Hi drul, I was only on fluids for 6 hours before the procedure. I think you really need to prepare yourself mentally for the next 3 days- it's not nice but it is manageable. I found i drank too quickly with a straw and probably should have spaced my drinking out over a longer time. Icy poles or sucking ice are a good way to get fluid in too. I couldn't find a comfortable place to sleep in the first 2 nights but now find my back or left side are good positions. Just be kind to yourself, know it isn't going to be nice and plan. I have told immediate family. My daughter is only 4 so thinks I have food poisoning (which is what I have told other people). I do crave real food and my tummy rumbles but I don't know if it is hungry or angry!
I have just finished eating my first solid food- a tub of yogurt and it's staying down which is great! I think I am over the worst of it
Good luck
Hi Daisy18, VVell I am day four since the balloon vvas inserted, I feel dreadful
the first 2 days I vvanted it back out, vvas in alot of pain, constant vommitting, not one pill vvould stay dovvn, not a sip of vvater. I haven't vommitted today, but it feels like I have a football behind my leftrib cage, I only feel comfortable vvhen I am laying dovvn. I am really vvorried that I may regret this. Just on popsicles at this time, feeling vveak.
Are you back to vvork yet??
my kids also think I have a very bad flu.
emotionally, vvell I feel a vvreck, vvondering vvhat made me do this to myself? I am vvorried that they may have overinflated the balloon.
Hovv are you doing novv, vvhat position do you feel most comfortable in?, can you feel the balloon, and if so, is it bothersome?
take care, I hope that this journey for both of us is vvorth the misery so far.