Hey Everyone. i had my balloon fitted on the 12th at the same time as my mum. We both went to Prague with new you to have it done. The clinic was perfect; private and very personal. We had our balloons fitted with in the same 40 minutes. Mums procedure lasted 25 mins and mine lasted 15. They give you so much sedation that you know of nothing. I remember walking in and lying down, an uncomfortable poke in the throat and leaving 15 mins later. it felt like seconds and the staff treated me fantastically. We both had 700 ml balloons inserted.
I've not read much on any site about the after effects, well.. i thought i had and then realized living it and reading it are two massively different things. After the procedure i slept in and out for about 36 hours, only waking for more pain killers and to vomit.
We arrived home on the Sunday, the plane was not a pleasant ride.
By Monday i was being violently sick every two hours, for around 24 hours. i barely slept. i was getting really weak with lack of food and i was constantly feeling depressed. by this time i was starting to thing the balloon wasn't worth all the pain i was going through and i was ready to rip the damn thing out.
Then on Wednesday i was eating yogurt and soup (granted only tiny amounts of each) and no longer went dizzy when i stood up. i was getting some of my colour back into my face and i braved my bath (gross but true).
On Friday i was eating bites of mash and toast, i was no longer being sick after food and i was even starting to enjoy what i was tasting.
We are on day eight now i started out on Friday at 14 stone and 9 pounds. As of today i weigh 13 stone and 7 pounds.
That's 16 pounds in EIGHT days... i haven't weight under 14 stone for 4 years
The pain, sickness, crying, discomfort and drama is forgotten and i am immensely happy that i had the procedure. Now i still get occasional discomfort in my stomach that feels like I've been punched but its easing. sleeping can only be done on my side.
A lot of people are talking about acid re-flux and heart burn, i was getting it terribly during the first few days and that was contributing to my sickness. I got my GP up to speed with my procedure and what medication i had been given and he prescribed me a pill called lansoprazole. it cannot be taken with ant-acid medication but you don't need it. i take one pill every night and I've not had an acid problem in three days and it feels great. i would recommend asking your GP about it if your having acid problems.
All the best
