New member
Alive and kickin'!
I am now an official "ballooner!" and it feels great! Can't quite believe it but I HAVE NOT BEEN SICK ONCE! Keep expecting the worst but the only complication I have is an unpleasant cramping feeling (not like period cramps) that I think must be my tummy saying "What the frick is this? It shouldn't be here - let's push it out!" Hungry in an empty way - but not in the mood for anything at all.
I met mollymalone yesterday (isn't the world tiny now?!) just before she had her procedure but didn't get to see her again before I left for the most ridiculously plush apartment down the road where I find myself - watching the BBC weather news with dismay - hoping I'm going to get back to blighty tonight. Hope all went well molly!
LLL - it was absolutely fine! I can't remember much about it at all - nothing about it going in and not much about the tubes coming out - which was slightly unpleasant but nothing to fear! I slept as soon as I came out of "theatre" and apparently that's the easiest way to a good recovery.
If anyone else is reading this - the clinic was spotlessly clean, the staff were lovely and it all went really really well. I would thoroughly recommend Prague Beauty.
My test showed that I'm anaemic and that may well be a factor in why I've been so tired/slightly depressed lately (obviously my obesity will be a big one too).
Cuddlymum - that's fab news!
Looking forward to catching up on how everyone is doing xxx
I am now an official "ballooner!" and it feels great! Can't quite believe it but I HAVE NOT BEEN SICK ONCE! Keep expecting the worst but the only complication I have is an unpleasant cramping feeling (not like period cramps) that I think must be my tummy saying "What the frick is this? It shouldn't be here - let's push it out!" Hungry in an empty way - but not in the mood for anything at all.
I met mollymalone yesterday (isn't the world tiny now?!) just before she had her procedure but didn't get to see her again before I left for the most ridiculously plush apartment down the road where I find myself - watching the BBC weather news with dismay - hoping I'm going to get back to blighty tonight. Hope all went well molly!
LLL - it was absolutely fine! I can't remember much about it at all - nothing about it going in and not much about the tubes coming out - which was slightly unpleasant but nothing to fear! I slept as soon as I came out of "theatre" and apparently that's the easiest way to a good recovery.
If anyone else is reading this - the clinic was spotlessly clean, the staff were lovely and it all went really really well. I would thoroughly recommend Prague Beauty.
My test showed that I'm anaemic and that may well be a factor in why I've been so tired/slightly depressed lately (obviously my obesity will be a big one too).
Cuddlymum - that's fab news!
Looking forward to catching up on how everyone is doing xxx