I have still been crying a lot today, but feel much better after my very late breakfast of baked potatoes, gravlax, butter/marg, and scallions.
This might sound like the dumbest thing ever. But I started looking into the prices of hardwood queen size beds, and while they are expensive, they aren't completely out of the question for me either. I'm not going to just buy one all willy nilly, this is a decision that takes time, but buying a queen size bed, a mattress and bedding would not be any more expensive than buying a cheap TV, a gaming console, and a couple of games. I know that some folks consider their home entertainment equipment a necessity, whereas for me a nice bed is a necessity. And I wouldn't throw out my current one either, it would serve as a couch and a guest bed.
I don't know if I've ever told this here, but when I was 21, I bought a beautiful hardwood queen size bed and planned to keep it for the rest of my life. But in 2020 when I broke up with my ex and had a UTI that caused me psychosis-like symptoms, I just snapped and couldn't see the bed as anything else but a place where I had been hurt. I took it apart and carried it to the trash and, well, what's done is done but I still sometimes grieve the bed when I'm having a hard time fitting in my small, cheap, current one that was the only one I could afford after I got home from the hospital. This one has it's upsides too: I can hang flowerpots from the frame, and it's placed in the kitchen/living room of my apartment because I needed some distance from the bedroom back then. It's not a bad bed, I just feel like I have outgrown it. And, originally, I guess I had this idea that if I ever meet a special someone, we'll probably purchase a bigger bed together. But I can't plan my life around the wish of finding someone. And I deserve to be comfortable, while of course planning my finances responsibly. I have every right to plan for getting a better bed, even though it will take some time to make happen.
This might sound really childish and materialistic, but for some reason I feel so much better now.