You know what guys? I think I AM ready. Unless something insane happens last minute, I'll get a chinchilla next month.
It's massively ironic that the boy, Heikki, actually shares a name with my dad. Now I could change the name but I think it's kinda wonderful that I'll soon be caring for a little man called Heikki when as a kid I was so thoroughly fucked up by his namesake. It's a very healing thought.
There is/was a Finnish band called "Ultra Bra" that I loved as a teenager. They have a song called "Minä suojelen sinua kaikelta", "I will protect you from everything", and I used to sing it to Nera. I will sing it to my gorgeous little boy, too. I have a feeling that we are connected by fate; maybe it's a childish thought, but not all childish thoughts are stupid!
Here's the song:
It has such a pretty chorus. Translated it goes like so: "I will protect you from everything you can ever think about being afraid of; there is no darkness that my slender hand could not fend off". The rest of the song is a collection of snippets of experiences the lyrical I has had, of being lost and finding their way again. It makes me feel like loneliness is temporary.
Nera was the perfect pet for my youth. She lived a full life. I'm middle-aged now, and Heikki will be perfect for what comes next in my life. I'll be a cute, fluffy guy with a cute, fluffy guy for a pet; his cage an actual cage and my cage my body and the expectations of society around me. But we'll have each other's backs, me and my boy. I think I love him already. Yes, it is possible that something can go wrong. I may have to suffer a terrible loss if he has malorthosis (genetically fucked teeth that can't be treated other than buy saving the chin from suffering). But I may also be on the threshold of years of loving companionship. For the next two decades I could fall asleep to listening to a beautiful boy rustling in his cage. I'm not going to miss out on all the lovely things Heikki could bring me just because loss and pain is a possibility. I KNOW I can give him a wonderful life worth living, on his terms. I'll be his.