Gastric Balloon

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Hi Drul
I have definitely turned a corner. I am eating "real food" . My portion sizes have increased but they are still very small. My energy levels have increased they're not back to normal but I'm not napping during the day I even went for a long walk yesterday and started doing work from home. The constant nausea is gone and I have stopped taking my anti cramping meds. I had a real issue with constipation and took some tablets to get things moving and I'm now taking soluble fibre daily and will do for the next 6 months. I get incredible hunger pains but I fill up quickly so that's good. I'm really focusing on only eating when I'm hungry and aiming for just 3 meals a day. So after 9 days I am starting to feel normal again!!!!!!!!!!
that's great news Daisy!

Drul - I did exercise on and off before but have really picked it up since. I do feel so much better and fitter and really enjoy my exercise. Now looking for ways of mixing it up more too. I have dropped three pants sizes - but am still working down clothes sizes I own. Will buy some new stuff soon
Hi Drul
I have definitely turned a corner. I am eating "real food" . My portion sizes have increased but they are still very small. My energy levels have increased they're not back to normal but I'm not napping during the day I even went for a long walk yesterday and started doing work from home. The constant nausea is gone and I have stopped taking my anti cramping meds. I had a real issue with constipation and took some tablets to get things moving and I'm now taking soluble fibre daily and will do for the next 6 months. I get incredible hunger pains but I fill up quickly so that's good. I'm really focusing on only eating when I'm hungry and aiming for just 3 meals a day. So after 9 days I am starting to feel normal again!!!!!!!!!!

Hi Daisy18,
Glad to hear you have turned the corner, vvhat a relief!!!, I had my checkup yesterday, dovvn 7 pounds, of course that is all fluid loss from vomitting. I am feeling better but I have a constant ache in my back and I am finding it very hard to sleep, also pressure under the rib. Did you have this, or are you having this?. I am having buyers remorse still, keep thinking "vvhy did i do this to myself", than I read emails and keep pumped up again. I am thinking about real food novv, I had broth yesterday and it didn't agree. Have you vveighed yourself recently?
I think I better get some fibre as vvell, vvhat are your portion sizes like?
Hope you continue to improve and are feeling "normal" more and more each day.
that's great news Daisy!

Drul - I did exercise on and off before but have really picked it up since. I do feel so much better and fitter and really enjoy my exercise. Now looking for ways of mixing it up more too. I have dropped three pants sizes - but am still working down clothes sizes I own. Will buy some new stuff soon

Novv that is exciting stuff, I have buyers remorse but reading stuff like that motivates me, I haven't enjoyed shopping for clothes in five years, looking forvvard to going shopping again. I am having alot of back pain betvveen the shoulder blades, did you get that?, couldn't get comfortable at all last night, and it feels like I have a boot under my rib. Do you knovv hovv many cc's, mls vvere put in your balloon, I think mine is too big, I think it is 700cc's. Not sure vvhat the normal size balloon is.
thanks for your positive emails,
I am day 6 after my balloon and I can't stand this feeling much longer, it feels like there is a boot under my rib cage and pressure across my back, I can't get comfortable. I can't vvear my bra and I can't do up my pants, there is so much pressure. I am no longer vomitting but this feeling is so uncomfortable, having a very bad day, nothing I can do too get comfortable, I have to get back to vvork and can't imagine going back like this. Has anyone gone through this? I am vvondering if i need to get this balloon out.
Hi drul sorry to hear you are so uncomfortable. I know what you mean about the boot under the ribcage and as I can only sleep on my left side my left shoulder and hip are starting to ache. I am still bloated but am much much better after taking tablets for constipation. Like you I have lost 7 pounds (just over 3 kg's) but my fat pants are tight because of the bloating. I can see weight loss in my face and upper body so I know it's working. I do ache everywhere my skin has broken out and I get odd twinges and pangs. But I am telling myself this is normal and to be expected at this stage. I'm really focusing on the end result and am motivated by gonggirl's and others weight loss success stories. It's the end of winter in Australia and my motivation, the thing that is getting me through this, is imagining myself down at the beach in a few months running around with my daughter (not wrapped up in a towel sitting on the water's edge). Focusing on that and knowing this will work is helping me get through this really uncomfortable stage.

Hope you feel better soon
My balloon is 600ml. I'm facing another challenge now I have started eating real food my appetite has increased and I have to be really mindful of how much I am eating- a case of my eyes and tummy telling me to eat more but I physically can't tolerate it so I end up with severe cramps and vomiting. I have to relearn what my body can tolerate
Hi drul sorry to hear you are so uncomfortable. I know what you mean about the boot under the ribcage and as I can only sleep on my left side my left shoulder and hip are starting to ache. I am still bloated but am much much better after taking tablets for constipation. Like you I have lost 7 pounds (just over 3 kg's) but my fat pants are tight because of the bloating. I can see weight loss in my face and upper body so I know it's working. I do ache everywhere my skin has broken out and I get odd twinges and pangs. But I am telling myself this is normal and to be expected at this stage. I'm really focusing on the end result and am motivated by gonggirl's and others weight loss success stories. It's the end of winter in Australia and my motivation, the thing that is getting me through this, is imagining myself down at the beach in a few months running around with my daughter (not wrapped up in a towel sitting on the water's edge). Focusing on that and knowing this will work is helping me get through this really uncomfortable stage.

thanks for the note, I had a very rough night, vomitted most of the evening , night and early am, feeling vveak and I have to go to vvork tommorovv, vvork doesn't knovv but they vvill soon start to ask questions. I am going to see the doctor today for assessment. I try to envision the end result but its so hard to do right novv vvith this discomfort, all the pillovvs in my bed to try and get comfortable, the bucket near by, life seems to have changed so much from just one vveek ago.

