gatric balloon fitted 5 days ago - chatters wanted UK


Hi there :) Well, i went to an independent dietician who also wasnt very encouraging about the procedure i did. She kept saying your body is in starvation mood and you are eating less than the diet that she wants to give me. She even said i might gain weight with the 1100 she was giving me.

Lately, i have realized i really am an emotional eater. Eating makes me happy and since i cant eat now i have to find other things that make me happy. Before the balloon i was out with friends most days eating at resturants but now i just dont seem to enjoy food which is a first for me. Food also seems to taste different.

I keep delaying to do any kinds of sports and that is my fault. Do you think walking for 4 km for 5 days is enough?
Hi there,

Browning - like you, I was definitely a comfort eater/emotional eater. I'd been overweight for a long time, but had gained an extra couple of stone over the past 18 months, because my young daughter has been ill with Chronic fatigue syndrome, and I was so stressed out, and just eating for comfort. But like you, I have also found since having the balloon that foods often taste different, and I'm missing the pleasure that food brought to my life. I just hope I can learn to get the balance right when the damned balloon comes out! (which can't come quickly enough for me!) Still, at least the weight is coming off, so the balloon is doing it's job!

Walking sounds like a sensible way to exercise - I would think that with your low-calorie diet, the combination would work quite well. I should do more walking too - although I did spend a day at a big shopping centre last week, and I was shattered by the time I came home, so that must have been a good work-out!!:rotflmao:

Hope everyone else is doing OK, catch up again soon x:)

Hi Im Sue
I had my ballon fitted 4 Weeks ago.
My first week was fine I seem to settle in quite well and I like you felt hungry. I call up my support team and they said to increase slightly the amounts of food but do not eat anything off of the plan.

The Second and next 3 weeks has been a different story when you go on to eating a few more foods mostly protien and veg I have been suffering. I get so much wind burps and a pooey bum. Its really unpleasant. I have been told to stick with it and hopefully it will sort itself out.

Although it sounds awful im managing quite well - Working ect. I do find it difficult going out and as I have kept my ballon a secret from everyone except my husband and daughter its difficult to eat in front of friends when usually I'm a 3 course meal kind of person I now settle for soup no starter or pudding AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! - Although Slim thoughts are now running through my head.

It will be good to talk to you more as the weeks go past.

How much do you want to loose?
Are you in the UK?
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Hi everyone,

I am new here - and boy do I wish I had started coming to this forum years ago.

I had a gastric band fitted about 3 years ago, I've never been brave enough to have the saline injections... plus after the operation - about 4 weeks after I ended up in hospital for 2 weeks - in absolute agony - was even on morphine - wow that stuff's amazing.

They reckon I might have had a tear or something, anyway after a hospital stay I came right. (They threatened to take the band out again if I didn't get better!)
Anyway, am not sure really what happened, as I haven't been back to a specialist since!

Now, even though I can't eat the same huge quantities that I ate before - I can still eat, and my urge to eat chocolate didn't disappear... plus I hadn't handled the emotional eating stuff, so sadly to admit to you all - that I'm even a failure with a gastric band!
(I don't like people to know because I'm so embarrased - I mean you know we get to hear the success stories - sounds so easy - yeah right - too easy for me!)

So yes, all this time on - I don't regret having one - I really notice that if I eat too fast I can feel really sick. But sad to report my stats:
Just before my band surgery:
5/10/06: 185 pounds 11/11/09: 193 pounds

So my apologies - I am still trying to work through my food issues. Finding the forum a very encouraging and supportive place to go!

All the best everyone - I'm sure that I'm in the absolute minority!!!!!!!!!!

have a wonderful day :))
Sue - welcome to the forum. It sounds as though you are coping fairly well with your balloon so far, despite the unpleasant side effects! I have also kept my balloon secret from everyone except my husband & kids - which does make life a bit difficult at times. I find I am avoiding seeing friends, in case my eating proves to be a problem. I'm dreading Christmas, as we will definitely be doing a bit of socialising then, and I'm not sure how I'll cope. I have this fear of eating something I shouldn't (or too much of something) just to be sociable, and then puking up in front of everyone!!:puke: But hopefully that won't happen! The reason I kept it secret is because most of my friends/relatives just wouldn't understand me spending all that money on the proceedure - they would just think that I should have got my act together & lost weight the "natural" way!

