Finding it hard, as I used to be a lover of pasta, rice, potatoes etc (more than meat). Mind you, I certainly don't have much appetite anyway compared to how I was before, so it's doing what it's supposed to!

Shrinker - thanks, I would love to hear details of your diet sheet when you get it. And good luck for the proceedure!

New friend - yes, you are really lucky not to have the vomiting etc, hope it continues to go smoothly for you!

Well, "speak" again soon, I hope! x :waving:
Hi Everyone

I hope everyone is feeling ok.

I just wanted to pop in as i have just had my first weigh in, I have lost 8lbs in my first week, so i am very happy about that, just wish it could be 8lbs every week ha ha.
I am still feeling great, i haven't had any side effects, no sickness pain or anything so im really happy and enjoying my journey so far.

Hope you all have a great week

x x x
Go ahead or not??

This is the first website that I've seen where people have recorded positive experiences with the gastic balloon!!

I've almost decided to go ahead with it, in Prague, just feel a little nervous about making that final commitment. I have a lot of weight to lose (8 stone). I know the balloon won't do that, but I'm hoping it will take off a sizeable chunk. It's either that or a chainsaw!
Hi everyone,
I just wanted to post the diet sheet i was given to see if everyone has the same, hope you dont mind as it quite long

General Dietary Advice

Initially a meal will initially consist of 2-3 tablespoons of pureed foods (see menu plan, stage 2).
If you get acid reflux or bloating, stop eating.

Avoid all fizzy drinks as this will increase the acid and make you feel bloated.

Eat slowly.

Cut food into small pieces.

Chew all your foods well.

Avoid snacking in-between meals, this will slow your weight loss and possibly increase your appetite.
Avoid going back to meals once you feel full.

Stop eating as soon as you feel full, otherwise you may be sick.

Take fluid half an hour before and after meals, avoid taking food and fluid together, as this may make you sick.

Aim for at least 2 litres (8 cups) of low calorie fluid per day.

Choose low sugar/reduced sugar or diet, non fizzy drinks.

Use artificial sweeteners rather than sugar.

Choose low fat foods (3g per 100g or 3% fat).

· You may find it more convenient to freeze meals in ice cube containers, so that meals can be prepared quickly and food is not wasted.

Cooking Methods

It is important to consider the cooking methods that you use to reduce your fat and calorie intake. Avoid frying and roasting. Grill, bake, microwave, stew, poach, boil, and steam instead.


Fat is a very concentrated source of calories and can be difficult to digest after the gastric balloon. Fat can delay stomach emptying and lead to heartburn. Eating these foods will also slow your weight loss.

High fat foods to avoid are: -

Fatty meats/products such as sausages, pate, corned beef, bacon, scotch eggs, quiche and burgers
Salad dressings
Whole milk
Condensed milk
Evaporated milk
Full fat cheese
Full fat yoghurts

The Gastric Balloon Diet

There are four stages to the gastric balloon diet

Fluids only
Smooth, pureed diet
Soft, mushy, crispy diet
Normal textured diet

The exact time of progressing to the next stage varies between individuals. It is important to ensure that you do not rush each stage and move on before you are ready. You are less likely to have problems if you begin carefully.

If you are sick, one or more of the following may have occurred:-

1. You ate too much
The texture of the food was unsuitable
You ate too quickly
You had fluid and food close together

Stage One –Fluids

You will be able to begin taking clear fluids after the balloon has been placed into your stomach. You will start with sips of water and then gradually build up to small, slow, frequent sips of fluids.

It is important that you drink plenty of fluid (at least two litres per day) to ensure that you do not become dehydrated and/or constipated.

Fluids to choose are: -

Low calorie/reduced sugar/no added sugar squash
Non fizzy diet drinks
Herbal tea
Semi skimmed or skimmed milk
Diluted fruit juice (half water and half fruit juice)
Smooth thin/strained soup
Thin fruit smoothies
Meal replacements such as Slim fast, Build up or Complan

You should avoid high calorie/sugary drinks such ordinary fizzy drinks, squashes, cordials, whole milk, drinking chocolate and malted drinks.

Avoid fizzy drinks as they may make you feel bloated and can cause acid.

Once you can tolerate small sips of fluids, then you will move onto stage two.

Stage Two –Low Calorie Liquids/Smooth Pureed Foods

This stage should be followed for between two and six weeks after the balloon has been placed.