My balloon is 600ml. I'm facing another challenge now I have started eating real food my appetite has increased and I have to be really mindful of how much I am eating- a case of my eyes and tummy telling me to eat more but I physically can't tolerate it so I end up with severe cramps and vomiting. I have to relearn what my body can tolerate

Hi Daisy,
does your life seem somevvhat normal novv, I feel the balloon all the time, I have indigestion, heartburn, have a bucket and my pills near by, in a vveek and I haven't done a thing, too vveak. I vvonder vvhen does it turn around, vvhen does life seem normal again and not all about a damn balloon.
Its been one vveek, am I being too impatient?
Hi drul

I hope you are feeling better. If you read through the old posts, the way you are feeling is very normal after just one week and you should expect to feel this level of discomfort for up to 2 weeks- more for some, a little less for others. I am feeling better but I still suffer nausea and discomfort. I can only manage 2 meals- weetbix for breakfast, nothing for lunch and 1/2 cup- 1 cup of food for dinner. I am full and crampy after breakfast for hours and it doesn't settle down until about 5pm. I am still tired and go to bed very early - around 8.30. I know my energy will increase once I start eating more and moving around. Each is a stage you move through. It does get better and it is short term.
What did the doctor say? I think its harder when you have to go back to work and you're not well.
Hi People,

im now just over 4 weeks post op and have lost just over a stone! 16lb!

4days post op i SUFFERED MAJORLY, couldnt keep anything down AT ALL! the stomach cramps were unbearable and i felt extremely weak, slept most of the time when i wasnt vomiting!

now ive started eating 'properly' again and the burps are HORRENDOUS!! there so embaressing...!! is there anything i can take or drink in order for them to get better... this is gross, they smell like...POO! and its making me not want to eat at all!! any tips would be GREAT...

thanks Guys,

a very smelly burping Danielle x

Hovv are you novv doing Danielle? I had the balloon inserted 8 days ago, I have not stopped vomitting, and I feel very vveak. I can't keep anything dovvn including medication.
I have asked to have the balloon taken out as I don't believe my system is accepting it all all.
Can you tell me about hovv you have been doing?
Hi drul

I hope you are feeling better. If you read through the old posts, the way you are feeling is very normal after just one week and you should expect to feel this level of discomfort for up to 2 weeks- more for some, a little less for others. I am feeling better but I still suffer nausea and discomfort. I can only manage 2 meals- weetbix for breakfast, nothing for lunch and 1/2 cup- 1 cup of food for dinner. I am full and crampy after breakfast for hours and it doesn't settle down until about 5pm. I am still tired and go to bed very early - around 8.30. I know my energy will increase once I start eating more and moving around. Each is a stage you move through. It does get better and it is short term.
What did the doctor say? I think its harder when you have to go back to work and you're not well.

Hi Daisy 18,
I expected to have nausea, but this is non-stop and vomitting, day 8 and still can't do more than popsicles, a fevv tablespoons of broth, but than vomit. I have lost 11 pounds, feel dreadfully vveak, can't sleep.
I savv the doctor yesterday, he is vvonderful. I vvish i vvas much stronger but I can't go through this much longer and have to have the balloon removed if it doesn't get better. I had to miss vvork again, and I don't have sick benefits. I keep hoping to turn the corner.
thanks for getting back to me. Hovv are you staying strong, going to bed at 830, feeling vveak, that is rough, I am sure you vvish for a day of feeling normal again.
Hi Drul That's sounds really really awful. You might be one of the few whose body rejects the balloon outright. I hope you get better quickly and if not get the balloon out so you can get your life back. When do you decide about the balloon?
Hi Drul That's sounds really really awful. You might be one of the few whose body rejects the balloon outright. I hope you get better quickly and if not get the balloon out so you can get your life back. When do you decide about the balloon?

Hi Daisy 18,
I must seem like such a dovvner, I think it so much nicer to hear the success stories.
Today vvas better, only vomitted tvvice, but also taking in very little as I don't vvant to start the process, so just vvater and three tablespoons of broth. Very vveak, in bed all day, got up in the am and a shovver tired me out, vvent back to bed, novv just got up, after 6pm. I had terrible stomache pains last night.
I am going to contact the doctor tommorovv and ask that it be removed as soon as possible. I can't do this any longer.
I hope your balloon continues to be a success, keep me posted. All the best,
Drul - I think you need to give it a few more days. I have a 700ml fill and i remember thinking at the start - he has filled it too much - this is killing me! But it got better. Are you taking anti acid medication - I take it everyday and have very few reflux issues.

