I think I am the only bloke on this forum, but I have followed it for some months, and I did post once quite a while ago. I am now 4 months post balloon and so far I am down around 26 kg's. (just over 57 pound or 4 stone). My weight has now stabilised somewhat, but the lifestyle changes I have made give me confidence that when I get the balloon taken out, I will maintain a healthy weight. I am now the lightest I have been in over 25 years and I can now buy clothes off the rack as I am now a "normal" size. I am now able to look at myself in the mirror and be proud of what I have achieved. I probably still have a little bit to go, but that is more about achieving personal goals that anything else. I am healthy, I am fit and my head is in a very good space at the moment. I note with interest some of the difficulties that some of you have encountered. It is not easy! Let no-one tell you otherwise. You do get ill after the procedure, and the transition back to a normal diet is challenging. I think forums such as this are so helpful because not only do they give you an opportunity to share experiences, they are also an avenue for getting help and advice. Without any of you knowing it, you have helped me more than you would know with my journey pre and post the procedure. I got more information from this forum than any number of other sources that I consulted. Thank you all, and good luck on your respective journeys. dcollo
Hi Daisy 18,
I must seem like such a dovvner, I think it so much nicer to hear the success stories.
Today vvas better, only vomitted tvvice, but also taking in very little as I don't vvant to start the process, so just vvater and three tablespoons of broth. Very vveak, in bed all day, got up in the am and a shovver tired me out, vvent back to bed, novv just got up, after 6pm. I had terrible stomache pains last night.
I am going to contact the doctor tommorovv and ask that it be removed as soon as possible. I can't do this any longer.
I hope your balloon continues to be a success, keep me posted. All the best,
Are you taking antinusea and anti cramping medication - I stayed on them until I felt better and didn't have issues when I was due to take the next ones.
I think I am the only bloke on this forum, but I have followed it for some months, and I did post once quite a while ago. I am now 4 months post balloon and so far I am down around 26 kg's. (just over 57 pound or 4 stone). My weight has now stabilised somewhat, but the lifestyle changes I have made give me confidence that when I get the balloon taken out, I will maintain a healthy weight. I am now the lightest I have been in over 25 years and I can now buy clothes off the rack as I am now a "normal" size. I am now able to look at myself in the mirror and be proud of what I have achieved. I probably still have a little bit to go, but that is more about achieving personal goals that anything else. I am healthy, I am fit and my head is in a very good space at the moment. I note with interest some of the difficulties that some of you have encountered. It is not easy! Let no-one tell you otherwise. You do get ill after the procedure, and the transition back to a normal diet is challenging. I think forums such as this are so helpful because not only do they give you an opportunity to share experiences, they are also an avenue for getting help and advice. Without any of you knowing it, you have helped me more than you would know with my journey pre and post the procedure. I got more information from this forum than any number of other sources that I consulted. Thank you all, and good luck on your respective journeys. dcollo
dcollo what an inspiration you are. Congratulations on your weight loss and well done on identifying those lifestyle changes that will help you keep the weight off once the balloon is out. At day 12 I have a way to go and my weight loss has been a lot slower than others on this forum but I'm determined it will work and your post has really motivated me on a day when I was really low. Thanks!!
Hi DAISY 18,
Its Drul, but feeling soooo much better, vvent to bed last night vomitting bile and begging this am to have the balloon out and than today ...wow seemed to turn the corner, slept alot but got up and vvas able to keep an egg dovvn, first solid food in 12 days!!!!! No vomitting, some nausea. I feel so much better just very weak. This balloon thing is not easy for anyone vvho thinks it may be a easy route to weight loss.
how are you doing Daisy 18, vvhat are you now eating and hovv much are you eating,are you still struggling vvith portion size and feeling ill after?
Hovv much weight have you lost? has your energy began to improve?
I still feel like there is a boot in my chest, hate doing up my bra, but vvhat a relief no vomitting today.
I hope you are doing better.
11 weeks down post balloon and I have lost 20.5kg. Just making sure I record progress. Hopefully this inspires others.
Hi drul
Glad to hear you are feeling better. I can pretty much eat anything- pasta, bread, fruit. I haven't tried steak but eat casseroles and slow cooked meats. I'm averaging about 800 calories a day. Some days I am really hungry and eat more, other days I can only manage the smallest amount of food. I'm still tired but am much better and do all normal activities now. I'm going to go to the gym tomorrow. I haven't lost any weight in 5 days but the reason I got the balloon is was because I can't lose weight easily ! I know it has to come off eventually so I'm sticking with it- at least I can't binge and undo all the good work I've done so far. Go very slowly with solids. Stick with mushy food for a couple of days- yoghurt, eggs, weetabix with milk. I had a few bad days when I thought I was ok and tried to progress to more solid foods and I had stomach cramps and vomiting. I've had some problem with terrible wind pain but that seems to have settled down now too.
Hi Drul I don't feel the balloon most of the time and I can sleep on both sides and on my back. I really don't have any discomfort except when I overeat. I think there is less discomfort with a smaller balloon (600mls) but also less dramatic initial weight loss. I took tablets to ease the constipation. Once you start moving and walking around that issue eases dramatically. So good to hear things are improving for you.