Woke up in sweat and anxious after a night of nightmares. Assistance came over, I managed to clean up a bit and eat soy yogurt with soy protein, agave syrup, and cinnamon, had a fresh tomato, and took my meds (I took a day off meds yesterday). It made me feel a bit better and I think I'll try to eat a bit more before taking the dog out - beans and pasta should do nicely I think, I need some carbs in me as I'd really like to go to the gym later.
Nera's paw looks a bit better already; it had a darker spot with some pus oozing out yesterday, but after regular warm showers and wiping it down with antiseptic the pus is gone now and the lump itself looks decreased in size and lighter pink in color. I might be able to avoid a vet visit, it looks like. She lets me handle the area with no issues and walks normally, and the paw is cool to the touch. I'm really glad about that.