Floater's diary

Yeah, to smoke it 💥
Speaking of which, my ex bought a vaporizer and is coming over to show it off. I feel like such a problem child. At least I have learned a lot of how to care for pet rats and mice and how to build and care for their enclosure lol. An evening well spent :Angel_anim:
A friend showing off their new toy makes you feel like a problem child?
A friend showing off their new toy makes you feel like a problem child?
Partaking does 😂😂



Mice only have a life span of 1-2 years, which is sad, BUT once I would have gotten the basics, like an entertaining, safe, big enclosure with lots of hidey holes and things to climb and gnaw at, I could just keep a pack of mice and replace the passed ones with new guys, generation after generation. Mice do enjoy solving problems and exploring, and while not as cuddly as rats, do allow handling. Contrary to rats, which tend to develop tumors and respiratory issues that require expensive vet bills, mice - while obviously deserving to vet care - tend to hide their symptoms and perish quite independently. By this I don't mean to sound cold, but I think you know what I'm trying to get at.

While I would obviously cherish each individual mice and keep their names and lifespans and favorite things journaled, generation after generation of mice would be added to the pack to play and explore and enjoy their lives to the fulles with the tasty treats and fun activities I would plan for them. And then they'd get old and die, and I would give them their last services in a solemn and respectful manner, and get a new one in their place. Their little mice souls would find Nera's and Nera would look over them like the wonderful shepherd she is.

I could start with a spacious enclosure, add pieces and mazes to it to it, and eventually I would have a Mice Palace in my apartment. Keeping it tidy and entertaining and playing with the mice would take me a couple of hours per day, and they could be left alone in an emergency for 1-2 to days with enough food and water, and they would be a part of the apartment - much like my plants simulate the experience of being in nature, the mice would provide a constant background pitterpatter that would simulate the experience of hearing other living beings in nature. I would provide for them and watch over them, like god intended humans to do.

All pets change their owners. Nera changed me in a wonderful direction. The mice will do the same. I will be a weird plant guy with pet mice. That's cool. And later if I decided it's time for something else than mice, I could get rats or degu or chinchillas and modify Mice Palace to their needs. But even with mice, it would give me so much stimulation and happiness to just keep a bunch of mice happy. They are very tiny, so their joys are tiny too. Something I could give them that to me would bring relatively little happiness, would be mega big happiness for them. I could get to watch happy mice all the time. Sometimes sad things would happen but then would come new happy times.

Do I sound like I have a fucked up relationship to life and death? Maybe. But I think this is the only sane on.

Time to start saving up for a cage! I HAVE A PET PROJECT!
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We're having a bit of a mouse problem in our house as it gets colder & they come in to get warm. I looked up mouse allergies a couple of days ago as my Asthma has been bad. I read this "For people with asthma and allergies, mice and rats are problematic as their dander and feces are highly allergenic." & "Mice droppings and urine contain a special type of protein that can cause serious allergic reactions for some people. These allergy-causing proteins might be present in their hair as well."
Have you heard back about the antenna-eared dog?
The pet sort is a bit different from random mice or rats living in your crawlspace and shitting everywhere 😂
Partaking does 😂
Ah, the bad boy problem child kind ;)

Mice are adorable, and I'm sure you'll love watching and playing with them and tending to their every need. Just be very, very careful they're either all same-sex or spayed/neutered (I know that's a thing for rats but I can hardly imagine it for tiny mice). An aunt got sold one (technically a Russian hamster but let's face it: they're mice in every way it matters) that had been sexed wrong and you can imagine the result. Which is why I know you have to separate the cubs from each other earlier than you'd think or the whole thing will snowball. Which was hilarious to me as a child but I'm sure my aunt and uncle didn't agree.

Ok now I want a mouse palace! Nothing with fur or feathers for me though: guess I'll stick to trying to keep my pothos alive...
Yeah I'd stick to girls (they also smell less, although cleaning up their enclosure is of course the most important thing to prevent odors). Rats can be castrated or spayed which also prevents mammary tumors later, IDK about mice but pet shops and breeders sell all rodents by sex anyway. Luckily with mice it's easier to sex the cubs than with birds or reptiles...