Mbelle - it sounds like you had quite a bad experience with the gastric band, so don't be too hard on yourself for not losing weight. I suppose if you felt brave enough to go for the saline injections, that might make it more effective? But I can understand you being apprehensive, after ending up so ill before! I was actually dithering between a band and a balloon, but I liked the idea of the balloon coming out after 6 months, plus it was a less invasive proceedure/ less recovery time etc. Anyway, good luck with getting your weight loss going again!

Bye for now x :waving:
Cuddlymum - Thanks for the welcome its really nice to be able to interact with someone who knows what your going through. My friends and family would also think its an extravagance that should not have to be paid for. My sister-in-law has lost weight in the normal way through Slimming World and is doing quite well but I had been there, tried that and got the T Shirt but never lost a thing, although she was an inspiration to me to do something. I have just weighed my forth week, i have lost a total of 17lbs which feels really good and I think by looking at this forum it seems about the right amount. I do however have the urge for chocolate and have eaten small bars of Milky Way and Kit Kat and although It dosen't feel that good afterwards I still crave it :reddevil: Do you feel like that and have you had anything you shouldn't have had?

Mbelle - I'm new as well and hopefully we will all help each other. I'm sorry your band didn't work. It sounds like your urge for chocolate is the same as mine but im sure if we keep to small quantities it will all work out in the end. And don't think of yourself as a failure were all in the same boat and still all trying to loose weight hopefully we have found the the right place to help us continue in the face of weight loss:newbie:

Good luck everyone.
Hi again!

Yes, I've started to eat a few things that are not on my diet sheet, because I was getting so totally sick of eating the same stuff all the time. Luckily for me, I have not craved chocolate that much since having the balloon in - a real surprise, as I was a 3-bars-at-a-time person before! (certainly one was never enough!). Mind you, I did eat a mini-box of Smarties yesterday, which I found in the cupboard, left over from "trick or treat" - and they slipped down quite nicely, so I had better be on my guard! I've had toast for breakfast a couple of times, which I'm not supposed to (although I was allowed it the first week after the balloon went in! But at the moment the diet is meant to be very low-carbs.) I've also been eating snack-a-jacks (I've always loved crisps, but I thought these were a healthier option - I'm actually allowed plain rice cakes as part as my diet, so I thought snack-a-jacks wouldn't be too different from that; however, having checked the fat content, there's quite a difference!:blush5: Still better than standard crisps though, I would think.)
I've also had alcohol a couple of times (only a small amount) but felt really rough the next day, so I don't think I'll be having it very often! Oh, and I had a chinese take-away one night - just a portion of chop suey, which I know some of the slimming clubs recommend as being a low-fat, low-cal choice.

But mostly I have been quite good!!:Angel_anim: And the main thing is, the weight does seem to be coming off, probably because I'm eating so much less in general than before.

Well, look forward to hearing how everyone else is doing!:seeya:
Hello everybody! I am seriously thinking about having the gastric balloon procedure. I would be really grateful if anybody could recommend a centre to have it done in. Also how much was your procedure? and how are you finding the experience so far? Any tips and advice would be welcomed!

Thank you.
Hello everybody! I am seriously thinking about having the gastric balloon procedure. I would be really grateful if anybody could recommend a centre to have it done in. Also how much was your procedure? and how are you finding the experience so far? Any tips and advice would be welcomed!

Thank you.

hi, if your in the uk try the nhs. i'm having a gastric sleeve done 7th jan funded by the nhs.
Hi Sammilou26,

I don't know where you come from, but I live in the UK and had my balloon put in by the National Obesity Surgery Centre, and it cost £4,950 I think (took out a finance plan to pay for it!). I think they are one of the most expensive, but it does include a year's aftercare (mainly telephone support) which not everyone offers. I was originally going to go with the Hospital Group, who are cheaper by about £1000, but they couldn't offer me the dates I wanted to have it done.

As Lazy-Susan says, you could try the NHS (if you're in UK); I never tried them, as I didn't think I was heavy enough for them to agree to surgery, plus I assumed that even if they'd agreed, I'd have had to wait ages - but it might have been worth a go, I suppose!

Personally, I'd have been too frightened to go & have it done abroad, but I think you can get it done a lot cheaper in some other countries.

I've had quite a rough ride since getting it in, it took a good few weeks for things to really settle, and I still feel "different". If I could turn the clock back (knowing what I know now) I would try harder at sticking to a diet!! But at the time, I was getting nowhere trying to lose weight on my own. I have now lost almost 2 stone in 8 weeks.

