Gastric Balloon

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Day 3 and I can finally keep medication and liquids down. I have been drinking water by the teaspoon but have been bringing it all up until this morning- have managed to drink 2 cups of water today and it has stayed down. I have lost 3.5 kgs (starting weight 87kg's) but I suspect most of it is water. I also have cramping and spasms and they come and go in waves. Despite this I feel OK, better than a bad bout of gastro

Oh dear, you must be feeling vveak, only 2 cups of vvater, but Congrats on the vveight loss. Are you feeling hungry?
I absolutely hate vomitting, so not looking forvvard to the next couple of days. I am booked for tommorovv morning at 8am.
I am on just fluids for the 36 hours before, and I am already starving. VVere you just on fluids, I am vvondering if I can soup?
take care, keep in touch, I hope you are on the mend.
I am doing the research for my 19 year old daughter. She is starting university September 7th, and all she wants is to loose weight.
We are undecided if ballon or lap band, she is 5.7 inches and 200 lbs
any one can recommend procedure? what about weight kept off after
months after they take the ballon out? - anyone has done the intragastric ballon in Montreal? - will appreciate your comments

many of the vvebsites have BMI calendars, I am not sure your daughter meets the BMI requirement for the lap band but vvould meet the criteria for the balloon. I am in Ontario and I am not familiar vvith Montreal clinics.
I hope you are able to find the information you need.
Hi drul, I was only on fluids for 6 hours before the procedure. I think you really need to prepare yourself mentally for the next 3 days- it's not nice but it is manageable. I found i drank too quickly with a straw and probably should have spaced my drinking out over a longer time. Icy poles or sucking ice are a good way to get fluid in too. I couldn't find a comfortable place to sleep in the first 2 nights but now find my back or left side are good positions. Just be kind to yourself, know it isn't going to be nice and plan. I have told immediate family. My daughter is only 4 so thinks I have food poisoning (which is what I have told other people). I do crave real food and my tummy rumbles but I don't know if it is hungry or angry!

I have just finished eating my first solid food- a tub of yogurt and it's staying down which is great! I think I am over the worst of it

Good luck
thank you so much!! It helps to knovv that there are others vvho have gone through this. I am very nervous but knovving others have gone through it and that it does gets easier, just vvill keep reminding myself of that over the next fevv days. I am also planning on telling my kids I have the flu. At this point only my husband knovvs.
take care, I look forvvard to your updates, by the vvay, vve are the same starting vveights, LOL
thanks Drul !

many of the vvebsites have BMI calendars, I am not sure your daughter meets the BMI requirement for the lap band but vvould meet the criteria for the balloon. I am in Ontario and I am not familiar vvith Montreal clinics.
I hope you are able to find the information you need.

Thank you Drul, yes she has a 31 bmi, we are just afraid to go back to the old weight, heard from several people they regain their weight
Any advice welcome

Hi Everyone,
I had my gastric balloon fitted three and a half weeks ago in Glasgow. I have just discovered this forum. I was very sick for the first couple of weeks, and still have difficulty keeping down small amounts of solid food, especially at night. Through having Slimfast shakes, soup etc. I have been managing around 700 cals a day, which I feel I need to keep up my active lifestyle (I walk around 10 000 steps a day and use a pedometer) Is this too much? I did ask the dietician, but she was very vague and said not to think about calories. But I can't help it. I am desperate to lose weight and will do whatever it takes. Any advice welcome. Thanks!
Reply to Charo

Hi Charo,

I am an ex-ballooner, & have just written a bit about my post-balloon experience on another thread ("Gastric Balloon fitted 5 Days ago, chatters wanted"...etc). Basically, not a great outcome. I made good progress when the balloon was in - lost 3 stone (about 42lbs) but since it came out in March I've regained 1 & a half stone (21lbs). :( I think I only lost the weight because I felt ill the whole time the balloon was in (well, really ill for the first month or so, then not so bad, but never felt great, if you see what I mean.) I have no idea whether I am a typical case or not (hopefully not) as you very rarely hear anything about what happens to people after their balloon is removed! I am very disappointed with myself, never thought I would be so weak as to let this happen.:eek:

I did consider a band instead of a balloon, but it just seemed too drastic & invasive. Funnily enough, I don't regret not having the band - I am determined to get on top of my eating habits the natural way - eventually! :confused: The band just seemed to permanent, and if it's as unpleasant as the balloon, I wouldn't want to be stuck with it indefinitely.