EDIT sorry my response was redundant, I was still half asleep lol. When I was a kid, my friend had gerbils that were irresponsibly allowed to reproduce. I got two girls from the same litter. But it was traumatizing to know that my friend's mom flushed "pinkies" down the toilet on the regular. Incredibly cruel.
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Meal #1 was when I woke up at 7 and had rye bread with cheese and a small bowl of mango. Meal #2 is fried rice with spinach, corn, an egg and ham. I'm going to take my ADHD meds and then hit the gym.
Meal #3 is rye bread with cheese and two pieces of chocolate. Then gym. Feels like I haven't properly woken up today, the rainy weather is pretty but doesn't encourage me to go out lol
Eugh I had my locker room porridge at home and took care of some disability-related stuff. I'll go to the gym now or at least walk around the block. Stupid rain
Good for you going to the gym even though it was a horrible day! It sounds like your day was productive, even though it probably wasn't satisfying or very enjoyable.
Good for you going to the gym even though it was a horrible day! It sounds like your day was productive, even though it probably wasn't satisfying or very enjoyable.
:grouphug: Some days suck. But better ones will come. Thanks Cate!

I ate okay today. Not well, but okay. I think I need to be on alert for a burnout. Been doing very well against all odds for a long time, now everything just feels... Hard mode.
Some days do suck. You have been doing so well for so long & it's good to be aware that you need to be alert to the signs. I think you're really self-aware. Don't tackle too much. How did you go with the first draft of the Sex Curse Nurse? Having to do that would make anyone feel down.
Take care of yourself :grouphug:
How did you go with the first draft of the Sex Curse Nurse? Having to do that would make anyone feel down.
It's still in progress but it has every right to be - I set the first draft deadline to be this Sunday. Next week is for finessing the rough draft.

IDK how to say this as it's bad news really. But I've had a lot of trans guys talk about mistreatment at both trans clinics in Finland for a variety of ways, usually either related to (a mildly elevated) BMI or pre-existing neuropsych/ mental health issues. Now don't get me wrong: there are situations where a very high BMI or comorbid issues can prevent safe HRT or surgeries but I hear from guys who have been denied a DIAGNOSIS based on those, which... Doesn't make any sense. And the deeper I dive in this and the more I see the links to reproductive rights (and denial of such) of women, no matter how much I mourn my own transition being delayed, I also see this via my social scientist glasses. I'm a lab mouse making notes of it's own enclosure. I am very tired, but this is not about me, this is a systemic issue. If I tire out, it won't be due to my weakness but because the vat of cream I've been plunged into is way too big for me to churn into butter. Hm.
If I tire out, it won't be due to my weakness but because the vat of cream I've been plunged into is way too big for me to churn into butter. Hm.
Is that a Finnish expression? It's very expressive and kind of terrifying.
It is interesting how the world always seems to feel like a subject is "solved" and no longer worthy of attention as soon as the US manages to move on even though some countries will be years ahead and others years behind. I don't think there's even been a real discussion about marriage equality in Austria (I could be wrong: I don't keep up with the news) and it just weirds me out. I guess the same is true for trans issues in Finland?
Trans men in general seem a lot more invisible than trans women and any discussion about trans issues seems to be centered around cis people being afraid of trans women.
I dunno: I'm rambling. I guess I just want to say it's unfair and I wish I could do something.
Today has been a rest day with a capital R. It's raining hard again. I need to go pick up my sunscreen package lol. At least I'll get some fresh air. The absolute upside of a dog is that days inside don't exist.
I had a post just sitting here, not sent :( It's obsolete now!
Today has been a rest day with a capital R. It's raining hard again. I need to go pick up my sunscreen package lol. At least I'll get some fresh air. The absolute upside of a dog is that days inside don't exist.
Fresh air is so good for us. Arch won't let me get away with no walks, rain or not. I have been looking at dogs' homes that I think are near you, but the choices are very limited. I really hope you find a dog soon xo