Anyway, good luck, whatever you decide to do!:waving:
Hi Lazy-Susan and Sammilou26
I also used the National Obesity Surgery Centre and it cost the same (thankfully) as Cuddlymum's. After 5 weeks I'm still not feeling great inside, I have been suffering with alot of wind both ends and my burps are really smelly which is causing embarrasement wherever I go. The good things are the weight loss it is fantastic they also support you for a full 12 months even though the ballon is only in for 6 months and they are working with me to try and get rid of my burps. Good Luck with whatever you do.

Cuddlymum - Are you on module 2 yet and if so can you eat alot of different things than module 1 - It seems that the combinations of foods on module 1 for me do not agree and i am constantly on the loo. I have spoken with them and they are trying to sort out one thing at a time my burps are first and i have started taking a probiotic tablet twice a day. Although I do have to give it a full week to see any benefit. Your weight loss sounds amazing you must feel good to have lost 2 stone are people commenting on your new look. One of the questions on module 1 for me was what do you think people will say when you have lost the weight and my answer was that I think they will think I'm ill because I've been big for so long!!!!
Nice to talk to you x

Mbelle - How are you doing now, are you still visiting the site?

Good Luck everyone Keep Slimming We can do it xxxxxxx
Hi Suziewoozie and Cuddlymum,

Thanks for chatting to me! I didn't know what kind of reaction I would get, whew!

I have been around the forum - but really just been going to my own thread (under weight loss journey) - called "Miche" (I accidentally deleted the rest of the letters! Duhhh lol!) and also been visiting newcomers...

Anyway, I feel like I'm in such a big place and don't know where to begin looking! Let alone finding where I've been posting!

anyway, I stumbled upon (I think) a list of all my "subsciptions??" or all the places I've posted before...

I guess, I'm humbled to realise that for me - its my brain making me obese, rather than the amount of food that I can or cannot actually fit in my stomach, at a time!

My brain - thoughts, emotions, feelings - often seem to rule my actions sadly!
(And truthfully, for years when life just gets a little bit tough - scaredy cat here - thinks that food's going to help - at such an elemental level - its such a devastating cycle)

However, I am on an eating plan - and the fact that I am, is a comfort right now. I have to weigh in tomorrow (its my 3rd week).

I just had a very emotional time with my adult children telling me off about my parenting, marriage, and me and my husband's decision to take our newly adopted son (now 13 yrs old) back to Samoa - to be brought up with family there!

So right now, I'm just overtired, despondent, drained and feeling a bit depressed and maybe a bit resentful or poor me!

Sorry - for the emotional bllllaaaaaaaa - its just so in my head right now, and I still have to face flying out of the country tomorrow (actually its now later today) with said son. I feel like my heart is breaking - but just can't do it anymore. Despite "their" expectations!
So feels like a lose lose - I don't like failing!

And I don't want this to be the "perfect" excuse to eat! Am only going away from internet - 3-4 days, but since this place can be like a life line / reality check - that's a long time for me.
Hello again!

Susiewoosi - it's really good to find someone else who had their balloon done by the same company as me, and who is following the same diet! I started Module 2 a couple of weeks ago - I told them on the phone that I was getting rather fed-up of the stuff on module 1 (I said it as nicely as possible of course!) and they agreed I should move on to module 2. It's a bit better, but still quite restrictive - still no carbs!! I can now eat stuff like cottage cheese, low fat soft cheese, yoghurt, berries, bran cereal or porridge. But funnily enough, although I loved porridge before the balloon went in, I seem to have gone off it a bit now! There are also some other meats on the list (pork & lamb, which were not on module 1) and a really big surprise is that I'm now allowed nuts! I really like nuts, but I know they're pretty fattening, so I was amazed to see them on the list. Luckily, I can now eat half a dozen and stop at that - whereas before I could have eaten a bucket of them!

Yes, I'm really pleased with the weight loss, and a few people have started to notice now (it took quite a while for that to happen though). Of course, I'm still wearing the same clothes, but they are getting slacker & slacker on me - don't want to spend much on new ones yet, as I still have quite a bit more weight to lose!

Sorry to hear that you're still having a lot of bad side effects. You mentioned spending a lot of time on the loo - I had diarrhoea the first few weeks; whereas I'd been told most people get constipated! But whichever way you're affected, it's not pleasant! I do get the burps at times too - the probiotics seemed to help a bit when the burps were at their worst.

Mbelle - sounds like you are having a very difficult time in your personal/family life at the moment. You are in my thoughts. It can be so difficult to put your mind on losing weight when you have so many other issues going on (as I know from personal experience).