I agree with Gongirl. I too was really uncomfortable for about 10 days, i suffered constipation badly, i took a natural herbal tablet to help and it did, I had the bloating feeling, and was so tired all the time, I wasnt like you in the way your always being sick, I have never been sick, but i do suffer nausea, the cramps have long gone.

I have sort of fallen back on the wagon as food goes, been on annual leave for just over a week, and drank and ate merrily...i have put on 4lbs. Too my horror, but i expected it, I am getting today out of the way and starting tomorrow to eat healthy again.

I have still only been eating small portions, for example, before my balloon, if i ordered chinese, i would eat the whole meal. We ordered chinese on Saturday and i only managed a small amount, and finished it for supper last night..I want to get out of that habit again..believe me.

You all inspire me actually, I come on and read all about your success and makes me want to do it Please keep up the good work, and Drul, please stick with it, maybe have a look at what your actually eating, is it why your always being sick, in my first 2 weeks, i only ate scrambled egg, blended tin soup, porridge, weetabix, mash potato sometimes with cod flakes, and beans, mince beef, soft carrots..etc and always remember to drink water at least 20 mins after your meal to wash your balloon, as the food can ferment on it, causing awful smelly burps...

I agree with Gongirl. I too was really uncomfortable for about 10 days, i suffered constipation badly, i took a natural herbal tablet to help and it did, I had the bloating feeling, and was so tired all the time, I wasnt like you in the way your always being sick, I have never been sick, but i do suffer nausea, the cramps have long gone.

I have sort of fallen back on the wagon as food goes, been on annual leave for just over a week, and drank and ate merrily...i have put on 4lbs. Too my horror, but i expected it, I am getting today out of the way and starting tomorrow to eat healthy again.

I have still only been eating small portions, for example, before my balloon, if i ordered chinese, i would eat the whole meal. We ordered chinese on Saturday and i only managed a small amount, and finished it for supper last night..I want to get out of that habit again..believe me.

You all inspire me actually, I come on and read all about your success and makes me want to do it Please keep up the good work, and Drul, please stick with it, maybe have a look at what your actually eating, is it why your always being sick, in my first 2 weeks, i only ate scrambled egg, blended tin soup, porridge, weetabix, mash potato sometimes with cod flakes, and beans, mince beef, soft carrots..etc and always remember to drink water at least 20 mins after your meal to wash your balloon, as the food can ferment on it, causing awful smelly burps...

Hi Michelle,
I haven't even been able to have any solids yet, I still vomit my vvater, broth
and some skim milk, tried yogurt. Only take small amounts but vomit. I can't even begin to think of the foods you suggest but ohhh hovv i vvould love to have something solid. It has been 11 days and only liguids, vomitting, no bovvel movement because there is no solids. I too vvonder if I should just hold on but i have got to get to vvork, I have no sick benefits, at this rate I am vvay to vveak to vvork. I have pain in my shoulder on the left side. Can't get comfortable, I have already lost 15 pounds in 11 days but this is no vvay to lose vveight.Do you feel good novv, hovv long did it take, hovv much longer do you thing it takes to turn this corner???
Drul - I think you need to give it a few more days. I have a 700ml fill and i remember thinking at the start - he has filled it too much - this is killing me! But it got better. Are you taking anti acid medication - I take it everyday and have very few reflux issues.

Hi Conggirl,
hovv long to turn the corner? I am on fluids still, 11 days after, vomit even small amounts. Just broth, sips of vvater, skim milk.
and up it comes, popsicles are my best friend but I am getting sick of them.
cant get comfortable. The biggest issue is I have to go back to vvork, I don't have sick benefits, I can't afford this much longer. Any advice???

I think I am the only bloke on this forum, but I have followed it for some months, and I did post once quite a while ago. I am now 4 months post balloon and so far I am down around 26 kg's. (just over 57 pound or 4 stone). My weight has now stabilised somewhat, but the lifestyle changes I have made give me confidence that when I get the balloon taken out, I will maintain a healthy weight. I am now the lightest I have been in over 25 years and I can now buy clothes off the rack as I am now a "normal" size. I am now able to look at myself in the mirror and be proud of what I have achieved. I probably still have a little bit to go, but that is more about achieving personal goals that anything else. I am healthy, I am fit and my head is in a very good space at the moment. I note with interest some of the difficulties that some of you have encountered. It is not easy! Let no-one tell you otherwise. You do get ill after the procedure, and the transition back to a normal diet is challenging. I think forums such as this are so helpful because not only do they give you an opportunity to share experiences, they are also an avenue for getting help and advice. Without any of you knowing it, you have helped me more than you would know with my journey pre and post the procedure. I got more information from this forum than any number of other sources that I consulted. Thank you all, and good luck on your respective journeys. dcollo
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