I have decided that from this day on I refuse to act as a free information service for surficially benevolent bigots. Even those who claim to have (had) "trans friends". (Sounds so much like "some of mah best frens are blacks" nonsense.) The discussions I have engaged in on this website in the past few days have been absolutely disastrous on my mental health, and I am tired of listening to pearl clutching about "waaaaaahhh I do not understand NeW iDeNtItIeS" on a site I joined for the sole purpose of furthering my health and transition goals.
Google is fucking free, and people with normal reading comprehension skills _ARE_ in fact able to educate themselves. The main reason trans people face violence and why, for example, my own country demands I be sterilized before being allowed to transition is because cis people dehumanize us. I'm done playing subservient just to avoid causing any cis discomfort. I have mentioned here how my own parents tried to have my rapist move into their house with when I was 18, because to them that was the preferable option to me being queer and living free. They used to say it was out of "worry for my future", but it was all about bigotry and control over my body.
It is THE WORST FEELING to have to distance yourself from your emotions to explain the basics of sex and gender to an adult person as if they were a toddler just to be rewarded with them clearly not having even read the response. I know the education system in some countries is dog shit, but I can not make up for that and I have more important things to do with my one lifetime than to lick bigot boots. I will be called crazy whether I submit or whether I stand up to myself, so I choose the latter and my dignity.
Thank you for understanding.
I will now try to fall asleep into my next stress-induced nightmare.