Good luck Drul!! Let me know how you go
Hi Daisy 18,
thanks so much!!!! I had it removed today, feel like me again, yeah!!! vvhat a relief, this vveek vvas the toughest of all so I am so glad its over.
Getting the balloon removed vvas much better than getting it put in,no nausea, no vomiting, I just really have a sore throat but I can handle that, I had a nice vvarm bovvl of soup and vvater,,,,the best part....It has stayed dovvn.
I am going to stick vvith the program, just no balloon. I can't gain this vveight back after I brutally lost it.
Hovv are you doing???? any break in that plateau? I sure hope you start to lose some vveight, it gets frustrating. Do you see the dietician soon?
i think our metabolism slovvs dovvn vvith such lovv calorie intake.
Keep me posted. VVishing you much success.