Yep the acid reflux is quite bad.. Never had heartburn In my life before now, and I don't like it. I was regretting having the balloon done aswell I actually nearly cryed thinking what have I done to my body! Surely I could just off Tryed to diet abit better not to be in this pain.. But Ey up it done now and no Turning back. The clinic in Prague was brilliant and very clean. They told me off for wanting a cigarette just after I hade the balloon done, basically I had no chance lol. They Tryed there hardest to talk to me but they struggle and it made me giggle cos there English was terrible but I got throu the 24hours with no problems.. Starting to feel a little better now. Been sick about 5 times today but better than the last 2days. Just wish this burning feeling inside would go away I'm not sure if its heartburn, acid reflux or just the balloon in general.. Gonna go to my g.p and get something.. Does anybody no if gavascon will work at all? I've never used it b4 but anything to get rid off this pain