gatric balloon fitted 5 days ago - chatters wanted UK

Alive and kickin'!


I am now an official "ballooner!" and it feels great! Can't quite believe it but I HAVE NOT BEEN SICK ONCE! Keep expecting the worst but the only complication I have is an unpleasant cramping feeling (not like period cramps) that I think must be my tummy saying "What the frick is this? It shouldn't be here - let's push it out!" Hungry in an empty way - but not in the mood for anything at all.

I met mollymalone yesterday (isn't the world tiny now?!) just before she had her procedure but didn't get to see her again before I left for the most ridiculously plush apartment down the road where I find myself - watching the BBC weather news with dismay - hoping I'm going to get back to blighty tonight. Hope all went well molly!

LLL - it was absolutely fine! I can't remember much about it at all - nothing about it going in and not much about the tubes coming out - which was slightly unpleasant but nothing to fear! I slept as soon as I came out of "theatre" and apparently that's the easiest way to a good recovery.

If anyone else is reading this - the clinic was spotlessly clean, the staff were lovely and it all went really really well. I would thoroughly recommend Prague Beauty.

My test showed that I'm anaemic and that may well be a factor in why I've been so tired/slightly depressed lately (obviously my obesity will be a big one too).

Cuddlymum - that's fab news!

Looking forward to catching up on how everyone is doing xxx
Hi Madharri123,

Welcome, fellow ballooner!!!:D:jump::hurray:

So pleased to hear that it all went well, and that you have been so impressed with the care & facilities provided by Prague Beauty. Hope the absence of vomiting continues!! (maybe you are one of the lucky ones in that respect?) I don't know how soon after the procedure you posted on here - I felt OK immediately after having mine done, but it was half way through our 4-hour car journey home (on the same day) that I suddenly vomited - with virtually no warning!! Luckily I had a sick bowl handy (obviously hubby was driving, not me!!).

Like you, I found the procedure itself OK - I took the optional sedation, & it seemed to be over very quickly.

Sorry to hear about the anaemia they picked up on - hopefully that can be treated quite easily.

Anyway, hope your journey home is good, and I'll continue to follow your progress with interest!:hug2:
The Balloon is Out!!

Hello fellow balloons, pre-ballooners, and others that are interested,

Yesterday I had my balloon removed by the lovely Professor Hakim.

I informed him that I vomited nearly every day of the six months, and he said that was a price to pay. So I feel that this was not an unusual story for him.
When he found out I had lost more than 4 stone he said "Wow, that's impressive".

I was surprised at his surprise because I was expecting to lose 4 stone, but had hoped for 5.

So I asked him what the average weight loss of his patients :- 1 to 2 stone!

I know from this forum that a lot of you have already lost this much, so well done all and keep with it!

I dont remember any of the procedure, unlike the insertion where I woke up choking. My fiance tells me when I was returned to my room I was saying "is it out, I can still feel it" LOL obviously still spaced out.

So the extraction is great except that I couldnt eat for days beforehand. We went and ate Thai food on the way home from the hospital LOL

My only worry is that I will put on some weight. I bought my wedding dress last week and still want it to fit on 7th March, when I get married.

Total verdict :- the gastric balloon procedure works, the weekly phone calls from NOSC were not worth the extra £2500, and my total weight loss today is4 stone 5 pounds.

Good luck everyone!

Hi Louise/docnumbers,

Really glad that the removal went well! I think your weight loss is excellent :D, but as for your Dr saying the average loss he sees is 1 to 2 stone - well, if that's the case, it's pretty rubbish, and not worth the money or the discomfort! But as you say, most people on the forum seem to be doing better than that :Angel_anim:

Good luck for the future, now the balloon's out! Hope all goes well for your wedding, and that you manage not to put any more weight on. Are you not supposed to continue to get weekly phone calls from the NOSC for 6 months after removal?? Anyway, I would think that as long as you continue to weigh yourself regularly, you should be OK -if a few pounds start to creep on, remember how far you've come, & everything you've been through, and try to nip it in the bud (it's all very well for me saying that, mind you - I know only too well how easily weight can pile on, in a very short space of time!! I will also be worried about re-gaining some of mine when the balloon comes out!:().