Eat slowly, as soon as you feel full, stop eating, as you may be sick. In time,
you will be able to recognise your tolerance level to food and fluid.

The stage two meal plan gives you an idea of the portion sizes that you should eat. If you eat or drink slightly too much you are likely to have discomfort and be sick.
The pureed stage should always have a sauce or gravy to ensure that the pureed food is a smooth custard consistency.
Meal Plan for Stage Two- Liquid/Smooth Pureed Diet


2 tbsp Weetabix/porridge or ready brek with plenty of semi skimmed or skimmed milk made to a very runny/liquid consistency or
1 very soft cooked scrambled egg

In-between Meals

Low calorie fluids (sipped slowly)

Lunch/ Evening Meal

200mls soup (avoid cream of) or
25g (1oz) pureed meat such as chicken and turkey or
25g (1oz) pureed tender fish such as haddock, cod or plaice or
25g (1oz) pureed tinned fish in water, tomato sauce or brine such as salmon, tuna, mackerel, pilchards or
50g (2oz) smooth soft meat/fish/vegetable pate/paste or
1 very soft cooked scrambled egg or
1oz (25g) light cream cheese into hot pureed potato or
1oz (25g) grated reduced fat cheese mixed into hot food such as pureed potato or
50g (2oz) plain low fat pureed cottage cheese and
1 tbsp pureed soft mashed potato with
1 tbsp pureed vegetables such as carrots/cauliflower/broccoli


1 diet/light smooth yoghurt or
1 fromage frais or
3 tbsp smooth low fat custard or
3 tbsp light smooth mousse made with semi skimmed/skimmed milk or
3 tbsp milky pudding such as tapioca, sago, and rice pudding or
3 tbsp pureed/stewed fruit

Only move onto stage three, when you can manage more than a tea plate sized portion of the pureed food and these foods do not cause vomiting or indigestion.

Stage Three -Soft and Mushy/Crispy Foods
You should continue to choose the foods from stage two (pureed), but slowly introduce and replace them with more texture and variety. Begin with 2-3 tablespoons for a meal and gradually increase your portion size to no more than a tea plate.

Crispy foods are foods, which will fall to bits in water, such as melba toast, crisp breads and bread sticks. They are not the same as crunchy foods such as raw vegetables and salad. Crunchy foods are likely to cause problems if eaten at this stage.

Foods to try and introduce are: -

Casserole/stew/hot pot
Tinned meat particularly in sauce such as chicken, ham, stewed steak, and pork
Wafer thin ham, chicken or pork.
Shepherds’ pie and fish pie.
Tinned fish such as sardines and mackerel in tomato sauce.
Tinned tuna/salmon in reduced fat mayonnaise or salad cream.
Soft plain omelette
1 Soft-boiled egg
2- 3 tbsp baked beans, lentils and peas
Tinned pasta in sauce such as ravioli, macaroni cheese, and spaghetti.
Spaghetti bolognaise chilli con carne (without kidney beans).
Jacket potato (avoid skin)
Cous cous with tomato based sauce.
2 tbsp tinned or softly cooked vegetables such as carrots, cauliflower, broccoli
1-2 bread sticks/melba toast/cracker/crisp bread/1/2 slice of wholemeal toast (without crust) with low fat spread/light cream cheese/pate/paste
Tinned fruit such as peaches, pears, mandarins
Soft fruits such as raspberries, strawberries, mango, melon, kiwi, banana

Only when you are able to tolerate a variety of foods from stage three and a tea plate sized portion, should you then move onto stage four

Stage Four – Normal Gastric Balloon Diet

Approximately 8-16 weeks after the gastric balloon has been placed, you should be able to begin to eat a variety of solid food, within a tea plate sized portion.

It is important to start meals with high protein foods, such as meat, fish, eggs, Quorn, Tofu, soft beans and cheese, to ensure that you have an adequate daily protein intake.

Aim to have a good variety of high protein, low fat and low sugar foods in your diet.

Aim for 3 tea plate size meals per day. Avoid going back to meals once you feel full. Avoid missing meals, as this may also slow your weight loss.

Do not snack in-between your meals, as this will slow your weight loss.

