@LaMaria , I'm just really scared that I'll injure myself and be forced to take weeks off my workout routine... Call me a coward rather than smart
It's almost 4 PM and I just woke up. I woke up to walk the dog at 9, went back to sleep, and here I am, all groggy and sweaty. But maybe it's not too bad to sleep through the hottest time and the highest UV radiation of the day, as I have nothing scheduled for today anyway. I'll wait for night and go to the gym once it's a bit cooler.
Speaking of nightfall, it's Summer Solstice tomorrow. It always makes me feel sad; the descent into the cold dead winter months will begin, even though the nature will look lush and warm for several months still. I also have quite a bit of traumatic memories from childhood and Midsummer celebrations and being around adults who were drunk and unsafe, and would laugh at me when I declared I want to go to the sauna with the men and not the women. These are such old memories that they are faded around the corners and mixed in together, young kids don't really form coherent memories like adults do, but I remember the feelings of anxiety and dread and confusion.
I really love the Equinoxes. One would think that as Autumn Equinox brings in the darkest six months of the year, it would feel dread inducing, but maybe because it's not a celebration and I have no bad memories associated with it, I just love everything about it... The wistful atmosphere, crisp nights and warm days, hyper fixating on every change I see in nature, cherishing every bird that stays and doesn't migrate out for winter. Hot drinks. Beautiful moonlit nights. The smell of apples rotting in trees and passing fields, overturned and empty. Spring equinox is also great - it still looks like winter, but it feels like spring, and my birthday is on the day after. It's a time of growth and blackbirds are beginning to sing and build nests after months of only the occasional crow cawing here and there. And with Winter Solstice comes the relief of knowing that the climb out of the darkness has begun.
Well, that escalated into something else lol
But I'm having a breakfast of lovely black coffee and guac with bean mix. I'll have to start mixing beans into guac more often, it tastes great and gives a nice texture and some protein as well. After that I'll take a shower and walk the dog.