Hope all is still going well with everyone else. I'm trying to get back on track after Christmas, but I seem to feel a little bit hungrier lately - don't know if I'm imagining it, or if my stomach adjusted to a slightly bigger intake over Christmas.:confused: But I suppose as long as I eat the right things to fill up, it should be OK (must admit, I've started eating more crisps than I used to, which is a habit I should get out of. Not really meant to have them at all - although I do make sure they're low cal/lower fat ones. But I know I should really be choosing fruit for snacks).

Look forward to hearing how the new ballooners are doing! (Louise, you'll be glad it's all behind you now!:rotflmao:)

Take care everyone x:waving:
Hi everyone old and new!

Its been some time since ive been on I just havnt been around doing normal stuff and im off to egypt on Thursday for a week so I wont properly get back to normal until two weeks time.

Anyway its good to hear that everyones balloons are all doing well. I have had a quick read of the threads coming in and very surprised to hear 1-2 stone is the average loss. I am at 2 stone now but after christmas finding it still difficult to get back on track and have remained the same for a few weeks. I was thinking of trying slimfast or something similar to get back to it. Any thoughts girls?

Also after reading about Prague Beauty I'm really regreting not shopping around as the NOSC after care is definately not worth £2500!! Never mind I was desperate and even though I have only done 2 Stone so far I already feel great.

The new ballooners seem to be doing well I'll look forward to hearing from you all when I get back.

Cheers Keep Slimming
Tomorrows the day

Getting my BIB tomorrow and kinda freak out. Excited but nervous. I know I have to do this so I can start to lose weight and exercise more so my knee won't be under so much strain. Went shopping today and got enough for a 2 week liquid diet. Also got some mix for dehydration in case I can't stop thowing up. It's going to be an interesting 6 months. :willy_nilly:
Suerena - just to let you know I'm thinking of you! Hope it all goes OK, and I'll be interested to hear how you get on. Sounds like you are well organised with your food, & the rehydration drinks are a good idea - I also used those during the 1st couple of weeks . It won't be easy (especially to begin with) but at least you can always log on here for a moan or a bit of support! x :)

Susiewoosi - it was nice to hear from you again. I see you're off on your hols at the moment - hope you have a great time:D! Wonder if the food issues will cause you any problems whilst you're away? (hopefully nothing you can't handle;)). I'm also having a bit of difficulty getting back into the groove after Xmas - well, I lost the 3 pounds I put on, which I suppose is good, but I'm basically the same weight now as I was mid-December! (weigh day again tomorrow, so we'll see what happens then). I really need to get things moving again, in order to lose anything like the amount of weight I want to lose before my balloon comes out (at the end of March). But most days I seem to end up eating at least one thing that I'm not really allowed on my diet. The Slimfast idea might work I suppose - I tried Slimfast in the past & couldn't stick to it, but I suppose with the balloon in place it might be easier. I'm not overly-keen on milkshakes, but I know they do soups & bars as well - anyway, if you do try it, you can let us know how it goes!:rotflmao:

I'm hopefully moving onto Module 3 in a week or 2's time, which I'm looking forward to, as I'm so bored with the current choices of food! Not quite sure what you get in module 3, but I'm hoping maybe bread, pasta, potatoes & rice, as I've really missed those things!! :drool5:

Anyway, keep at it everyone!:smash: Bye for now xx
I had a balloon fitted last wednesday ie 13Jan2010. has anyone else had one inserted recently. need someone to share experiences. I went in weighing a huge 130kg which is morbidly obese & am currently on 125.8kg. have a long way to go but determined to learn to eat properly & change lifestyle in the next 6 months!
I got mine fitted last week and had to take rehydration liquid cause i couldnt even take down 300mls of water the whole day. am now on day 6 and can now take 1.5litres of water and a shake
Wow i finally have the energy to write on this forum which has inspired me sooooo much...


I had my balloon fitted on Thursday the 14th of january and the first 4 days were absolute hell..
I could not stomach any thing not even my medication - the worst part was having the medication on an empty stomach man was it tuff...

How ever i will say that i am felling soooo sooooo sooo much better, the only thing is that i feel bloated like a puffer fish , i think that it is a mix of the medication and the balloon ....

i know that i should not have weight my self but could not help it as i felt quite heavier than when i first started ..

But low and behold i have lost 2 kg which i great....

i am happy that i am at the stage where i am not longer in pain and i can keep water down ..

i definitely feel hydrated - i am going back to work in the morning and i think it will be fine i will keep you all updated...
i have been having a mix of Gatorade, apple juice and i made a whole batch of chicken soup(liquid only) that i heat up in the microwave , i cant believe how long it takes me to eat the smallest bowl ..

