Gym was a-ma-zing! It was half empty, so I ended up working out for almost an hour, using all the equipment my little heart could ever desire. I rarely exercise that long at the gym but I was feeling my oats and kept the weights sensible, and it was a nice break of routine compared to my usual workouts. Had my locker room protein shake and one chocolate praline because why not.
After gym I popped by the church as I usually do, and used the women´s toilet there. Of course I was wearing a hoodie and my tacticool/cyberpunk winter coat, but an older lady took a long look, laughed, and said that she had thought for a second that she had been to the men´s toilet by accident. I took it as a compliment and walked home basking in the lovely spring sun.
At home I took a nice hot shower and moisturized my skin - I have made it my goal to moisturize my whole body after every time I shower. I want my skin to be in the best possible condition so my eventual surgery will have the best possible results. And it´s just this little thing I can do as self care.
Now having bucatini pasta with caramelized onion, tofu, and mushroom sauce with oat cream and garnished with scallions. I´ll have 200g of cottage cheese for dessert.
EDIT: nope, the cottage cheese will have to wait until snacktime, the past filled me right up