I've been weight training for years; but yet I'm not very good at pull ups. I tried yesterday and I could only do four on my own. I'm on the track and field team and we have a set lifting plan that doesn't really include pull ups: mostly cleans, jerks, and snatches and some basic strength lifts like squats and benching.
I realize to be able to do them you have to incorperate them into your lifting plan. I write my own lifting workout during the summers and pull ups are definately on my list. Do you have any advice on reps and sets or any other advice that helped you be able to do pull ups? Thanks.
I realize to be able to do them you have to incorperate them into your lifting plan. I write my own lifting workout during the summers and pull ups are definately on my list. Do you have any advice on reps and sets or any other advice that helped you be able to do pull ups? Thanks.