I also find this site quite confusing - there are so many different sections and threads! But at least we all have the same ultimate goal!! x PS: I don't think my icons/smilies are working properly, so I haven't added any this time!
Hi Sammilou26,

As Lazy-Susan says, you could try the NHS (if you're in UK); I never tried them, as I didn't think I was heavy enough for them to agree to surgery, plus I assumed that even if they'd agreed, I'd have had to wait ages - but it might have been worth a go, I suppose!

hi, i can tell you how it happened for me!!
in feb 09 i put in for funding, by the end of the month they had agreed to give it to me. i am 5ft 3ins, weigh 19st 10lbs and i am 54 years old. the whole prosess (start to opp) should take 6 months if you are healthy.i was offered bypass, sleeve or band, after a lot of homework on the internet i chose the sleeve. everyone has to have loads of tests to make sure they are ready mentaly and heathy enough for this surgery, as it turned out i have sleep apnea, so i have had treatment for that, which put my surgery back a few months. now everything is on track again.
after the surgery i will get the standard 2 years aftercare (more if needed)at the same hospital. then when i have reached my ideal they will offer me a tummy tuck.
yours sue.
ps. thats a great weight loss, well done!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I know I asked this in another thread so I apologise for this. Do they say anything about what would happen if you didn't come back after 6 months to have the balloon taken out? In terms of health I've heard that is fine as the balloon is designed to degrade after this time and deflate and pass through your poo naturally.

Want I want to know is, if you put them off for a couple more months (I'm assuming some balloons won't burst after 6 exact months, maybe not at all or somewhere inbetween those two options) will they say to you something like "you have invalidated your agreement and we will now not take the balloon out, unless you pay for a further operation to take it out".

R :)
Rokku - Hi I think that you have to have the ballon out around the 6 months mark whether its slightly before or slightly after but at an agreed date. If you fail to turn up for the appointment then it will be up to you to arrange and pay for the removal, that seems to be the case with the National Obesity Surgery Centre. I think the balloon would eventually burst and probably pass through naturally but its probably best to get it done in the correct way. It is probably also a good idea to check your small print or ask directly to the company who you deal with that question. If its a greater weight loss my surgeon told me that the more fluid that is pumped into the balloon the more weight you will loose. BUT this comes with more side effects sickness ect. I had 500ml they say that they put between 400 and 700ml in. I could have had more but as it wasn't very pleasant and I was glad to get the hell off the table!!!!! 500ml was enough.

Cuddlymum - The food sounds a little bit better at least some cereal would be nice and yoghurt is good. I must sound like a freak usually I would be saying breads good pastas fantastic, but I don't really crave any of that thankfully although chocolate is still at the fore front which im slightly worried about. Have you had any cognetive behaveural theropy yet I speak to a lady called Marlene and I sometimes think that shes useless and not worth the money I paid (I know thats a bit harsh but) all she seems to do is call up each week (not at the correct time or forgets the time!) then all she does is ask how ive got on. Obviously I have had a lot to tell her with my burps ect but I thought we were going to talk throught the answers to my module and discuss generally the food that Ive eaten ect but Ive had none of that just a discussion of what to buy to get rid of the burps and an Ill speak next week. I know its early days and ive got a long way to go yet though.

Mbelle - Log on as soon as you get back for a chat it sounds like you have the world on your shoulders and maybe our chats can take your mind off of things for a bit good luck on the eating plan think slim and drink plenty of water and if all else fails a vodka and diet coke may help - not too many cals!!! Good Luck our thoughts are with you.xx
Hi again everyone,

Lazy-Susan - it's fantastic that you are getting your op done on the NHS. If I'd heard your story earlier, I might have given it a try! Having said that, I imagine an op like you are having is more "drastic" than a balloon - and I didn't want anything too drastic. I've never heard of anyone having a balloon put in on the NHS, but maybe it happens! I was just under 15 stone before I had the balloon in - I don't know what sort of weight range you have to be in for the NHS to consider you for obesity surgery (it may vary depending what area you live in). Anyway, hope it all goes well for you - I'd be interested to hear how you get on! (great that they will be offering you a tummy tuck too if need be! )

Rokku - I would also agree that it might be risky to leave the balloon in any longer than approx 6 months. The doc who put my balloon in said that balloons which deflate can sometimes cause an intestinal obstruction - very rare, I think, but possible. And you would not be covered if anything like that happened. Personally, I wouldn't want to risk it. Funnily enough, my husband suggested the same kind of thing to me (as he hated me being so overweight, and was keen for me to lose as much as possible) but I've told him it's coming out the minute the 6 months are up - don't think I could stand it any longer!!!