Anyway, good luck to your daughter, whatever she decides to do. Best wishes to you both x :seeya:
Hi drul, I was only on fluids for 6 hours before the procedure. I think you really need to prepare yourself mentally for the next 3 days- it's not nice but it is manageable. I found i drank too quickly with a straw and probably should have spaced my drinking out over a longer time. Icy poles or sucking ice are a good way to get fluid in too. I couldn't find a comfortable place to sleep in the first 2 nights but now find my back or left side are good positions. Just be kind to yourself, know it isn't going to be nice and plan. I have told immediate family. My daughter is only 4 so thinks I have food poisoning (which is what I have told other people). I do crave real food and my tummy rumbles but I don't know if it is hungry or angry!

I have just finished eating my first solid food- a tub of yogurt and it's staying down which is great! I think I am over the worst of it

Good luck

Hi Daisy18, VVell I am day four since the balloon vvas inserted, I feel dreadful
the first 2 days I vvanted it back out, vvas in alot of pain, constant vommitting, not one pill vvould stay dovvn, not a sip of vvater. I haven't vommitted today, but it feels like I have a football behind my leftrib cage, I only feel comfortable vvhen I am laying dovvn. I am really vvorried that I may regret this. Just on popsicles at this time, feeling vveak.
Are you back to vvork yet??
my kids also think I have a very bad flu.
emotionally, vvell I feel a vvreck, vvondering vvhat made me do this to myself? I am vvorried that they may have overinflated the balloon.
Hovv are you doing novv, vvhat position do you feel most comfortable in?, can you feel the balloon, and if so, is it bothersome?
take care, I hope that this journey for both of us is vvorth the misery so far.
Hi All -

I've read the boards for a long time now - thanks to all for sharing their experiences pro and con - it helped me make my decisions. I had a Heliosphere Balloon fitted on Thursday 8/19 in Montreal. I drove there from Massachusetts, USA and stayed in a hotel til Sunday 8/22.

I started at 205lbs 5'4" tall. My prep was much easier because it was the air filled balloon - so only 1 day before on fluids only and nothing by mouth for 6 hours prior to the procedure. I chose the air filled balloon because the incidence of nausea and vomiting overall in the studies was less with it than with the saline filled one and my logical mind said I'd be more nauseous with fluid in my gut.

Some things I learned that I would pass along:
1) Wish I had brought some throat spray like Chloraseptic with me - maybe it is just me but my throat was sore from the endoscopic tube and a numbing spray would really have helped me get even water down.

2) Finding a comfortable position to sleep or rest isn't easy - but a body pillow helps. Like others have said, my balloon is under my left ribcage and its hard to lay down flat so having a pillow under my left side makes me more comfortable.

3) Gatorade, Pedialyte and stuff like that were my friends the first few days. I could not keep anything in and at least these helped me get some electrolytes.

4) I should have asked for my prescriptions before so that I could have them filled and ready back at the hotel. Instead the person staying with me had to go get them filled leaving me alone and sick for a long time - not fun.

I'm sure I'll think of more things as time goes by. It's only been a few days and since I haven't really eaten, I'm a bit light-headed. But I wanted to at least share my experiences.

Hope it helps someone - and again - thanks to all those who shared so openly as lurked before I started this journey.
Hi All -

I've read the boards for a long time now - thanks to all for sharing their experiences pro and con - it helped me make my decisions. I had a Heliosphere Balloon fitted on Thursday 8/19 in Montreal. I drove there from Massachusetts, USA and stayed in a hotel til Sunday 8/22.

I started at 205lbs 5'4" tall. My prep was much easier because it was the air filled balloon - so only 1 day before on fluids only and nothing by mouth for 6 hours prior to the procedure. I chose the air filled balloon because the incidence of nausea and vomiting overall in the studies was less with it than with the saline filled one and my logical mind said I'd be more nauseous with fluid in my gut.

Some things I learned that I would pass along:
1) Wish I had brought some throat spray like Chloraseptic with me - maybe it is just me but my throat was sore from the endoscopic tube and a numbing spray would really have helped me get even water down.

2) Finding a comfortable position to sleep or rest isn't easy - but a body pillow helps. Like others have said, my balloon is under my left ribcage and its hard to lay down flat so having a pillow under my left side makes me more comfortable.

3) Gatorade, Pedialyte and stuff like that were my friends the first few days. I could not keep anything in and at least these helped me get some electrolytes.

4) I should have asked for my prescriptions before so that I could have them filled and ready back at the hotel. Instead the person staying with me had to go get them filled leaving me alone and sick for a long time - not fun.

I'm sure I'll think of more things as time goes by. It's only been a few days and since I haven't really eaten, I'm a bit light-headed. But I wanted to at least share my experiences.

Hope it helps someone - and again - thanks to all those who shared so openly as lurked before I started this journey.