I feel really happy and positive that this is going to work for me and that i will start to live again ...

Today was day 5 so i added a small potato to my soup, i mashed it up so that it was all liquid - i am finding it hard to sleep tonight as i feel bloated and really full does any one feel this way ??
I ate this at around 5 and it is now 11.31 ??? Is this normal ..

I would also love any suggestions on how to get rid of this horrible bloated feeling ???

Any recommendations on which vitamins i should be taking ???

Great to hear every one is doing really really well .
keep up the good work we are all on track for a healthy 2010 ... sing it woot woot

I noticed that some people are scared about the actually procedure i do not remember a thing it was easy ..
The only bad part are the days after -

This is why ..... The body thinks that the ballon is a giant piece of food that it has to digest there for it starts making acid to break this down which is why you feel like vomiting ..

After 3 or 4 days the body realised that ----- hey the ballon is here to stay and you will feel better over night .. stick with it ..

life is great ....

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Wow i finally have the energy to write on this forum which has inspired me sooooo much...


I had my balloon fitted on Thursday the 14th of january and the first 4 days were absolute hell..
I could not stomach any thing not even my medication - the worst part was having the medication on an empty stomach man was it tuff...

How ever i will say that i am felling soooo sooooo sooo much better, the only thing is that i feel bloated like a puffer fish , i think that it is a mix of the medication and the balloon ....

i know that i should not have weight my self but could not help it as i felt quite heavier than when i first started ..

But low and behold i have lost 2 kg which i great....

i am happy that i am at the stage where i am not longer in pain and i can keep water down ..

i definitely feel hydrated - i am going back to work in the morning and i think it will be fine i will keep you all updated...
i have been having a mix of Gatorade, apple juice and i made a whole batch of chicken soup(liquid only) that i heat up in the microwave , i cant believe how long it takes me to eat the smallest bowl ..

I feel really happy and positive that this is going to work for me and that i will start to live again ...

Today was day 5 so i added a small potato to my soup, i mashed it up so that it was all liquid - i am finding it hard to sleep tonight as i feel bloated and really full does any one feel this way ??
I ate this at around 5 and it is now 11.31 ??? Is this normal ..

I would also love any suggestions on how to get rid of this horrible bloated feeling ???

Any recommendations on which vitamins i should be taking ???

Great to hear every one is doing really really well .
keep up the good work we are all on track for a healthy 2010 ... sing it woot woot

I noticed that some people are scared about the actually procedure i do not remember a thing it was easy ..
The only bad part are the days after -

This is why ..... The body thinks that the ballon is a giant piece of food that it has to digest there for it starts making acid to break this down which is why you feel like vomiting ..

After 3 or 4 days the body realised that ----- hey the ballon is here to stay and you will feel better over night .. stick with it ..

life is great ....



u had your balloon a day after me so good to hear someone else who is in the same lap as me...In terms of sleepin i find that propping myself with an extra pillow helps & i sleep on my left side more than right with my knees folded and hugging another pillow(instead of my husband lol) and it helps. hope it works for you..
Hi hope every one is doing great...

i had my first check up with the doctor today and he gave me some handy tips...

He said that if you feel a blockage or in pain you need to push your ballon under the rip and back in place - he said people are amazed at the difference that this makes.

How is every one going ? This Post has become very quite...

Mainitas how are you feeling after your balloon ? are you finding it ok ?

Mainitas how are you finding you ballon ?? are you doing ok ? i feel like i am fine really but i am only one week in still 6 months to go .. should be interesting .. i have so many things i want to do ... so many things that i have put off.......oh well better late than never
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Day 4

Hi Everyone,

Had my balloon fitted this past Sunday. The first couple of days were really bad. :puke: Vomiting all the time and :sleeping:sleeping alot. Then on Tues I felt better and thought this is going to be a breeze. I spoke to soon. Last night and all day today I feel so bloated. :cry: I have stop vomiting but have not had a BM yet. Before today I was just sipping sugar free squash, water and herbal teas. Today I started on somewhat normal food. I had half of weetabix with semi skimmed milk with a mushy texture this morning and this afternoon I had broth and a low fat cream cracker with it. It took me an hour to finish this. I have had no dinner because I feel so bloated.

I find sitting upright and moving about does help with my bloated feeling. I'm taking Zofran my anti sickness tab 3 times a day as well as the Zoton once a day. I stop taking the Buscopan and the Metoclopamide for the cramping as this was making me vomit. My cramps are almost gone but the bloated feeling is still there. I'm sure once I have my first BM then I will feel better.