Foods to include are: -

Soft meat such as chicken, turkey, pork, and beef cut up into very small pieces (1cm squares) and chewed thoroughly
Tender, soft flaky fish such as salmon and lemon sole
Reduced fat hard cheese
Toasted wholemeal bread (no crust)
Softly cooked vegetables
Fruit such as a soft peeled apple, or soft pealed pear
Some salad, including tomatoes without skins, cucumber.

Caution Foods

There are some caution solid foods, which may not be tolerated in the long term. These foods are more likely to make you sick.

The caution foods include: -

Non-toasted bread particularly soft and white
Over-cooked pasta and boiled rice
Red meat particularly steak and chops
Barbequed meat
Stringy vegetables such as green beans
Pips, seeds, skins, piths from fruit and vegetables
Dried fruit

Vitamin and Mineral Supplements

It is recommended that you take a daily complete multimineral/vitamin tablet to prevent low blood levels and deficiencies. These can be bought at any chemist or supermarket and include Sanatogen A to Z Gold, Boots complete vitamin/mineral, Seven Seas Multibionta and Centrum.

If you have any dietary queries or problems, you should contact the Specialist Dietitian.
Thanks for that newfriend, that is so helpful. Im off to see the dietician on Thursday so will be interesting to see if the eating plan will be different here is Aus.
Hi i had my balloom fitted in sept and i am experienceing awful smelly burps has anyone else had this and if so has any one got any answers

Hello again! Enjoyed reading the last few posts - it's good to catch up with how everyone's doing, and welcome to all "newbies" (although I'm still relatively new myself, ha ha!).

Blondielocks - please don't resort to a chainsaw!! Yes, a lot of people on here do seem to have had very positive experiences. I'm still wondering if I did the right thing, as I still have days when I just don't feel quite right, and I don't feel my energy levels are completely back to what they were - but it's not as though I'm in pain or anything, and I try to tell myself the slight discomfort will hopefully be worth it - it's only for 6 months after all. My weight loss had been going OK (just over a stone in 4 weeks) but this week I only lost half a pound, so I was not a happy camper!!:cuss: Hoping it may catch up next week, and I'll perhaps lose double then! I just don't see how I can fail to lose weight, eating so little!!

Newfriend - thanks so much for posting your diet sheet - it's really useful, as I have only been given the first phase of my diet, which is boring me to tears now, and it's nice to see what I may be able to eat on the next phase! Mind you, your diet seems slightly different to mine anyway. But whatever's on your sheet is obviously suitable for anyone with a balloon.

Nicky1109 - regarding the smelly burps; I got those quite badly around the 2nd/3rd week. I was advised to try Probiotic capsules, which I got from Holland & Barrett (health food shop). The burps seem to have settled quite a bit (still get them the odd time, but nowhere near as bad) - but whether this is due to the capsules, or whether they'd have settled anyway, I just don't know. I've also been advised to drink diet coke each night, as it helps to clean the balloon (yet some people seem to have been advised to avoid fizzy drinks - it's very confusing!)

I was actually naughty on Saturday, and had 2 glasses of wine - quite enjoyed it at the time, but felt queasy the next day! But then I have days when I feel a bit queasy anyway.

Well, I've been rabbiting on long enough. Keep posting everyone, I like to follow your progress x :seeya:
Hi all
i had only lost 10lbs in 5 weeks and was disappointed then i went to spain for weekend and diet went out the weekend drank alcohol and ate everything felt ok though wasnt poorly thank goodness.
i have put 4lbs back on so not happy but nobody to blame but myself i wasnt told to eat purreed food but diet sheet just like the atkins not nice.
i need to get back on track feel a little disappointed with myself but i just cant stick to diets that why i got balloon any suggestions on what to eat
or any meal ideas would be appreciated.

Hi everyone,

It seems to have gone very quiet! How is everyone getting on? I was a bit happier this week, as I lost 3 pounds (after only losing half a pound last week). Mind you, some people manage to lose that kind of amount at Weight Watchers, without all the discomfort and restrictions! (not me, unfortunately - although I tried it, several times!!) With the balloon, I had hoped to get dramatic results for drastic measures, if you see what I mean. But don't get me wrong - if I could lose that amount every week, I'd be more than happy - doubt that will be the case though!