I also had a very sore throat follovving, and yes it is hard to get comfortable, I too have the pillovv under my left side, getting tired of that position and my back is acheing. I have to say I am really regretting this already. I vvonder vvhen I am going to start to feel normal again. I vvant to cry but I dont think there is any moisture for that.
Can someone tell me vvhen you start to feel somevvhat normal again?
Hi Drul I was wondering how you were going. It's day 7 for me. Apart from the tub of yoghurt I wrote about I couldn't keep any food down until yesterday and that was 1/4 cup soup for lunch and 1 scrambled egg for dinner. I have been very weak and sleep most of the time. Lying on my left side is the only comfortable position. I have reflux despite medication and I look 8 months pregnant because I'm so bloated (can't even fit into my fat pants). I saw the doctor today and she said don't expect to feel normal until the third week. I'm just taking it one day at at a time. I'm not back at work yet- took an extra week off. Just stay positive, this will all be worth it (I hope!)
Hi Drul I was wondering how you were going. It's day 7 for me. Apart from the tub of yoghurt I wrote about I couldn't keep any food down until yesterday and that was 1/4 cup soup for lunch and 1 scrambled egg for dinner. I have been very weak and sleep most of the time. Lying on my left side is the only comfortable position. I have reflux despite medication and I look 8 months pregnant because I'm so bloated (can't even fit into my fat pants). I saw the doctor today and she said don't expect to feel normal until the third week. I'm just taking it one day at at a time. I'm not back at work yet- took an extra week off. Just stay positive, this will all be worth it (I hope!)

Hi Daisy,
Ohhh dear, sounds like it has been rough for you too. I couldn't sleep last night, it felt like I had a knife in my ribcage radiating to my back, my left shoulder has become so sore as there has only been one position I could get comfortable. I vvas hoping it vvould only be three days of discomfort and than each day after vvould be getting better. I have finished all my anti-cramping meds. I have an apt tommorovv vvith the doctor, I am the first client to have the balloon at this clinic. I am due back to vvork on Thurs of this vveek, I don't have sick time and can't afford to be off but right novv can't imagine hovv i could vvork.
I am sipping a slimfast.
Last night I vvould have begged to have had the balloon removed, I am glad to see you are still trying to be optimistic, thank-you, it is making me think I better do the same.
I hope you have a better day today,
One of the reasons I chose the gastric balloon vvas because it vvas the least intrusive, no surgery, hovvever after having it done, I realize that it is in fact very intrusive, something foreign has been placed into my body and it is vvorking very hard to try and rid of it, and than I am adding all these medications to try and stop the cramping, nausea and pain. I get it novv,,,,It is very intrusive. Something to think about if you are considering ballooning.
My BMI was not high enough to get a gastric band but even if it was I still would have chosen the balloon. It is less invasive (although I agree with drul it is very intrusive) and it is temporary. There are a lot of permanent restrictions on what you can eat with a band whereas there isn't with the balloon. It is not magic and you will gain weight once it's out if you don't change the way you eat and your relationship with food. I see this as a kick start to weight loss and it is only one of many things I am doing- I am seeing a psychologist to deal with emotional eating, a dietitian to help me now and after the balloon is out and a personal trainer. As far as success goes- I have a friend who had a band put in, lost 50 kg for 4 years and then put most of it all back on because of her destructive relationship with food. Another person I know lost 20kg's with a balloon had it out after 6 months and lost another 5kg's and has not put any weight on. She had it put in in 2005. My doctor has conducted a number of clinical trials and studies on the balloon and a longitudinal study they did recently shows most people gain a few kilo's after the balloon is taken out but almost everyone maintained a significant weight loss after a couple of years. She also said it really is only designed for moderate weight loss- 15- 20kg's and the best results are when people aim to lose this amount. She stresses you will not succeed if you just put in the balloon- you need to increase exercise and change the way you eat. I have to commit to seeing her and the dietitian monthly for at least 6 months after the balloon is out in order to ensure I stay on track.
Lynn - I promise you it will get better. I have to say that most days I don't even know that I have it in anymore. The first two weeks are definitely the hardest. Some motivation for you - I tipped over 20kgs lost today. It is week 10 of the balloon for me (plus 2 weeks strict diet before the balloon). I (and my dr) are thrilled with the results. I do however exercise 6 days a week.
hi there hoping to have ballon fitted in sept this year .
how u been doin did u make the right choice all advise gratefully recieved
many thanks jackiem
Lynn - I promise you it will get better. I have to say that most days I don't even know that I have it in anymore. The first two weeks are definitely the hardest. Some motivation for you - I tipped over 20kgs lost today. It is week 10 of the balloon for me (plus 2 weeks strict diet before the balloon). I (and my dr) are thrilled with the results. I do however exercise 6 days a week.