Tonight to move things along I have been sipping Feiyan Chinese Tea (Purple Box) which consist of Green tea, Lotus leaf, Cassia seed and Vegetable sponge. I discussed this tea with the nurse today and she said this was fine. I have been taking this tea for about 3 years now and does work wonders on your digestion. The tea can be bought in any good Chinese herbal shop. So hopefully this will do the trick.:hurray:

I have lost 3 kilograms since Sunday which is great and look forward to feeling somewhat normal again.:newbie:
Well done to Livelovelaugh, Suerena and Mainitas - you're all being very brave, and coping well by the sounds of it.;) It does get easier, I promise - although the doc who put my balloon in said I should feel pretty much back to normal within a week, but in reality it took more like a month! Even now, I'm aware of feeling "different" from before the balloon went in, but I no longer feel ill. But I suppose it varies a lot from person to person.

By the way, someone mentioned "toilet matters" - it was quite a while before my bowels moved after having it done. The first few times I had diarrhoea, but it all settled down eventually. (Occasionally get diarrhoea now if I eat something naughty! :angelsad2: But otherwise no probs).

I was never told the "tip" about pushing the balloon back into place (under the ribs)!! :p But I did notice that if I raised my hands above my head (as I had a habit of doing when slouching in an armchair) the balloon would rise up inside me & make me feel really queasy! It still happens now, but to a lesser degree (I've tried to get out of the habit of raising my arms now!!:eek:)

Sounds like there are some really good weight losses happening already, which is fab!:D It's nice that a few of you have had it done at the same time, & can support each other.

Take care everyone, bye for now :seeya: x
Hi guys,
Today is day 8 for me and I dont feel the balloon anymore, no bloating but getting hungry often but after having a couple of spoons of yoghurt i feel ok. i have been taking a shake with extra fibre to help with the toilet matters! I've lost 6.4kg since i started but it dosent show yet so quite disappointed.:toetap05:
Had a fight with my husband so dying to binge today!
What a day! Need a friend.
Hello to all my lovely ballooners ...

I find that if i rase my hands above my head and sorta streach left and right i get great relief .. It feels amazing.

About pushing your ballon back into place - this allow more room for food to pass as some times the balloon sits more in the middle as apposed to the left.

My doctor taught me this in the '' MANIPULATE YOUR BALLOON SESSION" his words not mine hehehe

As far as going to the bathroom he did reccomend Prune juice he said that would work great ... we just have to keep in mind that not so much is going in so not so much should be coming out.

Bloating was a big thing for me in the first few days, it is mixture of the ballon and for me the medication i felt really horrible - once the ballon has settled and you ease of the medication this will start to go down .

I also noticed after a good nights sleep your bloating will go down ...

Mainitas 6.4 kg in 8 days is amazing unheard of that would take a good 8 weeks with out the ballon .. that is amazing ... would you mind if i ask how much you weigh and need to lose ... clap clap for the great work ...

Dont worry about the fight with your husband soon you will be fighting because he will not be able to keep his hands off you . hahah :Angel_anim:

Suerena day 4 is not so bad but i think that you will really start to feel better after about day 7 - i am on day seven now and i am starting to get some food down and getting a good nights sleep most night ...

Cuddly mum You always have such a positive attitude ... I like you :)
How is your weight loss going ? About the recover time my doc also told me that is will take a month to be fully settled to the point were i will be able to not notice the ballon and really exercise properly ..

Thanks for posting ballonies - it really helps me to get on this site and have a chat as i have not told a single sole in this world about my balloon.

Keep up the great work .. Till we post again ciao :Angel_anim:
Hi again,

Livelovelaugh I started weighing a whooping 130kg and I know I have a Looooooooooooooong way to go. my doc suggested i do the bypass after the six months but i'm determined to use this as a push start to do it own my own. besides i cant afford a bypass. I actually don't feel the balloon now and i'm scared to start eating coz i'm a comfort eater....HABIT I have to break or this will all be useless:banghead:

I'm planning to do a body cleanse as in bowel,liver,kidney etc during this time.. does anyone know if its safe???? might as well do it to get optimum health at this time.