Nicky, do you mind me asking who put your balloon in? (ie, which company). It's just that your diet sounds similar to mine. Mine was done by the National Obesity Surgery Centre, as I may have mentioned before. Like you, I was never told to eat pureed foods at any stage. Sorry to hear that you put some weight back on. I could never stick to diets either, but I really do find it virtually impossible to overeat with this. The doc who put my balloon in said he varies the amount of fluid he puts into balloons, depending on the size of the persons stomach (which he doesn't know until the endoscope goes down). Maybe you could have done with a bit more fluid in yours? (I don't mean that in a cheeky way - hope it didn't sound like that). It's a lot of money to pay and not get the results you want - but hopefully things will improve for you.

I'm feeling better in general now I think, although still fed up of the diet. As of next week, I can add in certain cereals, low fat soft cheese and yogurts, which will help a bit, but I'm still desperately missing potatoes, pasta and rice; also bread, although I've had the odd slice of toast which I wasn't supposed to (daren't eat untoasted bread, as I'm sure I read somewhere that it's not good for people with a balloon -not sure why). Still feel a bit sick/queasy on occasions (nearly 6 weeks after proceedure!) although I haven't vomited since the 3rd week. Hope the sickly feeling goes away before Christmas!

Well, hope to hear some other updates soon! :waving::waving::
Hi there,
I am a new member and i must say it is a relief to find people struggling with the same issues. I have put the gastric ballon on oct 15 and since then i have lost almost 8 kgs. the first week was pretty hard but i am finally getting used to it. I still vomit almost daily but i know that is because i have probably eaten too much. The worst part that is bothbering me the moast is that i feel i have no energy whatsoever. I know i should be excercizing for better weight loss but i just feel dizzy and weak. i wasnt taking any vitamins and yesterday i started with centrum which just made me nauseated.
Hi Browning,

You seem to be experiencing some similar problems to myself. I finally feel my energy starting to return, after more than 6 weeks - although I still don't feel up to doing much exercise! (but to start with, I couldn't even face doing housework/shopping etc!).

Anyway, congratulations on your 8kg weight loss! That's brilliant in less than a month -well done!:hurray: By the way, I tried to answer your friend request, but I kept getting a message saying I didn't have permission to do that?! Really bizzare. Will see if I can send you a private message.

Hope everyone else is OK. I lost another 3 & a half pounds this week, (2 weeks in a row with a good weight loss) so I'm starting to feel as though I'm getting somewhere now. Not many people have noticed yet (disappointingly!) but I can certainly feel a big difference in my clothes.

Bye for now!:seeya:

I am determined to do some excersize even if it is just 20 mins on the treadmill. i actually have been out of shape for the longest time and i think this is a good time to start.

Last night i had terrible heart burn and in the morning i couldnt have anything so just kept sipping on water. By noon i was back to normal so had a fita bread with cheese and olives and so far it has stayed in :hurray: i am thinking of having sushi for dinner. do you think i am eating too much?
I went to a dietician today and she says i am not eating enough. She showed that my metabolism is very slow and so she wants me to excercize and eat more. Before getting the lecture i went in happy cuz when she weighed me the scale said i lost 9kgs in around a month. How uch is everyones daily calorie intake? The dietician wanted me on a 1300 calorie but i managed to convince her on a 1100 calories a day.
Hi again,

Browning, I think your calorie intake sounds fine - I am not really counting calories as such (because I wasn't told to do so - I was just told what foods & quantities to eat) but I have occasionally added up my intake in my head, and I don't think I'm having any more than 1000 calories most days at the moment (often less). Does your dietitian have any connection with the people who put your balloon in, or is she working independently? (I was just wondering how much she understands about the proceedure). Over the years, I've attended many reputable slimming classes (not usually with great success!) but most of them have recommended eating somewhere between 1000 and 1500 calories per day (depending on the person's weight etc). I am not deliberately setting out to eat less than I should, I just feel I couldn't manage any more than this at the moment (unless it was in the form of melted chocolate perhaps??! :smilielol5:)

Anyway, as the thought of exercise still makes me feel weak & horrible, I need to keep the intake down to lose weight (will probably start doing some gentle exercise and see how I get on - but I tried an aerobics class a month after the balloon was fitted - not a new class, one I'd been to many times before - and I thought I was going to die! Haven't dared go back!) I feel quite aware of the balloon inside me at times, but I don't know how much of that is physical, and how much is psychological (anyone else feel like that?)

Well, I'm rambling again, so bye for now - catch up soon x :seeya: