@Llama &
Hugs much appreciated

*hugs* to you both!
I just woke up from a fucked up nightmare. In it, I was up North in Canada, taking part to a company retreat, very business-like. There was some commotion going on in the outside world, when I happened across a printed A4 with instructions to not talk about the outside world as it would only make people panic. Me and a male coworker started to gather clues how to open a colleague's passcoded phone to find out, and we did find out. A global pandemic that was everywhere, spread through water, was making people sick, rabid, or too depressed to eat and drink. We were isolated, but it wouldn't help; the vector was a necessity for life, we would get it eventually. Politicians knew, news stations knew, but the info wasn't published as it would only lead to mass panic.
Me and the coworker, now privy to this apocalyptic knowledge, had to decide whether to tell the others and risk a panic, or keep it to ourselves and look for the signs of sickness. I tried to comfort a woman whose nudes had been stolen by a coworker. It felt within my skills to deal with. But I would almost accidentally keep taking the discussion to existential topics, as death wouldn't leave my mind, as much as I wanted her to feel solace. I asked her what made her most comfortable, and that for me, it was the times in my life I had spent with animals. I told her to reminisce of such things, but then realized that with me being stuck in the company cabin, Heikki had no one to care for him during the end-of-humanity breakout and would die alone of thirst and hunger.
Thank God I woke up, it was a horrible dream.