My whole family is obese so i dont know if i'll be able to break this. i also want to introduce good eating to my 2girls whilst they still young to avoid the cycle!!!!:Angel_anim:
so nice to see there are people who communicate on this forum
Multivitamins whilst ballooning

Wow i finally have the energy to write on this forum which has inspired me sooooo much...


I had my balloon fitted on Thursday the 14th of january and the first 4 days were absolute hell..
I could not stomach any thing not even my medication - the worst part was having the medication on an empty stomach man was it tuff...

How ever i will say that i am felling soooo sooooo sooo much better, the only thing is that i feel bloated like a puffer fish , i think that it is a mix of the medication and the balloon ....

i know that i should not have weight my self but could not help it as i felt quite heavier than when i first started ..

But low and behold i have lost 2 kg which i great....

i am happy that i am at the stage where i am not longer in pain and i can keep water down ..

i definitely feel hydrated - i am going back to work in the morning and i think it will be fine i will keep you all updated...
i have been having a mix of Gatorade, apple juice and i made a whole batch of chicken soup(liquid only) that i heat up in the microwave , i cant believe how long it takes me to eat the smallest bowl ..

I feel really happy and positive that this is going to work for me and that i will start to live again ...

Today was day 5 so i added a small potato to my soup, i mashed it up so that it was all liquid - i am finding it hard to sleep tonight as i feel bloated and really full does any one feel this way ??
I ate this at around 5 and it is now 11.31 ??? Is this normal ..

I would also love any suggestions on how to get rid of this horrible bloated feeling ???

Any recommendations on which vitamins i should be taking ???

Great to hear every one is doing really really well .
keep up the good work we are all on track for a healthy 2010 ... sing it woot woot

I noticed that some people are scared about the actually procedure i do not remember a thing it was easy ..
The only bad part are the days after -

This is why ..... The body thinks that the ballon is a giant piece of food that it has to digest there for it starts making acid to break this down which is why you feel like vomiting ..

After 3 or 4 days the body realised that ----- hey the ballon is here to stay and you will feel better over night .. stick with it ..

life is great ....


HI LiveLoveLaugh
I am a post-ballooner - had mine out two weeks ago. I can barerly remember the pain at the beginning, but I felt bloated hours after eating as well!
I was told by my company to take liquid multivitamins every day whilst ballooning. I chose Multitone tonic, now i'm on seven seas tonic. It was so good, i have kept it up - multitone has a recall unfortunately, and my local supermarket withdrew it.

Just an update on my weight situation for those that are interested - post surgery I put on five pounds! I have gone back to the gym and have subsequently lost 3 of those five pounds and have now stabilised. Thank-you god - was so worried it was going to keep going up because I had starved for six months! So I have still lost over 4 stone, and now I'm a size 14 (was 20-22) and have had many compliments. Can't believe how well it worked - the six months just flew by.

Good luck to everyone, will be thinking about you every time I see a balloon!

Hi all feels like ages since I was on here it took me 5 weeks before I was able to get back to work. Now I can even feel the balloon in and am feeling great down to 15 stone 3 lb and counting every ounce counts dont ya know. The only complaint I have now is the rotten taste in my mouth at times its like rotten egg repeating on my but Im still smiling. I miss the good old chocolate days but the scales moaning less when I go on them is a comfort and Im Im no longer saying my clothes weigh 3 stones lol. speak soon take care
Hi everyone,

Hope you're all OK! :)

Louise (docnumbers); it's really great to hear that you're getting on well after having the balloon removed - that's definitely of interest to me, as it won't be too long till mine comes out (about 7 weeks I think, although they haven't given me an exact date yet - it seems to be their policy not to do that till nearer the time!) I think you've been very sensible - OK, so you put on a few pounds to begin with, but you've tackled it straight away before it got out of hand - well done! :Angel_anim: You must feel fabulous as a size 14, having previously been a 20-22. That's what I'm aiming for too, a size 14 all over (although my husband would prefer a 12!!). I can just about get into a size 16 now - infact, I need to wear a belt with some of my 16 trousers, but I'm more top-heavy really (starting to shrink though!).

Cathyg - sounds like you are making brilliant progress!:D That yucky taste is a common problem for ballooners, from what I've seen on here! It's one thing I will definitely NOT miss when my balloon comes out!:rotflmao:

I didn't weigh myself last monday, as I'd been working night shift (after which I always feel bloated). I'll get weighed this Monday though - the week before, I'd only lost a pound, but it was better than nothing! Really need to pull my finger out for the final few weeks :smash:!

Catch you all again soon x