Thank-you Gonggirl, for sure there have been some rough days and I felt so miserable, vvondering hovv I could have done this to myself.
Are you still taking the anticramping drugs? I have not had any since yesterday, and the cramping is very bad. I see the doctor today and I hope he vvill refill it.
20kgs, that is incredible!!!!!!!!in only 10 vveeks!!! I also vvant to get exercising but have no energy right novv, today is day 5. I am due back to vvork tommorovv, hovv long after the placement before you vvere back to vvork? I am a nurse and I can't be too vveak, still on liguids.
Have you had any problems vvith constipation?
Did you tell people you vvere having the procedure, if so hovv have they responded.
Cheers, hope you go and buy a nevv outfit.
My BMI was not high enough to get a gastric band but even if it was I still would have chosen the balloon. It is less invasive (although I agree with drul it is very intrusive) and it is temporary. There are a lot of permanent restrictions on what you can eat with a band whereas there isn't with the balloon. It is not magic and you will gain weight once it's out if you don't change the way you eat and your relationship with food. I see this as a kick start to weight loss and it is only one of many things I am doing- I am seeing a psychologist to deal with emotional eating, a dietitian to help me now and after the balloon is out and a personal trainer. As far as success goes- I have a friend who had a band put in, lost 50 kg for 4 years and then put most of it all back on because of her destructive relationship with food. Another person I know lost 20kg's with a balloon had it out after 6 months and lost another 5kg's and has not put any weight on. She had it put in in 2005. My doctor has conducted a number of clinical trials and studies on the balloon and a longitudinal study they did recently shows most people gain a few kilo's after the balloon is taken out but almost everyone maintained a significant weight loss after a couple of years. She also said it really is only designed for moderate weight loss- 15- 20kg's and the best results are when people aim to lose this amount. She stresses you will not succeed if you just put in the balloon- you need to increase exercise and change the way you eat. I have to commit to seeing her and the dietitian monthly for at least 6 months after the balloon is out in order to ensure I stay on track.

Hi Daisy18,
Really great results from your doctor's clinical trials, I am excited to see the psychologist. The clinic i am attending is brand nevv and so there is some organizing still but I think things vvill come together nicely. Hovv are you feeling novv, are you able to keep food dovvn, are you still taking the anticramping medication??
I vvoke up this am and despite the feeling of having an alien inside me, I feel more human, normal and I knovv I am making progress each day, I knovv that my appetite is coming back and I am thinking hovv nice it vvould be to have some solid food, I am still on liguids.
Have you gone for a vvalk yet? any exercise. I feel very vveak but today I am aiming for a vvalk.
I am enjoying your messages and find all of the messages helpful.
Lynn - My close friends and hubby know. One of my besties got a band two weeks before I got the balloon. Has been good to have someone going through a similar journey. I can't remember exactly, but I think I took the anticramping for a week or so and anti-nausea for about 4 days. Constipation was an issue at the start - I took a dissolvable fibre suppliment (benefibre) to help with that issue. Because you are eating so little you will not go often. I was on holidays when I had it done - had a week and a half of leave left after the surgery. I was fine once I went back. It was around 2 weeks before I got to the gym - started out slowly and then built up to now. All I can say is don't push with the food - if you overdo it you will suffer. I could eat very little at the start (tiny amounts) - that improves. Now about 1/2 what I use to eat and that gives me plenty of energy for the day. Fingers crossed it comes good soon for you. Don't forget what I have posted before about moving your balloon if it shifts down - if mine shifts it is the only time I feel unwell now.
Lynn - My close friends and hubby know. One of my besties got a band two weeks before I got the balloon. Has been good to have someone going through a similar journey. I can't remember exactly, but I think I took the anticramping for a week or so and anti-nausea for about 4 days. Constipation was an issue at the start - I took a dissolvable fibre suppliment (benefibre) to help with that issue. Because you are eating so little you will not go often. I was on holidays when I had it done - had a week and a half of leave left after the surgery. I was fine once I went back. It was around 2 weeks before I got to the gym - started out slowly and then built up to now. All I can say is don't push with the food - if you overdo it you will suffer. I could eat very little at the start (tiny amounts) - that improves. Now about 1/2 what I use to eat and that gives me plenty of energy for the day. Fingers crossed it comes good soon for you. Don't forget what I have posted before about moving your balloon if it shifts down - if mine shifts it is the only time I feel unwell now.

Hi again,
Great information, my clinic is nevv and I am one of the first so their really isn't anyone to ask these questions, thank goodness for this forum.
VVere you physically active before the balloon, or did the balloon motivate you to get active? I definitely vvill be cautious vvith my intake, I absolutely hate vomitting. I think I am turning a corner and today I do feel better, just find I am only up for an hour or 2 and vvant to go back to bed.
Are you buying lots of nevv clothes?? I am sure your energy has improved vvith such a dramatic vveight loss.
Thanks for the support,
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