Hope you are feeling better today drul. How are you doing?
I read a blog today you might find helpful. It is written by a guy who had a gastric bypass, so obviously there are big differences between his experience and the experiences of people with a balloon (ballooners still have their whole stomachs to digest with, bypassers have a pouch the size of a thumb) - BUT it shows how over the weeks he learned, through trial and error, what he could eat and what would make him throw up, and also how to eat to avoid the latter. Some days were good, others bad, but then he learned to manage it. Anyway, enough blabbing, if you search for 'bariatric trip' on blogspot it will come up.
I had my consultation. I saw a nurse, a GP and a surgeon. It was odd, I felt like I spent a day trying to persuade a bunch of people to give me an operation for money. I kept hearing how it was a temporary fix, and being asked 'what's to stop you gaining it all back again once it's out?'. Apparently they (the surgeons) are pretty much against balloons because they're not a permanent solution, and 80-90% of patients gain the weight back more afterwards. The surgeon said that for someone like me he would recommend a sleeve or a bypass. I'm in my early twenties and my bmi is 34, plus I can't afford it, so I said please can I have a go at conquering this using the balloon.
Everyone was really nice, and now I'm just waiting to get a callback to tell me what dates they can fit me in. I was surprised to be called 'extremely obese' however. I guess I've been in denial a long time.
Oh Drul, I didn't realise you couldn't even have sips of water. In that case you are making the right decision. All I can say is, perhaps if you have lost weight these past 23 days (albeit through suffering and being ill), that might give you the 'boost' you need to keep going by your own means after having it taken out (i.e. healthy eating, portion control). I hope it doesn't make you feel bad - personally, I have accepted that, long-term, I will probably spend a lot of money on the 'project' of losing weight, and that much of it not produce results, but that's just part of the process of finding a solution, and eventually it will all be worth it.
HI ozcat
yeah I would have to agree about the sweet stuff, jelly, juice, cordial, you wonder how you loose weight with all that crap that we are eating. Ok so now I am over the balloon pain, over the reflux and over the constipation , now we are up to back pain. I have back pain ..... has anyone else experienced that. it is terrible, it seems as soon as one pain stops another area takes over. To make it worse , whilst I was relaxing I had a brief that needs to be completed in 2 weeks time, and its huge to contend with. So thank you work, you dont let up for even a week. Dencorub is my best friend at the moment and I am usually in bed by 930pm , something I have never done for a long time. My husband had a nice fish meal , with tartar sauce and chips & oh yes and he is washing it down with a beer , I am enjoying a three course meal tonight of a shake , water & diet Jelly. yumo . I am too scared to eat I think just incase the balloon says " um no way " . I have not started to exercise as yet , because of my back pain. I feel like we are on a dead line to quickly exercise or do this or that .... sometimes I wish I had of got the lap band done at least that is perm? what are your thoughts on that.
I am terrified that after it comes out I will get fat again .......
Hi there, well done for you weight lose, im interested in the procedure but not sure where to get it done, would you mind telling where you got it done and how much it costs! Thanks Kat
I am hoping Catinablender is still going on this site.
Your experience sounds avvful and sounds exactly like vvhat I am experiencing. I am very curious as to hovv you have made out?????
I am debated having the balloon taken out, I am only day 24, I can't imagine hovv you coped all that time. My husband is very supportive but he too is tiring of this nevv lifestyle....me, my bucket, my belches. I have no energy!!
I sure hope to hear from you.
Hang in there I too went thru hell and considered removing it but I am back to feeling normal andhave lost 12 lbs in 6 weeks,its worth it u will get better please hang in there.
Hi Drul
I have definitely turned a corner. I am eating "real food" . My portion sizes have increased but they are still very small. My energy levels have increased they're not back to normal but I'm not napping during the day I even went for a long walk yesterday and started doing work from home. The constant nausea is gone and I have stopped taking my anti cramping meds. I had a real issue with constipation and took some tablets to get things moving and I'm now taking soluble fibre daily and will do for the next 6 months. I get incredible hunger pains but I fill up quickly so that's good. I'm really focusing on only eating when I'm hungry and aiming for just 3 meals a day. So after 9 days I am starting to feel normal again!!!!!!!!!!
Hi Priti,
thanks for the vvords of encouragement. VVas there something that helped, a change in diet, or a medication, or did it just pass on its ovvn? I am very constipated and think that may be contributing.
I haven't vomited in a day and half. I am dovvn 17 pounds in three and half vveeks but not the vvay I vvant to lose vveight, vomiting that is.
I vvould like to hear more about your experience. Do you feel back to yourself novv?
Hi Drul,
Actuallu the first 3 weeks I was on a strict liquid diet and then slowly I started with solid foods.Antacids and anti emetics(meds so u dnt puke)really help and I still continue to take them with my docs guidance.The bad feeling really just magically went away.It helped that I started eating as an empty tummy was making more gassy.Now its exact 1 mnth since the procedure and I am down 12 lbs,I did gain 2 pounds since I started eating solid foods,so thats a bit of a bummer.Am hoping to start an excersize program,but I am being very lazy in respect to keeping a diet or daily diary.I wish I am more motivated to do this bit.Anyways u take care and it really does get better hang in there.
Hi Drul Hope you're feeling better. I've had an interesting ride with the balloon. The first 10 days it really restricted my intake and I got a sense of fullness very quickly. After day 10 I couldn't feel it and I could eat normal sized portions. I was really upset and thought the balloon wasn't working. That lasted only about 10 days and now I can feel it again. The doctor explained that initially the stomach contracts around the balloon and then over time all the muscles can over-relax (so you can't feel it) and then everything eventually normalizes. I have lost 11 pounds - but nothing over the last couple of weeks. I always hit a weight loss plateau very early on in my weight loss and it's no different even with a balloon. But I'm averaging about 800 calories a day and I know it will eventually shift. I usually get frustrated and binge at this stage but I haven't yet. I can overeat though so I do need to be mindful of what I am eating. I am seeing the dietitian every 2 weeks and getting lots of support.
I see you are still in two minds about getting the balloon removed - what does your doctor say? I'm really impressed with your weight loss even though it's not how you wanted to lose it.Are yo back at work?
Hi Drul Hope you're feeling better. I've had an interesting ride with the balloon. The first 10 days it really restricted my intake and I got a sense of fullness very quickly. After day 10 I couldn't feel it and I could eat normal sized portions. I was really upset and thought the balloon wasn't working. That lasted only about 10 days and now I can feel it again. The doctor explained that initially the stomach contracts around the balloon and then over time all the muscles can over-relax (so you can't feel it) and then everything eventually normalizes. I have lost 11 pounds - but nothing over the last couple of weeks. I always hit a weight loss plateau very early on in my weight loss and it's no different even with a balloon. But I'm averaging about 800 calories a day and I know it will eventually shift. I usually get frustrated and binge at this stage but I haven't yet. I can overeat though so I do need to be mindful of what I am eating. I am seeing the dietitian every 2 weeks and getting lots of support.
I see you are still in two minds about getting the balloon removed - what does your doctor say? I'm really impressed with your weight loss even though it's not how you wanted to lose it.Are yo back at work?