Susie-Woosi - yes, I also have a weekly phone call from a dietician/nutritionist (or whatever they call themselves). It's a different person from you, although I think your one called me once when my usual one was off sick. I agree, the phone calls are not really much help! I thought they would go through all that stuff that comes with the modules - questionnaires about why we over-eat, and how we see ourselves etc - but there's been none of that. I didn't fill in any of those things, because I kept waiting for her to mention it, and go through it with me, but she never has! I did ask her recently about Christmas, and that I was a bit concerned regarding socialising etc, and she said they do have a chat about that with everyone before the festive season. Anyway, I have a Christmas night out 2 weeks today, so I will need to have that chat pretty soon! I was interested to hear that you were told how much fluid was in your balloon - they never told me about mine! I never thought to ask straight after I'd had it done, but I did ask the nurse on the phone a few days later- but she said she didn't have that information! Anyway, I will ask when I get it out (I'd like to know!)
By the way, have you actually been given a date for your balloon coming out? I haven't, but I will need to know a bit in advance, as I work shifts, and will need to make sure I've got the time off.

Well, must dash, but catch you all again soon xx
Hey everyone,

Well its good to be back and thank you for your thoughts and kind words susie woosie and cuddlymum - hmmm I must try that vodka and diet coke one day, hehe.

Well I have a head cold and am layed up in bed trying to recover, glad to be here, haha.

Did well with the eating over there, so much high fat options that sometimes even though I was very hungry I just had to stop myself from eating!

Must see if my older kids are still talking to me, I will probably txt them later today, if I feel up to it, otherwise it can all wait - till I'm feeling physically better.
Will hopefully feel up to walking tomorrow - but for now recuperation time.

Glad to see you are all feeling pretty positive! Wow you can get a lot of support from NHS! That'll really help you Lazy-Susan, I think that if I did the follow up that would have really made a difference to me.

Have a wonderful day everyone :)
Mbelle - just to say glad you are back safe & sound from your trip. Sorry you are feeling rough with a headcold etc -I wish you a speedy recovery! Hope you manage to sort things out with your older kids, good luck with that. And good luck with your eating plan - keep us updated x

Not much new here since I last posted - today's my weigh-day, and I've lost another couple of pounds since last week. Really pleased with the sustained weight loss (despite doing virtually no exercise!:blush5:). Keep thinking my luck will run out soon - when it does, I'll have to get down the gym!! :rotflmao:)

Speak again soon - keep smiling everyone!:)
Hi Cuddlymum my phone call went astray this week again no one called at all so i called them to request a different person to deal with me. I felt a bit rotten but I had a bit of a chip on my shoulder with Marlene and I can't for the life of me say why we just didnt seem to gel. Anyway I'm waiting for a call back any minute now to find out what' happening. I have been off the rails though I couldnt stop myself eating chocolate and ate a whole bag of chocolate coins:reddevil: This however made me really windy - burping like ive never burped before and for all evening so I wouldn't recomend it. I do think that will be the case if you have anything Fatty or high in calories. However I have been out a couple of times and I too have got a Christmas function on the 12th. I went out on Sunday for lunch with a friend and I had a Chicken Ceasar Salad this wasn't too bad although the windy burps happened again in the evening. For The Christmas dinner I have ordered Roast Turkey with trimmings and I think I will eat the meat and Veg but no potatoes. Ive ordered a prawn salad for starter which will be ok apart from the sauce and for pud ive ordered a chocolate tart which I will be seen to have a spoonful and then give to my husband. I have decided not to drink so it will be mineral water for me but Marlene did say to me that when you get on module 2 you can drink wine (how true that is I'm not sure as she told me i could eat ham on module 1 but its not in the book.)
I havn't got a date for the removal there is a schedule that came with the pack which tells you what you will be working through eg Module 1, Module 2, review module 1, Prepare for removal. ect ect. so I think that will come later. I'm on holiday in january and a bit concerned that I have to go through customs at the airport and if im xrayed what on earth they may think???? I have asked the NOSC for a letter explaining but not received that yet???.

Mbelle - Glad you got back safetly sorry you don't feel so good though.

I need some good ideas to keep me off of the chocolate otherwise my ballon experience will be in jeopardy has anyone got any suggestions or tips that will help me Please???????:biggrinjester:

Speak soon everyone x